How to dye your hair: dirty or clean hair?

Stylists say that all experiments with hair are best done in beauty salons. However, you can paint the roots, give the curls shine and a juicy shade at home. In this case, many women have a question about how to dye their hair - on dirty or clean hair. We will talk about this in the article.

dye your hair dirty or clean hair

How to prepare hair for dyeing

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a test for the possibility of allergic reactions according to the instructions. It is also advisable to test the selected shade on the hair strand. This is especially important when staining with products from the mass market. The tones of unprofessional paints are almost always several levels darker than on the packaging. And in order for the color to be saturated and retain its shine for as long as possible, use specialized professional products to care for curls. Their formulas are designed to block pigment leaching. This allows you to extend the effect until the next staining process. As for how to dye your hair (on dirty or clean hair), it all depends on the type of product used. Their main types should be considered separately.

dye your hair on a clean or dirty head

Tinting dyes

If you do not plan to radically change your image and want to refresh the color a little, dyeing with a tint dye will be an excellent solution. The modern generation of tinting products contains a reduced percentage of peroxide - from 1.9 to 4.9%. Colors hold well and tend to accumulate in the hair shaft. After a few stains, the tone becomes saturated and practically does not wash out. At the same time, the curls shine excellently, are not damaged and are easy to fit. How to dye your hair - on dirty or clean hair? Toning is always performed only on clean curls. Depending on the specific brand and the desired result, the product works either on dry or on wet (just washed) strands. For example, for blondes, after lightening, light tinting is done. In this case, the hair should be wet. If you just dye the curls in one tone, then it is better to do it on a clean head of hair.

dye your hair better clean or dirty

Permanent dyes

First of all, it is worth noting that this type of funds is recommended to be used no more than once every 3-4 weeks. Further, many have a reasonable question: how to dye your hair - on dirty or clean hair? The widespread myth that it is best to do this on unwashed ringlets has no basis, since persistent (ammonia) products work only with the inner layers of the hair. They do not affect the outer surface of the cuticle. Many modern professional tools are designed specifically to work with clean hair. It is worth noting that there is a big difference between the quality of household and salon dyeing products. The former contain a large number of metals and other harmful components, so they are best used on unwashed curls.

which hair colors are clean or dirty

Lightening agents. Is it better to dye your hair clean or dirty?

If you do not just color, but lighten curls or do a wash, then it is safest to work on dirty hair. This is because the aggressive effect of decolorizing agents is mitigated by a natural fat film. It forms on the surface of the scalp as a protective barrier and minimizes discomfort during the procedure. Lightened curls require special attention, so before the procedure, it is advisable to devote as much time as possible to care. It must combine hydration and nutrition. Specialized products are suitable for these purposes. The only taboos before lightening are oils and vegetable masks. They clog the hair and give unwanted warm shades when lightening.

dye your hair clean or dirty

The opinion of professionals: how to dye your hair - on a clean or dirty head?

According to stylists, the better and more modern the product, the greater the likelihood that dyeing will be performed on clean hair. The opinion that dyes “kill” hair is, they believe, exaggerated. In fact, throughout life you can safely paint them. Only you need to do it professionally, competently. Coloring does not greatly affect the general condition and quality of hair. Most often, problems arise with improper repainting, improper product selection and subsequent care. Therefore, the question of how to dye your hair on a clean or dirty head arises only for those who, instead of seeking professional advice, begin to do everything on their own.

Staining errors

  • Never use the same painting technique with different dyes. It is not right.
  • Do not exceed or reduce the total exposure time.
  • Do not use indelible conditioners before the procedure.
  • When re-staining, first apply the mixture to the roots, and 10 minutes before washing to the remaining length.
  • Which hair to dye, clean or dirty, you decide based on the type of product used.
  • Do not comb colored strands: thereby you severely damage them and comb out the dye.

Even if you use tinting agents, further care for curls should include not only shampoo and balm. It is advisable to purchase a special mask, means to maintain the shade, crystals for tips, oils and sprays.

Do you need to dye your hair clean or dirty? It depends on the type of staining and the type of dye. If you are going to change the tone, it is best to contact a qualified specialist. After the work done, you can clarify how to maintain the result and how to color your hair at home.

Now you know how to dye your hair on dirty or clean hair. Good luck!


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