What is a thermometer? a brief description of

Of course, everyone knows what a thermometer is. This is a special instrument for measuring any environment. Let us consider in more detail its varieties and possible methods of use. The article also provides recommendations on how to choose the most convenient thermometer for a child. And for the curious, information is given on compliance with certain storage conditions of medicines.

what is a thermometer

What is a thermometer? Its varieties

When creating the most common thermometers, the mercury properties are used to expand under the influence of temperature changes. In addition to this type, there are other thermometers.

Electronic device

Inside it are special materials, when heated, the electric current resistance changes. The result of the readings are the numbers on the scoreboard. Today, an electronic thermometer is the most popular and accurate of all instruments that measure changes in any environment.

Infrared device

This device can measure temperature without direct contact. For example, it will be quite simple to attach a thermometer to the patient’s forehead for several seconds, and he will turn off at the right time and notify the result. But, unfortunately, the measurements obtained may not be accurate enough. It is more convenient to use it in rare cases, for example, on the road. And in normal times, operate traditional appliances.

baby thermometer

Which children's thermometer is the most convenient and practical to use?

All parents, of course, have this device in their medicine cabinet. And, unfortunately, sooner or later the baby will find out what a thermometer is. And sick children are mostly capricious and not very active in their desire to get acquainted with new subjects. Therefore, when choosing a thermometer for a child, one must take into account his possible unpredictable reaction. Imagine that a baby can accidentally throw an unfamiliar thing and break it. In addition, he simply does not want to sit for a long time without movement to determine the level of heat. And for all the explanations of what a thermometer is and what it is used for, it will respond with protests. What requirements should a children's thermometer meet? Since mercury devices are dangerous to use, it is better to opt for more practical electronic devices. They are most convenient and accurate in measurements, unlike ordinary glass cones or infrared indicators. By the way, for the smallest thermometers are available in the form of special nipples.

thermometer for air

How does a wet thermometer work?

Since we are talking about diseases and the need for their treatment, let's talk about drugs. It turns out that the storage of many of them requires compliance with a certain environment. And this is not only the desired temperature, not exceeding the maximum lower and higher values, but also the corresponding humidity of the room. At home, such necessary conditions do not need to be observed, since drugs are not stored for long, because they are mainly acquired as needed. What can not be said about pharmacies. Then a special wet thermometer for air comes to the rescue - a psychrometer. It looks like a plastic box with two scales on the front wall. On the reverse side of the device there is a cone of water, into which one end of the tissue is emanated from the inside. Having taken readings from both available thermometers on the scoreboard, the humidity level is calculated on a special scale.

As you can see, the range of application of such a seemingly simple device like a thermometer is very wide. About what other purposes it can be used, we will tell in another article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32675/

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