Preparation for the marathon: training program

The program of the Olympic Games in 1896 was replenished with a new discipline - marathon running, which is still relevant today. The distance was 40 km. This athletics competition is considered the longest and the most debilitating among other sports in this category. Overcoming such a distance is a difficult test for the body, so before the race there should be a long preparation for the marathon, which includes not only the training regimen, but also special nutrition. Now, in order to run a marathon, it is not necessary to be a member of the athletics team; every year you can participate in it in Moscow and even get a monetary reward.


According to one legend described by Herodotus, it is known that in the distant 490 BC. e. there was a battle under the Marathon between the Greeks and Persians. When the confrontation ended, the Greeks sent the warrior and messenger Fidippida with good news to Athens. Having run about 34 km, the messenger, uttering joyful news to his people, exhausted collapsed to the ground and died.

Before the first Olympic Games , a distance of 34.5 km between the Marathon and Athens was officially measured and documented. The marathon in 1896 consisted in overcoming a distance of 40 km. After the athletes overcame various distances in different years, but since 1924 officially the distance began to be 42.195 km. By the way, there are ski marathons with a route of 50 km.

preparation for the marathon

Before the first Olympic race, a qualifying marathon was held. Harilaos Vasilakos was the first to enter it, who managed the distance in 3 hours 18 minutes. Spiridon Louis won the competition, having overcome 40 km in 2 hours 58 minutes, although the athlete came fifth in the qualifying round.

What is going on in the body?

Running such a long distance is stressful for the body. Not only physical preparation for the marathon is required, but also psychological. However, if you overcome these barriers, the athlete will have new opportunities: confidence, self-control, the ability to relax while running and speed.

sport marathon

Sensations and processes in the body during the race for 42.195 km:

  • Increases oxygen consumption.
  • Endorphins are produced that give a feeling of happiness and have the ability to reduce pain. The beginning of their production falls on the first interval of the distance (1-8 km).
  • When a third of the race distance has been covered, minor convulsions may appear at 16 km.
  • After overcoming 28 km, energy reserves are depleted. The athlete begins to feel powerless, and there is a desire to give up. This stage the marathon runners nicknamed the “Kick on the Wall”. At this point, water with added sugar helps.
  • Joint discomfort appears after about 35 km. This is especially noticeable when running on rough terrain.
  • An increase in body temperature caused by loss of fluid.

After the race, any athlete, even those who have previously completed the preparation plan for the marathon, develops general weakness and muscle pain, legs appear to be lead, heaviness is felt when walking. To restore the body, replenishment of glycogen and normalization of the water-salt balance are required.

Runner emotions and thoughts

In one American publication, studies were published by a group of scientists on the thoughts of runners that arise during their training. Recorders with microphones were fixed on ten athletes so that they would share their condition during the race. The analysis showed the following results:

  1. About 40% of the thoughts were about distance and speed.
  2. Pain and discomfort occupied 32% of thoughts. Athletes complained of corns and muscle pains that appeared.
  3. The remaining 28% of thoughts are observation of the environment. Runners talked about nature, weather and other athletes.

Strange as a result of the study, it seems that not one of the marathon runners spoke of his desire to give up. And it occurs after a 27-28 km run. This is one of the psychological moments when an athlete must cope with his inner tempter. Therefore, the preparation program for the marathon always includes setting the goal of the upcoming race.

Where to begin?

When thoughts appeared: “But should I try to run a marathon?” - you should immediately answer the question: "Why is this necessary?" This sporting event is quite difficult, therefore it is necessary to correlate all risk factors with the goal. For professional runners, the meaning of the marathon is to quickly overcome the distance. Motivation for an amateur should consist of a desire to withstand the upcoming load and reach the finish line without injuries.

ski marathons

Preparations for the beginner marathon begin at least 3 months before the competition. Therefore, you should determine the date of amateur races. It is important not to build illusions and not count on participation if it turns out that the next marathon is planned in a month.

When the date of the race is known, a clear plan is drawn up to achieve the set goal of 42.195 km, including a health check, a training regimen, the acquisition of equipment and the construction of a diet.

Contraindications to the marathon

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Heart disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart attacks, strokes, hypertension).
  • Diseases of the renal system.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Phlebeurysm.

For safety and the prevention of possible negative consequences, it is recommended to consult a therapist or family doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.


