We are gaining muscle mass. Which gainer is better?

Many athletes use a weight gainer to increase muscle mass. This food supplement can even help ectomorphs. Which gainer is better? The selection criteria do not exist - in each case, an individual option is selected. It should be noted that the gainer is a mixture, that is, in addition to the main component, other elements are also presented. The final result depends on the raw material, its quality and proportions, which determines which gainer is better.

which gainer is better

A quality mixture should be represented by optimal proportions of proteins and carbohydrates. A high protein content (up to 40% percent per serving) contributes to an increase in muscle mass, as well as a quick recovery after weight training. The result depends on the proportions, dosage and frequency of use of the product. Before training, it is better to drink a cocktail with a high content of carbohydrates, which will “recharge” you. It activates the insulin cycle, and glycogen quickly enters muscle fibers. After class, preference should be given to mixtures with a high protein content. A great option for this is whey protein, which nourishes the muscles with amino acids.

To find out which gainer is the best, you must first analyze its composition. High-quality mixes usually include glutamine, taurine, and creatine. In addition, they contain a complex of vitamins and minerals needed by the body. The gainer in such a mixture should be the main component, and the rest - additional. In order not to raise doubts about the quality of the product, give preference to foreign manufacturers.

which gainer is the best

If you easily gain weight, then it is better to refuse a gainer. If every kilogram is given to you with difficulty or you understand that you can’t handle a large amount of food, then the gainer will help you out. Often beginner bodybuilders replace regular nutrition with various sports supplements. Do not make such a mistake, otherwise you really will cause permanent damage to your health.

Which gainer is better? There is no definite answer, because it depends not only on the quality of the mixture, but also on the desired result. They differ in the number of calories. A person must choose a product that meets all his requirements. There is a huge difference between a weight gainer of 900 calories and 300 if they are consumed every day for a week. If there are too many calories, then not only muscle mass will grow, but also fat. Although it should also be understood that it is impossible to build up a “clean” mass of muscle fibers.

It’s likely that some mixture will cause bloating, diarrhea, or other digestive upsets. This can not be attributed to side effects, because ordinary food can affect someone in a similar way. It remains only to try the gainers of different manufacturers, to experiment with the dosage and frequency of administration, as well as with the liquid into which you add it. Usually it is milk, water or juice.

which gainers are better

Which gainers are better? Definitely those in which the carbohydrate component is optimally balanced. Carbohydrates should be of different glycemic indices, so that the muscles are fed for a long time. Preferred are mixtures based on the combination ratio of complex and simple carbohydrates.

Which gainer is better? Which will be most effective? These questions arise for any athlete who wants to gain weight. As mentioned above, it is necessary to focus primarily on the result that you want to achieve and on your type of body structure (ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32647/

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