Headache exercises: description with photos, step-by-step instructions for execution and contraindications

In the article, we will consider headache exercises.

Each of us is faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as pain in the head. This phenomenon can greatly complicate a personโ€™s life and his full-fledged activity, deprive him of disability. There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom as pain in the head, as well as ways to deal with it. Pharmacies offer painkillers, antispasmodics, various drugs to strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Headache Exercise

There is another way to stop the pain in the head. It is about performing special exercises for headaches aimed at relieving spasm and muscle tension in the neck.


Quite often, the appearance of pain in the head manifests itself together with numbness of the neck. In most cases, the neck goes numb from stiffness, weakness, or muscle strain. Sometimes there is a loss of sensitivity on the one hand.

Headache exercises are aimed at stretching the clamped muscles and relaxing them. When performing therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to remember the following recommendations:

1. Listen carefully to your own feelings. Stretching should not require special effort or overvoltage.

2. Joints and muscles after stretching exercises become more flexible. Stretching should be carried out both before the implementation of the main set of exercises, and at its completion.

3. Stretching is necessary slowly.

Headache Exercise


Headache exercises for cervical osteochondrosis, which can relieve muscle spasm, relieve tension, are performed easily and naturally, without effort and long preparation. The following exercises are considered most effective for eliminating pain in the head:

1. Pressing your palms to the back of the head, pushing your head forward, while resisting movement. Hold in position for 5 seconds, then slowly relax. The exercise is performed in three circles three times.

2. Put your hand on one side of the head. Overcoming resistance, you need to reach the shoulder with your ear. You can help yourself with your hand. A delay of 5 seconds, then relaxation and repetition in the opposite direction. The exercise is also performed in three circles on each side alternately.

3. Put both hands on the forehead. Push your head back while resisting. Hold the pose for a few seconds, then relax and repeat three times in three circles.

4. Put the right hand on the left temple and try to turn the chin to the right shoulder, while resisting. Repeat the other way. Repeat three circles three times in each direction.

What other headache exercises exist?

Headache exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Muscle Cramps Exercise

Often the cause of pain is cervical osteochondrosis. To relieve muscle spasm and thereby relieve pain, you can perform the following exercises:

1. Standing or sitting, you must slowly lower your head as low as possible. Then also slowly the head returns to its original position and leans back. It is very important to pay attention to those areas where cracking, clicking or pain occurs. The exercise is repeated six times. If the pain persists after performing the gymnastics, you should consult a doctor and conduct an examination of the upper part of the spinal column.

2. Turns the head to the left, then to the right. In this case, attention should be paid to the differences between the sensations in one side of the neck and on the other. In each position you need to linger for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat six times.

3. Gently bring the shoulders forward, repeat six times. During the exercise, tension is felt in the back of the cervical muscles.

4. In a sitting or standing position, lower the chin to the chest. Hold for five seconds and relax the muscles, repeat six times. Tension is felt in the upper back and neck.

5. Sitting in a comfortable position, twist your fingers behind your head. Lean forward slowly, pushing the head with your hands until the neck muscles are pulled. Return to starting position, repeat the exercise six times.

Exercises for headache from osteochondrosis

About the benefits of stretching

Stretching helps the muscles to be in good shape, and performing exercises against a headache increases their endurance. If a person has weak neck muscles, therapeutic exercises will be very useful. In the case of nodular muscles, stretching helps to improve the general condition of a person.

Neck exercises for headaches

Breathing technique

There are also special exercises for headaches and tension.

In the vast majority of cases, headache occurs due to overstrain of the muscles of the back and neck. Yoga offers a number of simple exercises, including breathing, that will help you quickly and effectively deal with pain. So, the following breathing exercises stand out that even a beginner can perform.

Blowing energy channels

Sitting on the floor, you need to take any comfortable pose and completely relax the whole body. Next, one nostril closes with the finger of the hand and a two-minute slow and deep inhalation and exhalation of the air of the free nostril is performed. Further, the nasal passages change and the cycle repeats. The exercise is performed until the headache subsides.

Cooling breath

Sitting in the lotus position, you need to straighten your back, stick out your tongue, curl it into a tube and systematically, breathe as deep as possible. Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose with a tightly closed oral cavity. The exercise is repeated until relief is obtained in the head.

These two simple exercises will help provide the body, including the brain, with oxygen and eliminate tension and spasm, thereby relieving pain.

Yoga exercises for headache

Yoga involves performing exercises aimed at eliminating constriction and spasm in different parts of the body. Consider several options that can relieve headache:

1. The following exercise will help relieve tension from the neck in case of headache from osteochondrosis: sitting on the floor and legs crossed or legs apart, pull the right hand to the right knee or hold on to the chair, the left hand rests on the head and carefully tilts it to the left side . It is important to hold the knee or stool. The delay in the posture should be at least one minute, after which the parties change and the exercise is performed again.

2. Clamps in the shoulders can also cause pain in the head. To eliminate stress, you need to sit on the floor, bend your legs and spread them apart. The toes should be opposite each other. A deep breath is taken, and on the exhale you should stretch forward, stretching the spine. At the peak, stretch marks should linger for a few seconds. Next, the arms are extended, connected to the castle at the feet and stretched up as high as possible. On exhalation, the arms lower, and the weight of the body is moved forward and the hips are lifted. After fixing the position for a few seconds, relax and repeat another 5-10 times, depending on the capabilities of the physical plan.

3. On the condition of the back and vertebrae beneficial effect exercise called "dog looking down." To do this, stand in the pose of the triangle, resting his feet and palms on the floor, the tailbone looks up. While breathing in, lower your elbows to the floor, while exhaling, raise your hips. Do not tear off the feet from the floor, they should be fully pressed. Head down, neck relaxed. Do 5-6 breathing cycles.

4. A special exercise is also provided for stress relief from the lower part of the spine. Lying on the floor, you should bend your legs and grab the feet with your hands. Next, the knees slowly part and lower to the armpits. Swinging to the sides, one should hold out in the pose for as long as possible.

5. After the complex is performed, muscle relaxation is performed. To do this, the blanket is rolled up and placed against the wall. Lying on your back facing the wall and putting your buttocks on a pillow, you need to raise your legs in an upright position and put them against the wall. Legs are slowly and systematically bent apart as wide as possible, the pose is fixed for 30 seconds. Further, the legs are brought together, bent at the knees. The exercise is repeated 5-10 times.

Yoga practices have proven that all systems and parts of the body in our body are interconnected. After relieving stress from the entire spine, it will be possible to get rid of the headache problem. These exercises are simple to perform, but effective enough to eliminate stress and stretch the spine and muscles.

Due to this, blood begins to circulate better and provide the brain with oxygen, thereby expanding blood vessels and eliminating pain. However, yoga is not suitable for everyone, some people should not perform this practice.

Stress Headache Exercises


Do not perform neck exercises for headaches in the following cases:

  1. In the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Malignant tumors, including on the spine.
  3. Against the background of colds.
  4. At elevated body temperature.

If a person has one of these problems, coupled with headache, you should visit a specialist. In other cases, yoga is not dangerous.

Headache exercises


Regardless of the causes of pain in the head, before taking a pill, it makes sense to try to perform the above exercises. Perhaps the cause of the discomfort lies in problems with the spine or tense muscles that should be relaxed.

We reviewed the most popular headache relief exercises.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32643/

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