Profursetka - who is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Usually, when there is a difficulty with a particular word, they look into the explanatory dictionary, but in this case we do not have such an opportunity. But this complexity will not stop us on our way to the goal. All the same, we will tell you, a proforsetka - who is she. And also let's talk about the distinction between those concepts that are usually used as synonyms.


Waiting for customers

Honestly, there is nothing particularly pleasing here. Sources indicate that the word came from French, in which profurset is a kept woman. Unfortunately, to confirm or deny this version failed. In modern French, the concubine is contenu. As we see, there is not even any distant resemblance to the object of study. But there is another version that refers to the English noun proffer, that is, "sentence" or, if the word plays the role of the verb, "offer". At least proffer is consonant with our word.


Man puts decoration on a girl

The meaning of the word "profursetka" keeps secrets no less than its origin. Now so called girls of easy temper, who are not particularly interested in work, but only want to have fun. Previously, the meaning was the same. But this, as always, is not the only theory. According to the thieves' dictionary, to the question: "Profursetka - who is this?" You can answer that this is a prostitute. But the difference between the priestess of love and the professional lady still exists. We will present it, and let the reader decide for himself how significant this difference is.

So, profursetka is a kept woman. She has one or two, or three lovers, through whom she lives. While a prostitute sells her time to everyone. And yes, it is appropriate to mention here why there was a connection between the English word proffer and the question of whether a profurset is who she is. There is a version that the object of research means a prostitute girl who does not have a permanent residence and provides certain services. This gives rise to a direct connection with the English noun, which translates as ā€œsentenceā€.


We must say right away that there may be unexpected words, so we ask the reader not to be scared or embarrassed. The topic itself obliges to set aside shyness, otherwise the truth will suffer. So the list:

  • scourge;
  • profura;
  • kept woman;
  • engraftment.

As you can see, all words are sharply negative expressive coloring. And this is the rare case when synonyms do not clarify the essence of the matter too much and cannot help the reader answer the question of whether the pro-teacher is who she is, on her own, because they themselves need clarification. A scourge is a female version of the word scourge. If very briefly, then the backronym ā€œscourgeā€ means a former intelligent person who, with a new round of social life, remained overboard of normal existence. And if itā€™s very simple, then this is a tramp without a definite occupation.

Profura is a word from the thieves' jargon, which means a girl of easy virtue. Here a connection is possible with such a noun as ā€œforceā€, meaning ā€œimportanceā€, ā€œarroganceā€. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the so-called young fashionistas and flirts. However, if suddenly there is a desire to use such a definition, it is worth remembering that the history of his origin is not the most noble, therefore it is better not to risk it.

The implant was a woman who came from serfs. She lived in the house of the owners at their expense, but had no special occupations, except for the entertainment of the hostess, she served her as a society. Now they call that one who lives at someone elseā€™s expense and has similar functions. One subtlety: when it comes to a woman, she takes root, and when I mean a man without certain occupations, he is a parasite or an alpha gig.

Thus, the meaning of ā€œprofursetkiā€ served as a bridge to even more interesting and exciting words. And we only need to identify the relationship of such words as ā€œprofursetkaā€ and ā€œprostituteā€.

The issue of professional growth

Vivian takes a bath

We will analyze the film that we love, probably, by millions. Some may not like the cynicism of consideration, but the temptation is too great to pass by such an association.

Of course, we are talking about "Pretty Woman" (1990). The heroine begins as a prostitute, but in the course of the development of history, she has the opportunity to become a pro-teacher, that is, a woman in the custody of a rich man.

Since there is a fairy tale element in the plot, the hero of Richard Gere is a terribly attractive man for women: smart, kind, without arrogance, even if you take his wealth out of brackets. But in practice, money cannot be removed from the equation, in which case there would simply be no history.

What does this mean in the context of our topic? Prostitute and profursetka are connected. If the first takes a step forward in a professional sense, then she will leave the streets and reduce her client base to one person. Also a kind of success story. By the way, Vivian managed the impossible: she was given the opportunity to start from scratch. But then she is a fairy tale.


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