The southernmost cape of South America: description, photo

Great geographical discoveries took place in an era when such an important science as cartography had not yet been developed. It is for this reason that some errors were made in determining the coordinates of the capes located on the edge of the continents. So, the "backyard" of South America is Cape Horn. It was he who for a long time was considered the southernmost point on the map.

However, another cape is still the mainland point. It is called Froward. This is the southernmost cape of South America. This fact is recognized worldwide. About him and some geographic errors will be discussed further.

The end of the world

Tourists from all over the world are attracted to the extremes of the continents. In South America, for example, Cape Horn was previously considered the southernmost mainland point. It was opened on January 29, 1616 and for a long time mistakenly referred to the extreme point of the mainland. However, science does not stand still. After the opportunity appeared to determine the coordinates with a smaller error, it became clear that there is another cape, which is located south of the Horn.

South Cape South America

Today, the southernmost cape of America is called Froward (Froward). This geographical “world end” is located in Chile, on the Brunswick Peninsula. However, this is not the most extreme point of the named part of the world.

To the south of the peninsula is a small archipelago. The total area of ​​its islands does not exceed 1 km². It is here that the southernmost point is located. It is located 100 km in a southwest direction from the famous Cape Horn on the islands with the romantic name Diego Ramirez.


To make it clear why Cape Horn is not the farthest point, it is necessary to consider the coordinates of the capes of South America. This will clarify this issue.

The location of the famous Cape Horn today is very precisely defined. So, its extreme point is at 50º59´ south latitude and 67º17´ west longitude. Looking at the map, you can see that Cape Froward is located at 53º54´ south latitude and 71º20´ west longitude. This explains why Cape Horn cannot be considered the most extreme mainland point of South America.

coordinates of capes south america

For tourists, the westernmost point of South America is Cape Parinhas, which is located at 4º40´ south latitude and 81º20´ west longitude. Cape Cabo Branco of 7º10´ south latitude and 34º47´ west longitude is recognized as the extreme eastern point. Tours for tourists are constantly made here.

If we consider the coordinates of the islands of the most remote archipelago, then you can find here the islands of Diego Ramirez. The coordinates of the southernmost point are 56º30´ south latitude and 68º43´ west longitude. If we consider these data, it becomes clear that Cape Horn is indeed located, albeit a little, but to the north.

Cape Horn

So, the more northern cape of South America called Horn is located on the edge of the mainland. Its discovery occurred more than 400 years ago. He was given a name in honor of the city in Holland Horn. The navigator William Cornelis Schouten was born and lived here. It was he who in 1616 was able to go around this land.

The extreme capes of South America

The name of the ship on which sailors rounded the famous cape for the first time was also Horn. On it, travelers were able to get to Patagonia. The ship remained in these waters because it had a fire.

In general, here is one of the most famous ship cemeteries. The route between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean is known for its terrible storms and fogs. For half a century (1877-1927), more than 80 ships sank here. And the way through the Drake Strait used to be the only route that allows mariners to get into the Atlantic Ocean. Sometimes sailing along Cape Horn dragged on for weeks and even months.

Interesting Facts

By the way, earlier only South America provided the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Cape Horn was considered the only route by which merchants and sailors could leave the Pacific Ocean and go around the continent. Only in 1920 was the Panama Canal built.

And until that time, all the journeys took place precisely along the described wayward cape, since the northern route through the Arctic Ocean made it impossible to pass by sea to the Atlantic. The navigable canal was too narrow, and the ships could not maneuver in these waters. The strong oncoming current, which is defined here, also impeded travel on the Arctic Ocean.

For this reason, discoverers, sailors and ordinary traders had to go around Cape Horn. There were also many difficulties. However, only overcoming them, the sailors could continue their journey.

The harsh nature of the southern "ends of the earth"

The extreme capes of South America are located in troubled waters, which greatly complicates the way of ships from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. A strong current appears eastward here. A mixture of cold and warm air masses occurs in this area often. As a result, cyclones form. They carry rain, hurricanes and storms. Bad weather in this part of the ocean reigns 285 days a year, which is why navigators often go through fog.

South America Cape Horn

Due to its impregnability, the southern capes of America are overgrown with many legends and traditions. Previously, sailors who circled Cape Horn had the right to wear a gold earring. She was put on her left ear. Today, the waters of the "ends of the earth" are as turbulent as before. Therefore, many modern sailors still challenge the natural elements.

Cape Horn, which is described by such famous writers as Jules Verne and Edgar Alan Poe, in their opinion, is one of the most turbulent and wildest places on our planet. That is what attracts seafarers and adventurers here today.

Cape frostard

The southernmost cape of South America, Froord is located in the Strait of Magellan. Translated from English, its name sounds like “rebellious”, “masterful” and “unfavorable”. This name was given to the cape in 1587. The famous pirate T. Candwish walked past these lands, trying to overcome the harsh weather conditions. It was because of the difficulties that befell seafarers near the coast of Cape Froward, and the name was given to this land.

North Cape South America

Today, tourists arriving on the peninsula can see here a large metal cross. It was built in 1987, coinciding with the opening of the visit of the Pope to Chile. People do not live here, only a lighthouse is built on the side opposite the cape. You will have to drive about 40 km to the north to the nearest settlement.

Diego Ramirez Islands

The most remote southern cape of South America, as mentioned above, is not an extreme point in this direction. Diego Ramirez Islands are located further south. Here is the southernmost point of such a part of the world as America.

The southernmost cape of America

This archipelago consists of several small islands, rocks, towering above the water surface. Their length is 5.5 nautical miles. The largest islands are Bartolome and Gonzalo. The latter has a small meteorological station.

A ship sails to these lands extremely rarely. The weather station is home to no more than 5 employees. Four of them are members of the Chilean naval forces. There is also one scientist. They welcome rare tourists. The shift on the island lasts 4 months. After that, a new team arrives at Gonzalo. Excursions here are also extremely rare. This requires special permission.

Having examined what the southernmost cape of South America is called and what it is, all myths and erroneous opinions can be dispelled. This is a stormy, stormy world, which is located almost at the very edge of the world.


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