Who is a self-sufficient person? How to become self-sufficient

A self-sufficient person is a person who does not depend on anyone and on anything (even weather conditions), makes independent decisions, no matter how extraordinary they are, but from his point of view they are correct. He lives by his own rules, solves all his problems on his own and is not afraid of loneliness. At first glance, everything seems very simple, but for this you need to make an effort.

self-sufficient person

A self-sufficient person is a person who does not want and cannot bore. He will always find something for himself, up to the point that it will be interesting for him to pull the tail of his own cat. Such an individual can occupy himself both physically and mentally. He seeks to understand everything, because life does not stand still: new technologies appear, discoveries are made, everything in the world is changing globally. A self-sufficient woman is an interesting, intelligent, beautiful person who can provide for himself. That is, she can spend money and not report to anyone, since she herself earns them (the same can be said of men).

How to become self-sufficient?

self-sufficient woman is

To become a self-sufficient woman, you need:

1. Continuing self-education, in addition to basic education, of course, so that everyone admires your mind.
2. Take care of yourself: go to fitness clubs, beauty salons, etc. - so that everyone admires your external data and article.
3. Set goals and achieve them under any circumstances - so that everyone admires your success.

But in fact, a self-confident person does not give a damn about who and what thinks about him.

Everyone has their own level of self-sufficiency

Suppose a person has a house, a piece of land, and he grows roses on it. He enjoys it. Firmly stands on the ground, knows his job, does not depend on anyone, makes his own decisions (when to water, what color roses to grow, where to plant, to whom to sell them and for how much). This person considers himself self-sufficient. He is not bored!

Now consider the life of a simple teacher. His class is the best in the school: high performance, activity in the life of the school and all the best in his class. Hence the respect from colleagues, high salaries, the love of students, etc. The teacher considers himself self-sufficient in a professional sense.

Now imagine that we have before us the president of a country. Thanks to his reforms, the country is developing in full swing. It flourishes: the standard of living of people in the country is high. The President is pleased with his work and his position in society - he is self-sufficient. Everything is done according to his instructions. He is successful in everything and everywhere. All three levels listed above relate to professional self-sufficiency.

The other side of the coin

how to become self-sufficient
But besides professional, there is also personal confidence. This is self-sufficiency in terms of love. Again, consider three levels.

1) A man is handsome, charming, has a lot of money, changes girls every week, he has many fans. He considers himself a self-sufficient person. He is pleased with his life. He likes to look after the girls, achieve his goal and not depend on anyone.

2) Another option: the guy who cares for one girl is in love with her head on heels. He is happy and confident in his choice.

3) And, finally, a person who has a family and children, he decently earns, obedient children. He also considers himself a self-sufficient person. When a person has achieved the goal and can now do everything for himself perfectly, he begins to take care of his loved ones. If you combine love and a professional plan, you get the general self-sufficiency of a person.

To summarize

human self-sufficiency

A self-sufficient person can firmly stand on his feet, achieve his goal, he is independent. Although these are two different concepts. A person can be independent, make money, solve problems, but he will not be comfortable to be alone.

What is self-sufficiency? This is complete independence, both in the external plane and in the internal. Then it turns out that a self-sufficient person is lonely, but he likes to be alone with himself. Sometimes we show some separate qualities of this factor. For example, we solve problems on our own or want to be alone, sometimes we don’t even care about the general opinion. The ability to enjoy life, despite the "bad weather", the ability to maintain control over one’s spiritual well-being is the skill that comes with experience. The ability to live in harmony with the inner and outer world is fundamental to achieve the desired goal, the goal of being yourself.

You can endlessly give examples of what such a person should be. But all of them would be as useless as you would try to describe the space with a pencil. Do not try to learn this from those who are trying to show themselves to be an expert in this, do not try to copy someone who only seems to be a person, as this completely goes against this concept - the concept of self-sufficiency. Your personality is unique, you are unique, and therefore you have a different way to comprehend yourself. You do not need love, money, nothing will make you happy until you know how much you need it for happiness.

What is psychological self-sufficiency?

what is self-sufficiency

The lack of self-sufficiency is that form of slavery in front of others, from which abolitionism will not save us, but only complete self-confidence and control over our thoughts will save us. Why do we start to worry if someone is denying us recognition and not worry if someone is starting to idealize us? After all, this is one and the same thing - a change in the assessment of one's self under the influence of others. When you are in society, such an existence implies being under the gaze of others, and a person is not able to completely get rid of it. A person dresses like fashionable now, buys that gadget that is fashionable, and this is not because other clothes are already rags, and the old phone cannot ring, but only because it is no longer relevant.


You can’t say that you are self-sufficient if you have different music on the phone, or you wear a clown costume and the boss’s requests are not important to you, because this is nothing more than an act of denial or internal rebellion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32657/

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