Medical Center Ponutriev, Kemerovo: reviews

Health is the state of the human body. A healthy person feels in harmony with the environment and does not feel discomfort and pain. He is energetic, has an irrepressible interest in life, a desire to move and create. Good health is characterized by absolute physical, social and spiritual well-being.

Unfavorable factors of everyday life - alcohol, smoking, food stuffed with chemistry, a sedentary lifestyle - very quickly waste the body's internal resources. As a result, a person begins to get sick, completely unaware of the reasons for his malaise. Modern medical institutions have at their disposal the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. One of them is the center of the Ponutrievs in Kemerovo - this is a huge multifunctional institution. The article will describe the activities of the center, doctors and services provided to patients.

center ponemievy Kemerovo

general information

The Ponutriev Medical Center in Kemerovo began operations in 1988. Its founders are Grigory Grigoryevich Ponutriev and Valentina Petrovna Ponutrieva. Ponutriev. G. G. is a manual therapist with vast experience. For almost 3 decades, the best doctors in Kemerovo have been providing high-quality medical services not only to residents of the city, but also to patients coming from nearby cities.

For many years, the institution was listed as a center of not only traditional, but also traditional medicine, where various methods of manual therapy were used. About one and a half hundred patients come here every day, it is located at the Metallploshchadka village, Voskresenskaya street, 3. The facility is located in a quiet and peaceful area, away from roads, which allows patients to get there without traffic jams. Near the center has its own secure parking.

Kemerovo Medical Center


At the Ponutriev Center in Kemerovo, patients are assisted by licensed specialists with extensive practical experience. In the clinic of the medical center works:

  • Specialist in exercise therapy - physical therapy. This is a wellness technique consisting of a set of physical exercises. It is based on the involvement of the main function of the human body - motor activity.
  • Neurologist - treats osteochondrosis, herniated discs, sciatica, sciatica, cerebral palsy, myelitis, cerebral ischemia, helps to eliminate the effects of meningitis, encephalitis, stroke.
  • Neurosurgeon - specializes in back pain of various etiologies, the consequences of head injury (traumatic brain injury), examines and treats the causes of prolonged headaches, eliminates the effects of operations on the spine and brain.
  • Podiatrist-traumatologist - treats injuries and their consequences of the musculoskeletal system, bones, tendons and ligaments.
  • Manual therapist - this function is performed by the founder of the center G. Ponutriev. This section of medicine includes herbal medicine, massage, hirudotherapy, phytobarrel (a type of mini-bath) and body wraps. Effectively treats diseases of the spine and joints, vegetative-vascular dystonia, scoliosis and much more.
  • Visceral therapist - treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, diseases of the male and female reproductive systems, metabolic disorders, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory tract, omission of internal organs.
  • Gynecologist - conducts research on oncology and flora, treatment of gynecological ailments, STDs, sexually transmitted diseases, puts and removes spirals, performs medical termination of pregnancy.
  • Therapist - conducts a full examination, prescribes the necessary treatment and procedures, or gives a referral to other specialists.
  • Pediatrician - examines children under 18 years of age, prescribes all the necessary tests at the initial visit, monitors the dynamics until complete recovery.

center ponemievy kemerovo reviews

Services of the Ponutriev Center in Kemerovo

This institution provides the following services:

  • manual therapy;
  • visceral therapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • massage;
  • MRI
  • X-ray
  • mammography;
  • fluorography;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • wave diagnostics;
  • body cleansing;
  • physiotherapy;
  • complex for spa services;
  • cosmetology services;
  • all kinds of analyzes.

The medical center includes a diagnostic department, a health center, a clinic, a 24-hour and a day hospital, and women's consultation.

Wave medicine

In the center of the Ponutrievs (Kemerovo), wave medicine is practiced. Its action is aimed at the analysis of wave processes in the human body and the restoration of their physiological norms. If a person is healthy, wave diagnostics defines his body as having normal wave processes in general and in each organ separately.

Deviations are detected by analyzing the frequency characteristics and resonant responses of the body. The procedure takes no more than an hour. Treatment is carried out with the help of special devices and resonance - frequency means. Complications and side effects as a result of this examination and treatment have not been identified, the end result of therapy is the regeneration of wave processes.

Ponutriev Center in Kemerovo

Alternative medicine

This is one of the largest departments of the Ponutriev Center in Kemerovo. Being a chiropractor and doctor of sciences, Grigory Grigoryevich claims that traditional medicine can cure any disease. This statement has a solid foundation, backed by many years of experience. Manual therapy involves many different procedures.

  1. Infrared sauna. The latest technologies in the field of long-wave reflected radiation are used. The procedure is carried out in an infrared cabin, it allows you to deeply and evenly warm the entire body, which helps to eliminate pathogens. With the help of an infrared sauna, the body is completely cleansed of toxins and toxins.
  2. Phytobarrel. This is a wooden barrel in which the patient is exposed to steam based on essential oils and herbs.
  3. Phytocupel. This is a wooden container made of Siberian cedar, 1 person is placed in it.
  4. Oil wrap. Various essential oils are used - jojoba, olive, almond or wheat germ.
  5. Massage. A combination of mechanical impact methods is used, such as rubbing, pressing and vibration.
  6. Salt mine. A very effective natural method for the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract and skin diseases.
  7. Ayurveda. This is a traditional Indian medicine, is a kind of non-traditional methods of treatment, translated as "the science of life." In the center of the Ponutrievs in Kemerovo there is an Ayurvedic doctor from India.
  8. Hirudotherapy. This section includes herbal treatments, acupuncture, massage, phyto barrels and oil wraps.
  9. Hijama therapy. Its purpose is to cleanse the body of blood stasis, strengthen its flow, strengthen immunity, and eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The procedure is carried out by experienced doctors in compliance with all hygiene standards.
  10. Cavitation. It is a type of liposuction without surgery. Using ultrasound, vibrations are created that break down body fat.
  11. Turpentine baths. An extremely useful procedure with many indications. It is carried out using gum turpentine.

medical center ponutiev kemerovo reviews

Diagnostic Methods

In the institution, diagnostic programs are carried out using the latest equipment. Research methods include:

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound);
  • ECG (electrocardiogram)
  • mammography;
  • pulse diagnostic method;
  • diagnosis by sound waves;
  • digital radiography;
  • digital fluorography.

The Ponutriev Medical Center in Kemerovo deserved a lot of positive feedback thanks to its diagnostic programs: “Slimness and Health”, “Healthy Back”.


In the center there is a clinic for adults and children. Doctors of various specialties are receiving it. The clinic also has a 24-hour and a day hospital. You can make an appointment on the official website of the institution by filling out the form. After some time, a center employee will contact the patient and clarify all details of interest.

center ponutrievye g Kemerovo

What patients say

“A magician works here” - such can be seen reviews of the center of the Ponutrievs in Kemerovo. Grigory Grigorievich earned the warmest praise from patients. Many thank him for his responsiveness and golden hands. Also many words of appreciation can be read to other specialists of the institution. People claim that the center employs wonderful, friendly people and experienced doctors.


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