"Blood with milk": the meaning of phraseology and interpretation

Consider the meaning of phraseology “blood with milk” and talk about women who embody its meaning in all its glory.


the meaning of phraseology blood with milk

So they say about a healthy complexion. And the latter in this sense cannot be either gray or yellow; it can only be pink. But color is not everything, physique is also important. For example, very thin can not serve as a model of health. Leanness is generally perceived as a sign of illness. When small children look like buns, that’s good. Another thing is that some parents do not know the measures in this sense and continue to feed their “chicks”, and as a result, this leads to big problems.

Our main task is to understand what is blood with milk. The meaning of phraseology is not a secret behind seven seals and is fixed in the dictionary. There are two main meanings:

  1. Healthy, flowering, with a good complexion.
  2. Fresh, rosy face.


blood with milk is a synonym

Now knowing the meaning, we can think about the words-substitutions. It is easier for men to imagine healthy, strong women than the same boys, and for girls, probably the opposite. Therefore, we will think about the fair sex. And still, even if you try hard, there is an image of such a burly village girl who can do anything and is full of strength. Needless to say, in a word, blood with milk (the meaning of phraseology was considered a little earlier). However, enough, the image is clear, and the list of synonyms is ready:

  • pink cheek;
  • Fresh
  • ruddy;
  • buxom.

If you look for an international image, the phrase “Rubensian woman” pops up by itself. Perhaps this is the most understandable and recognizable type of woman who is frankly and unscrupulously healthy and desirable. Although, of course, now there is a certain variety in the canons of beauty: someone likes thin women, someone bbw, someone athletic physique - all of them can equally rely on the attention of men. Here it is also necessary to take into account the severity of a particular parameter, how much it corresponds to the scale “health - disease”. There is the problem of excess weight, anorexia and excessive enthusiasm for a healthy lifestyle. Here we are not talking about extremes, of course. But this is not required to illustrate a stable speech circulation "blood with milk." We have already chosen a synonym for it.

Kate Winslet, Renee Zellweger and Martina McCutchen

blood expression with milk

And, of course, we are not talking about the modern form of actresses. By the way, we noticed that all people get older with age, and some Hollywood stars, on the contrary, get younger: they lose weight, put themselves in order, as they think. But they go infinitely far from the ideal that we need, so we will take not the modern version of their appearance, but the past image, some 15-16 years ago.

Despite the fact that Bridget Jones is incredibly ashamed, as she believes, of her extra pounds, this does not prevent her from ideally suiting the role of illustrating our topic - “The meaning of phraseology“ blood with milk ”.”

Kate Winslet also interests us at the same time, about 13 years ago, when "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" was released. In the film, of course, the heroine smokes and behaves immorally at some points: give her vodka before 5 in the evening, but on the whole it gives the impression of a woman who is healthy and healthy, although emotionally unstable, but these are trifles.

A vivid image of a woman who can be used to illustrate the expression “blood with milk” was created by Martin McCutchen. She played Natalie, the girl of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, in the film "Real Love" (2003). Those who have forgotten what this actress looks like can look at the photo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32638/

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