Red mountain ash. Useful properties of fruits

Red mountain ash is common in the Urals, as well as in the forests and forest-steppes of Europe. This long-lived tree has long been valued. It is cultivated both as an ornamental plant and as a food plant.

red mountain ash useful properties
What is useful red mountain ash? Its fruits contain up to 4.8% fructose, 0.7% sucrose, 3.8% glucose, a little sorbose, up to 3.6% malic, succinic, sorbic and tartaric acids. From trace elements identified iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium and copper. In addition, they have a lot of vitamins, folic acid and carotene. Given all the qualities that red mountain ash has its useful properties, modern pharmacology recommends using the fruits of this tree as an effective gastrointestinal, multivitamin, diuretic and hemostatic agent. Also known is the ability of a plant to actively release phytoncides into the environment. Therefore, before the leaves of mountain ash transferred vegetables, and they did not spoil all winter. Twigs threw it into the water for disinfection.

why red rowan is useful
Red mountain ash. Therapeutic properties used in diseases of the liver and kidneys

In chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, salt diathesis , dried berries are used. They are pre-ground, in 100 ml of water a large spoon of powder is diluted and this portion is divided into three doses (after eating). With cholelithiasis and kidney stones, tea is treated with mountain ash leaves. In 3 glasses of water, 30 g of raw material is brewed. This tea is also drunk three times a day in equal parts.

Red mountain ash. Useful properties and application in gynecology

In the climacteric period, as well as in cases of menstrual irregularities, the fruits of mountain ash are taken in the form of tinctures (three times a day for a teaspoon). Prepare it from 200 g of fresh berries, drenched in vodka (1 l). After 12 days of insisting, the product is ready. These fruits also help women with uterine bleeding.

Red mountain ash. Useful properties for diseases of the intestines and stomach

The juice of the fresh fruits of this tree is used for dysentery. This is a good remedy for hemorrhoids. For this purpose, you need to take two glasses of juice three times a day. It is advisable to add sugar to it and drink it with water. Medicines prepared on the basis of rowan berries are especially effective in senile atony of the small and large intestines. They get good treatment results for digestive disorders.

red mountain ash healing properties

Red mountain ash. Useful properties and cosmetology

Masks made from fresh berries are useful for patients with pink eels. Rowanberry juice needs to be soaked in a napkin or gauze and applied for 15 minutes on the face. Such a mask is done twice every seven days. To get the proper effect you need to go through at least 15 procedures. If the juice is too irritating to the skin, it can be diluted evenly with water. You can also add egg white to a teaspoon of juice. Masks from crushed fruits of mountain ash tone, soften and whiten the skin, have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Only for this, the berries need not only to be kneaded, but also filled with boiling water so that the gruel is obtained, boil for about 10 minutes and apply it still warm on the face. Wash off the mask 15 minutes after application with a wet swab. With the help of rowan fruits - their juice - you can also remove warts. It is enough to lubricate them several times a day so that they disappear forever.


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