Topsed - despot: what is it?

Everyone who read Vitaly Gubarev’s children's novel “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” remembers that the king in this kingdom-state was called Topsed. If you read this mysterious name from the end, you get "despot." What does this word mean and why was the fairy-tale king so named?

Despot: what is it?

The word "despot" comes from the Greek "δεσπότης", which is translated into Russian as "lord" or "one who controls unlimitedly."

A despot is:

Samodur and despot
  1. A ruler endowed with complete unlimited power.
  2. The highest title of the Byzantine nobility.
  3. A tyrant who does not reckon with anything or anyone.
  4. Noble coat of arms in Poland.
  5. Greek title equal to bishop.

Morphological features

From the point of view of morphology, a despot is a common noun and animate noun of the masculine gender, which is inclined according to the second type.

NominativeWho!What a despot it turns out to be!What is happening: despots in the government have crossed all borders.
GenitiveWhom?Who has never met a despot at least once in their life?Despots are afraid, but hardly respected.
DativeTo whom?How I missed my beloved despot!For some reason known to her, Maria Nikitichna was indulgent with despots.
AccusativeWhom?I hate this despot damned!Nobody likes tyrants and despots.
Instrumental caseBy whom?Everybody chuckled at the despot.You don’t need to swear with despots, you still can’t prove anything to them.
PrepositionalAbout whom?Tell us, Marina, about this despot and the period of his reign.Do you think there is anything bright and good in despots?


Synonyms make the language richer and more diverse.

Let us pick up a few words that are close in meaning to the noun "despot":

Despot is
  • petty tyrant;
  • lover of power;
  • tyrant;
  • fanatic;
  • self-propelled person;
  • ruler;
  • satrap.

Phrases with the word "despot"

What could be a despot?

Domineering, strict, rude, cruel, handsome, smart, jealous, arrogant, rich, narcissistic, self-confident, hungry, well-fed, in love, lying, tired, old, young, old, young, nimble, agile, clumsy, fat, full, thin, skinny, famous, lonely, strong, weak, weak, insane, bad, strange, foreign, surprised, tall, low, ready, contemptuous, despicable, ungrateful.

Now, when we have examined in detail the meaning of the word "despot", even those who did not have to read the "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", it becomes clear what King Topsed the Seventh really was.


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