Dhamma Dullabha Center near Moscow

The Vipassana Jamma Dullabha Practice Center is a place where they know how to achieve true peace of mind and effectively clear their minds.

Everyone knows the state of apathy, a breakdown with oneself. Experiencing suffering, people involuntarily direct their negative emotional states to others, especially to neighbors.

Vipassana meditation will teach you to be at peace with the inner and outer world. They will eradicate old and deep traumas, lead to a higher goal - absolute freedom of the individual from negative thinking, the negative influence of consciousness and the unconscious. In the words of the Buddha:

"Just live consciously and everything will follow"

Buddha Schematic

What is dhamma dullabha?

For all components of ancient wise teachings, the names are not accidental and are not the result of a brainstorming session. Any name has a deep meaning, revealing the essence of the process.

In Indian spiritual doctrines, the word "dhamma" (otherwise - "dharma") is one of the key concepts. It means a set of rules, compliance with which ensures the maintenance of a single cosmic order.

The word "dharma" literally translates as "that which holds or supports" (from the Sanskrit root dhar or dhri dhṛ IAST - "hold, support").


The term has a wide range of meanings; each specific interpretation depends on the area of ​​application and the situation. It can be a moral or religious category, a generalized concept for the laws of being.

In combination with the adjective "dullabha" the word takes on a more specific meaning. "Dhamma dullabha" means the teaching is rare, outstanding, elusive.

Student taking a vow

Vipassana as she is

Vipassana is an ancient practice. In Pali, the term means seeing reality in its true state. Even Gautam Buddha, who applied this technique of meditation more than 2.5 thousand years ago, was not the one who first mastered it, but only turned to teaching and rediscovered it for the masses.

Vipassana heals the body and soul from the consequences of life's suffering, helps to achieve peace. The meaning of Vipassana is to gain freedom of awareness, which in this system of knowledge is recognized as the highest good and happiness.

Achieving harmony occurs through understanding and acceptance of experience, detached from personal manifestations, dissatisfaction and lack of constancy. To characterize Vipassana simply is the art of living.

There are several areas of study. Major changes and improvements to ancient practice were made in the 19th century. On the basis of the doctrine with a thousand-year history, directions were identified that are associated all over the world with the names of their leaders - Satya Goenka and Mahashi Sayado.

The first technique is very popular in the countries of the former USSR, including Russia. It is held in the form of a ten-day course.

Mahashi Sayado practice is more applicable in Sri Lanka, in Thailand. Its distinguishing feature is the implementation of meditation, not only in a static sitting position, but also when walking.

The founder of one of the Vipassana currents is S. Goenka

Dhamma Dullabha Centers in Russia

The doctrine is known and in demand throughout the world. There are many permanent centers in various countries, as well as field courses and classes at rented sites.

The Russian Vipassana Center "Dhamma Dullabha" organizes classes throughout the year. Courses outside its walls are most often held in the territories of former (or existing) health-improving children's camps located in the Leningrad region and near Yekaterinburg.

Entrance to the territory of the center "Dhamma Dullabha" in Avsyunino (Moscow region)

Meditative practices in the suburbs

The Dhamma Dullabha Center near Moscow is located on the territory of the Druzhba recreation camp for children, closed in 2003, in the village of Avsyunino. It is part of the rural settlement of Dorohovskoye and belongs to the municipal district of the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo.

You can arrive by car - there are plenty of parking places, or by train. Walking from the station will take about a quarter of an hour.

There is nothing religious or sectarian. Spiritual doctrine has a stabilizing psychological and general healing effect.

The building of the center of Dhamma Dullabha near Moscow

Course components

Vipassana is an effective method of personality transformation, based on knowing yourself through self-observation. The main tasks of Dhamma Dullabha are to teach how to do this and create ideal conditions so that the student, through personal experience, focuses on the deep interconnection of the physical and the spiritual.

For the first immersion in the world of conscious harmonious reality, a ten-day course is offered. It includes practices aimed at:

  • distant observation of your body, tracking its sensations;
  • knowledge of morality;
  • observation of natural breathing in the upper lip and nostrils;
  • the formation of goodwill.

The technique involves the rejection of any form of communication with other participants, complete silence, lengthy daily meditation (for at least ten hours), lectures in the evening.

Practitioners are provided with an early rise, vegetarian meals are provided twice a day. They are assisted by ministers - students of courses who already have experience of ten days of meditation and who have come in a new capacity voluntarily. Standard service takes four days.

There are twenty-day, monthly, forty-five-day, and two-month courses for those who want to go further and extend their meditation practices. In Russia, such lengthy classes are becoming available only now, after the completion of the expansion of the territory and its preparation. The first monthly course is planned at the Dhamma Dullabha center in the Moscow Region from 10.03 to 10.04 2019.

Construction of new buildings of the Dhamma Dullabha center near Moscow

The result of the successful practical application of vipassana is the release of unconscious impressions, kindness and energy, spiritual generosity, the formation of moral impulses, honesty, altruism, the achievement of balance.

General meditation room in the Dhamma Dullabha center near Moscow

How to get involved

In order to take part in practical exercises, neither experience nor special training is required.

The main thing is to carefully and consciously familiarize yourself with class schedules, disciplinary requirements. You will also need to enter some personal data into the application form.

The schedule of classes is usually formed and provided at the beginning of the year. You can register as a participant in specific classes two months before the event.

Participation in Vipassana courses at the Dhamma Dullabha center near Moscow does not require payment. You do not have to pay even for food and shelter. All expenses are covered by voluntary contributions of those who already have positive practical experience and who wish to provide others with the same opportunity for self-improvement. Teachers and ministers also act on a disinterested basis, not receiving a cash payment for their work.

Moscow center of meditation "Dhamma Dullabha"

Reviews and impressions of visitors to the center

Most visitors are not just happy with the result, but returning again. However, not everything turned out easily and immediately, almost everyone felt a desire to quit the meditation course on one of the days and leave, return to their usual comfort zone. Therefore, tips for beginners from more experienced participants are very valuable. The main thing is not to succumb to cowardice and complete the practice.

Lectures help to comprehend the intricacies of the practical application of Vipassana, otherwise look at the eternal questions and organize existing knowledge in the mind. Even if you do not hear new information when you visit them in the Dhamma Dullabha, you will be pleasantly surprised at the new harmonious and natural systematization.

Energy Flows - Meditation

The first five days are essentially preparatory. The monotonous long-term self-observation and the absence of the flow of information, noise, visual range is not just tolerated by people who are accustomed to an active life, often filled with unnecessary worries and actions, but so familiar.

It is quite difficult for many modern people to give up verbal means of communication and minimize contacts. It is difficult to get used to the fact that all means of communication, gadgets, entertaining and mind-taking books, magazines need to be handed over to the left-luggage office.

They force no one and, of course, do not inspect anyone, but is it worth it to deceive yourself, or is it more useful to plunge into the very essence of the ancient doctrine of self-knowledge?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32629/

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