Jibril Cisse: biography, career, personal life

Jibril Cisse is a football player of Ivorian descent who was born in France. He is one of the most significant leaders of his national team, to which he was invariably invited from 2002 to 2011.

Jibril Cisse: biography

jibril cisse
The future footballer was born on August 12, 1981 in the French city of Arles into a family of Muslim immigrants from Côte d'Ivoire. In addition to the younger Djibril, the parents had six more children.

Until the age of 15, Cisse played for the children's team of the Nim club. Later, the young talent was invited by a more reputable Auxerre team, in which the younger player won the youth cup in France.

In 1998, Djibril Cisse signed his first professional contract with Auxerre. At that time, the talented player reached only 17 years of age, which was a real record for the French championship.

Championship debut

where does jibril cisse play
In the 1999/2000 season, Djibril Cisse first entered the field as part of Auxerre in the Premier League. However, at first, the player was entrusted with a place in the first team only in 3 matches, in which the young footballer failed to score a single goal. As a result, Djibril was transferred to the youth team, where he became one of the top scorers.

The football player became the main player of the adult team in the 2000/2001 season. Throughout the year, Cisse was lucky to participate in 25 matches in which the player scored 8 goals. The very next year, young talent won the scoring race in the championship against Pedro Pauleta himself. Thanks to the successful actions of the striker, his Auxerre team ended up in the qualifying round of the Champions League 2002/2003 season.

The following year was marked for the football player by a victory in the French Cup. During the tournament, Djibril Cisse was noted in almost every fight. The final match against Paris Saint-Germain, in which Djibril helped Auxerre to win a historic victory, was no exception.

The 2003 season, the budding striker completed with 14 goals scored. Soon interest in the player began to show leading clubs from the European championships. However, Cisse decided to pursue a career in Auxerre for another season.

Performances in European Championships

jibril cisse injury
In 2004, on the personal initiative of the coach of the English Liverpool, Gerard Houlier, Gibril Cisse moved to Misty Albion. The "Reds" laid out for a talented striker a rather impressive amount of 14 million euros.

Djibril Cisse began to demonstrate striking qualities in the first fights in the new team. However, soon the quick success was overshadowed for the player by receiving serious injury. After an unsuccessful collision with an opponent on the field, the doctors diagnosed the player with a fracture of the tibia and tibia. Damage threatened the player with amputation of the leg. However, the timely actions of leading experts helped to avoid a sad outcome.

In 2006, Djibril Cisse began to appear regularly on the field again. The injury was completely healed. However, the player’s results did not impress the new Liverpool coach Rafael Benitez. Therefore, the club soon decided to send the striker to Marseille, with whom the player signed a lease agreement. In the French club, Cisse was re-injured. However, this did not stop him from hitting an opponent’s goal 8 times in 21 matches.

In 2008, the player returned to Liverpool, from which he moved to Sunderland on the same leasehold basis. For the new club, Djibril was marked by a winning goal in the first game. In total, the striker played 35 matches for the English club, scoring 10 goals.

The season 2009/2010 Cisse spent already for the new club - the Greek Panathinaikos. Here, the player quickly became the team's top scorer, scoring 50 goals in the local championship.

2011 was marked for the football player by the transition to the Italian Lazio. However, the player’s career in the new club frankly did not work out. Therefore, Cisse was soon forced to return to England, where he signed a contract with the Queens Park Rangers team. Djibril explained his decision to play for the middle club as a need for constant playing practice and a desire to regularly be involved in the French team.


jibril cisse biography
Where does Jibril Cisse play? Until October 2014, the French striker played at home, defending the colors of the Bastia club. However, at the end of the season, the player announced his intention to leave the big sport. The reason for this was the constant recurrence of old injuries and acute back pain. After he left the team, the football player underwent a difficult operation to install a prosthesis of the femoral neck.

A family

Jibril Cisse is married to the famous fashion designer and artist Judy Little. The couple has three children. The eldest son is named Cassius Clay in honor of the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, who bore this name until he came of age. In addition, Judy and Djibril have sons Marley Jackson and Prince Kobe. Djibril, in addition, from a previous relationship has a daughter, Ilona. Today, the former footballer lives with his family in a personal estate located in the English Frodsem.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32619/

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