It is better to immediately buy clothes and shoes for the marathon, and not before the competition itself, since at least 3 months will be left in reserve to test it for comfort and durability. Because running for 3 hours in narrow shoes is far from the most pleasant experience.

marathon preparation plan

So, preparation for the marathon begins with the purchase of sneakers. There shouldn’t be any savings at this point, because in Formula 1 pilots don’t ride on cheap and slow maps, so in a race shoes should be chosen for setting the foot. Socks, T-shirt, underpants should be made of synthetic material. If the contest takes place on a hot day, then you will also need a cap. By the way, many specialized stores that sell the equipment necessary for runners are called the “Sport Marathon”.

First month

Preparation for the marathon from scratch begins with overcoming on foot a path of 3-5 km. This is if the reserve is not 3, but 5 months before the start of the race, and the person does not have a physical base. In the case when the training time is limited, it is better to start with 8-10 km per week. So that there is no stress for the body, this distance should be divided into 5 days and not run for a while. The second week of training is to overcome the same mileage, but not in five, but in four days.

From the second half of the first month (3-4th week), when the beginner is already drawn into the rhythm, 1-2 km should be added, moreover, on one day of training, and the usual two-week run away in the rest.

marathon training program

The breath should be "2-2". That is, two steps - one breath and then, during the next two steps, exhale is done. After each lesson there is a mandatory stretch.

Second month

For motivation, it is necessary to calculate how many kilometers have already been mastered in the first month, and if you are tempted to skip another run, remember what it is all done for. Also, articles, blogs of experienced athletes and watching video races, in which the most ordinary people, having come to the finish line after an exhausting competition, celebrate their victory, also help motivate the desire to overcome the distance.

The basic principles of training: regularity, gradualness and compliance with the loads of physical fitness of the future marathon runner.

In the second month of preparation, it is necessary to begin to develop endurance. To do this, it is recommended to do acceleration before the finish of each lap. Or, for example, run 1 km at an average pace, and then as fast as possible for 3 minutes, after which - a walk of 200-300 meters. And so cyclically overcome 10 km daily three times a week. And one day to allocate for the race 13-15 km long.

Third month

The last stage of training is that once a week the load is 20-25 km. On other training days, the path length should be 10-15 km. At this point, the athlete, having gained a certain form, can go out for 7 days of training. The week before the marathon should reduce the intensity of training.

preparation for a marathon for beginners

It is worth understanding the power of the load and consciously approach the preparation. If there is a feeling of discomfort, pain in the joints is felt, dizziness and the body can not overcome the intended distance, do not force it. An individual approach is needed here. After all, preparation for a marathon in 3 months is not a universal lesson plan suitable for all beginners. Some people may need longer workouts.

Power optimization

You need to give up caffeinated drinks and foods high in protein for the duration of your workouts. The emphasis is on carbohydrates, which should prevail in the diet and make up 60% of all daily food intake.

The exception is food a week before the start of the race. Sports nutritionists advise giving up carbohydrates for four days and consuming only proteins: milk, cottage cheese, chicken breast, egg white, seafood. But when there is three days left before the match, carbohydrate loading begins. At this point, physical preparation for the marathon ends, and muscle tissue, liver begin to accumulate glycogen, which the body urgently needs during a long distance race. When carbohydrate loading , the rule of the "golden mean" should be maintained when portions remain standard, rather than increasing in the hope of helping the body stock up with the necessary energy. Products that should prevail in the diet when loading: cereals, potatoes and vegetables.

Even at the training stage, during a long run, you should listen to the body and identify foods suitable for replenishing energy: raisins, nuts, bananas, dried apricots, apples or energy bars.

preparation for a marathon from scratch

Three hours before the race, it is recommended to eat oatmeal with the addition of honey or jam.

As for water, there are drinking points along the entire distance after 5 km. Refusing to replenish the fluid during the competition is strictly impossible, especially if the marathon is held in the summer. You can drink half a glass every 2.5 km.

Winter Sport: Ski Marathon

If the classic marathon was first held in 1896, then high-speed ski races took place in Norway in 1767. Later this sport was adopted by Finns, Swedes and countries of Central Europe. And since 1924, discipline was included in the program of the Olympic Games. The length of the ski race varies from 800 m to 50 km.

skiing marathon

Cross-country skiing has its own characteristics. A marathon can be overcome with the help of various movement techniques: a free and classic style is used. Since 1978, the Worldloppet Federation has existed, which for 2015 combined ski marathons from 20 countries with a distance of at least 50 km. Any person can participate in them: from an amateur to a professional. This federation has its own system of encouraging athletes through a personalized passport of a skier. A total of 16,775 Worldloppet passports were issued, 13823 athletes in the federation.

Since 2013, the Deminsky Ski Marathon (Russia) has been a member of the Worldloppet Association.

The record holder in this federation for the 2014-2015 season is the Frenchman. He overcame 260 marathons.


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