The most interesting fact about Sweden. Sweden - interesting facts for children

The most interesting facts about Sweden, a country that is truly different from those in which the Slavic peoples live, can surprise not only children, but also adults. The state is famous for its sights, ancient castles, rich palaces, its own extraordinary culture and traditions.

Interesting fact about Sweden

Sweden has its own mood and indescribable flavor. Only those who have visited this country can truly appreciate all its beauties, experience the Swedish hospitality and good attitude of local residents.

The country of great opportunities, where the youth’s path is open everywhere, encourages the creation of families and education - Sweden. Interesting facts for children will interest the most curious kids and tell a lot of unusual things.

Sweden: interesting facts for children

  1. In the main city ​​of Sweden, Stockholm, is allowed to fly in balloons. This is prohibited in any other capital of the world.
  2. In the royal residential palace, located in Stockholm, 500 rooms.
  3. In the northern part of the country, a huge ice hotel is rebuilt every year. It stops tourists at night. During the day, anyone can inspect all the rooms and ice objects in them.
  4. Carlson is not just the hero of the animated film "Kid and Carlson." Here in fact there is such a surname that more than 300 thousand people carry.
  5. Dog tax is paid according to the growth of the animal. The larger the dog is the size, the more money is given to the state.
  6. In northern Sweden, a polar night sets in during the winter.
  7. Reindeer, squirrels, hares and foxes are found in Sweden. Here you can meet wild lynxes and brown bears. Near the banks of rivers and lakes there are many gulls, swans and ducks.

Sweden interesting facts for children

State location

Sweden is a kingdom with a monarchical form of government, located in the northern part of Europe, on the Scandinavian Peninsula.

An interesting fact about Sweden: it is the fifth largest country in Europe. Her neighbors are Norway and Finland.

Winters here are very cold, but summers are short and not hot, the average summer temperature is only about + 17 Β° C. A large territory of the country is covered with coniferous, deciduous or mixed forests. The climate is temperate, the air is transparent, fresh, not polluted by the exhausts of industries and machinery.

There are many lakes in Sweden, the largest of which is Venus, covering an area of ​​5, 545 km square.


Sweden has many attractions. Interesting facts about the country not only describe the area, but also tell about the most beautiful buildings and structures in cities.

The most interesting of them are:

  • a Catholic monastery in the capital - Wadsten Abbey, in which lie the holy relics of Brigitte, the nun who founded the building;
  • Gamla Stan - a city located on the island; its medieval motifs and cobbled streets create an indescribable feeling of time travel, but the Royal Palace and the Cathedral are still located here;
  • Livrustkammarin - a treasury that stores exhibits - jewelry, weapons, medieval vehicles, which are famous for their rich decoration and historical value;
  • St. Nicholas Church, rebuilt in the rich Baroque style, erected in the XIII century, with an equestrian statue inside the building.

Sweden interesting facts about the country

There are many museums in Sweden: historical, cultural, architectural, contemporary art, a museum dedicated to the creator of the Nobel Prize and laureates. There is also an exhibition of exhibits from the Longholmen Prison, the Til Gallery.

In this country, a huge number of ancient and mysterious castles: Orebro on the Swarton River, Stromsholm on the island of Lake Meralen, Melsaker in the countryside, Kalmar Castle and the β€œQueen's Island” - Drottningholm.

Mentality features

An interesting fact about Sweden is also that the people here are very hospitable, considerate and polite. Neighbors will definitely visit a new tenant to get to know him and give him due attention. Despite this, people in Sweden do not like outside interference in their personal lives. They lead a somewhat alienated and secretive lifestyle. But the Swedes are friendly and sociable with close friends.

Interesting facts about Sweden

These people prefer to listen more than talk. Chatting is considered bad form. They will never say insulting words in the face and even more so they will not insult and scold anyone.

The main interesting fact about Sweden, characterizing its inhabitants as people who are kind and caring for the environment, is that they really love nature, wildlife. Here no one will scoff at the smaller brothers, on the contrary, they are strictly punished by law for their cruel treatment. Swedes love dogs, so these pets live in every house and even in apartments.

Life expectancy in the country is long and close to an average of 80 years.

The tax system and interesting facts about Sweden

The country has a fairly high tax rate. And the total amount of all fees takes almost half of the Swedes honestly earned money. The tax is levied on entrepreneurial activity, on employees, on capital, on the sale of own products and items of intellectual labor.

The luxury tax has been abolished , enterprises are mainly privately owned by companies.

Despite this, the Swedes live well, allow themselves to eat in restaurants, dress well, do not deny themselves the pleasures.

A big plus in the tax system is that the money really goes to pay budget employees, considerable social benefits and the maintenance of the state. The streets are in perfect cleanliness, there are many children's playgrounds, development centers, excellent roads in the country. Also in Sweden, free education and medicine. Decent conditions have been created here to provide assistance to people with disabilities, senior citizens and children.

tax system and interesting facts about Sweden

Workers of not very prestigious professions, such as janitors, janitors, maids, receive wages in no less amount than professional specialists with higher education, and sometimes even more. This is fair and allows all segments of the population to live on almost the same level, without prejudice. In Sweden, it is not so important who the person is working with, but the fact of honest work is important. Any profession is respected and held in high esteem.

This is the most generous state in its relation to developing countries, it gives a significant part of the funds to donations and charity.


Here are some interesting facts about Sweden regarding the education system in the country.

  1. For children, the time to go to school comes from 7 years.
  2. At the initial stage of education, kids are not rated, and successful students are simply praised.
  3. Teachers try not to criticize children, only if necessary they can tactfully indicate or hint at a mistake.
  4. They prefer to become students here after 25 years. Immediately after graduation, it is not accepted to enter higher education institutions. Teenagers try to find work and rent housing separately from their parents, try to live independently.
  5. Profile education includes a detailed study of only the minimum number of disciplines that will be useful to a future specialist.
  6. Exams are difficult to take, because there are few subjects, and many questions. So there is no hope for a happy chance and luck. You just need to learn everything well.
  7. Education at universities is free for citizens of the country, but foreign students have been required to pay a fee since 2011.

Love and marriage

When meeting a girl, a man immediately asks her what kind of relationship she would like to be with him, and also talks about her desires. This is another interesting fact about Sweden. Of course, all questions and answers to them are mentioned in the conversation very tactfully. For example, a girl can refuse a man, referring to a lack of time, to employment, for example, if a short communication is meant. A woman knows in advance what to expect from a relationship with a given person when she decides whether to agree. Not at all romantic, but honestly.

The word "no" spoken to a man is not perceived as "maybe." If a woman told her not to call or care for her again, the man would never do this no matter how much he loved and suffered.

The most interesting facts about Sweden

Attitude towards children

They prefer to give birth to children here during their higher education, so in the buildings of institutes there are changing tables, and in the dining rooms - special highchairs.

Large families are widespread, in families mostly more than three children. Maternity leave with mom is often divided in half: the first six months, the mother is engaged in a child, the second is the father.

If the family for some reason decided to divorce, then the man remains a full-fledged father for his child, participates in his upbringing, helps financially, often communicates and spends a lot of time with him.

The country respects the rights of children. Nobody will shout at them, let alone beat them. In schools, children are also not accepted to punish. Children can run, jump, scream, eat sand - do anything without fear of getting in a soft place or stand for half an hour in the corner.

More recently, Sweden was the only country in the world where socialism was built. She was and still remains one of the richest and most developed states in the world.


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