FSBI "National Park" Yugyd va ": description, history and interesting facts

In 1994, the Yugyd Va National Park was created on the territory of the Komi Republic. Its area is approximately two million hectares. Nowhere in the world is there such a large number of northern forests with pristine wildlife. Mountain peaks, unusual landscapes, reservoirs with clear water - all this can be seen by visiting the vast territory of the park.

Yugyd Wa National Park

History of the Yugyd Va National Park

The territory borders on the Pechora-Ilychsky reserve and includes part of the natural objects of the Subpolar and Northern Urals. The goal of the park was to preserve the flora and fauna of the region for future generations of people. Nature here remains in its original form. In local areas you can find rare animals, see unique plants. Previously, there were hunting grounds of local peoples (Komi-Zyryan, Vogul, Mansi).

where is the yugyd va national park

Since 1995, the Yugyd Va National Park of the Komi Republic, together with the adjacent territories, has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The territory is protected by the state. Now there are several hiking trails that stretch past the main attractions. These include Mount Narodnaya, Manaraga, the famous rivers Kozhim and Podchemer. It is worth noting that such an unusual name for the park is taken from the Komi language. Literally, it means "bright water." Cold and clear mountain rivers will meet travelers all the way. But for experienced tourists, this is only a positive feature of the region, meaning that there will be no shortage of water on the road.


On the east side, the park is bounded by the Ural Mountains. From the north, the Kozhim River flows, and in the south there is a border with a conservation area. If you reach the western side of the park, you can see the rivers Vangyr, Kosyu and the Big Son. In the area there are about 820 lakes, many glaciers. Known, for example, the Hoffmann Glacier, visible from the ridge Saber. At the fifteen-meter depth of the reservoirs you can see a rocky bottom, which indicates the extraordinary purity of the water. Park reliefs are lowlands, foothills and mountains. They formed two hundred million years ago.

Komi Yugyd Wa National Park

Here you can visit the sacred places of Mansi, archaeological sites, such as the sites of ancient people. In some places there were settlements of Old Believers, now abandoned. There are almost no villages in the park where people live. In former times, mainly nomadic peoples lived in the region, but now they have moved closer to cities and regional centers.

How to get there

Before their first visit, travelers wonder where the Yugyd Va National Park is. You can get there by train or bus to the city of Ukhta. Nearby are also the small cities of Inta and Pechora, in which the branches of the Yugyd Va institution operate. You can get permission to visit there. Please note that this will require identification documents. Before applying for permission, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of staying in the park. The cost of an admission ticket per person is 100 rubles. The administrative center of the organization is in the city of Vuktyl, at Komsomolskaya, 5. You can contact the management by phone or e-mail. Currently, the director of the Yugyd Va National Park T. S. Fomicheva.

Mountain peaks

The most famous point on the map is Mount Manaraga. Its height is 1,662 meters. The crest of the peak is easily recognizable; it is as if cut by straight lines into five to seven parts. This feature makes it look like a bearโ€™s paw, and thatโ€™s how the name of the mountain is translated. Another name given to her by the Komi people is Unayuraiz. Climbing up in the warm season is not difficult for a physically prepared person. No additional equipment required. But making a climb in winter, you need to think about special equipment.

Director Yugyd Wa National Park

In the national park "Yugyd va" is Mount Narodnaya - the highest point in the entire Urals. Its top is at 1,895 meters above sea level. At the foot of the river flows the People, from which came the name of the mountain. Peopleโ€™s is surrounded by other peaks, so itโ€™s not as picturesque as Manaraga. Other famous peaks that can be admired in these places are the town of Kolokolnya, the town of Saber, the second highest - the town of Karpinsky.


In the national park "Yugyd va" grow tall coniferous forests, about 600 species of higher plants. In the south of the territory there is a dense cover of grass, there are also cereal plants characteristic of the tundra and floodplain meadows. In the forests there are a lot of lichens and mosses. Among the families of flowering plants there are heather, buttercups, pink flowers, meadows occupy about two thousand hectares.

Yugyd VA National Park, Komi Republic
It is worth pointing out some individual varieties of plants in the park: small cornflower, sheep fescue, northern aconite. The richness of the plant world creates a special air in these places, clean and filled with aromas of herbs and trees. A long stay in the park will help to improve health and cure the body of stress.


Not only rare plants, but also amazing animals are found in the Komi national park โ€œYugyd vaโ€. More than 200 species of birds, about 40 species of mammals, a wide variety of invertebrates constantly live here. Guests of the park can even see animals listed in the Red Book. An example of such an animal is the European mink. Such species of creatures as sables, northern pikas are also few in the world. There are representatives who can be found in other regions of Russia. This, of course, foxes, wolves, wolverines, affection, brown bears. In recent years, wild boars and a flock of American minks have migrated to the territory .

Of the birds, it is worth mentioning the black kite, white-tailed eagle, peregrine falcon, which are also firmly established in this area. Waterfowl come across rivers and swamps. And in wild forests, a large number of individuals of the order Passeriformes, as well as black grouse, hazel grouse, capercaillie. The rivers of the park, in which Siberian grayling, whitefish, peled and other rare species live, are also inhabited. It is also worth mentioning another animal, presented in the Red Book and found in the park - this is the Siberian lugfish, a small-sized newt from the order of caudate.


Several types of tourism are developed on the territory of the Yugyd VA National Park. Travelers can try river rafting, take a long walk around the area, or climb a mountain. The difficulty depends on the distance and time of the year chosen for the trip. For the convenience of the guests of the park, in addition to the marked trails, there are equipped parking lots, campfire places, toilets and garbage containers. Naturally, in the rules of visiting it is strictly forbidden to leave non-decomposable waste in parking lots and along roads, pick plants, cut trees and hunt animals. For rafting, the Kozhim River with its tributary Balbani is usually chosen, the Shchugor with the tributary B. Patok is slightly less popular.

Yugyd wa national park history

A wide variety of routes allows tourists to choose the best and most suitable for a specific group of people. Some hiking trips include a car hike with mountain climbing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32664/

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