Pickle onion for salad: delicious marinade recipes. Pickled Onion Salads

In the vast majority of different and all kinds of salads, pickled onions are required . With it, the taste of dishes becomes more refined, and the pungent smell of a vegetable does not hit guests in the nose from the doorway. But how do we usually pickle onions for salad? Just pour vinegar and leave until we cut other ingredients! From the point of view of great cooking, it is illiterate, down to earth, but just criminal! Due to the generous use of vinegar, the more delicate taste of other salad ingredients is ruined. To avoid such gross culinary mistakes in the future, we offer you some glorious and gentle ways to defeat pungent smells and bitterness.

pickle onion for salad

The easiest way

Even if we pickle onions for salad using vinegar, this should not be done so rudely. You can’t just fill them with a chopped onion and decide that the job is done. In a half glass of very hot, but not boiling water, a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt dissolve. Vinegar is added to them in the amount of three large spoons, and only after the marinade is the onion chopped at your discretion. It is necessary to sustain it in the marinade no longer than 10 minutes, otherwise instead of onion bitterness you will receive acetic acid.

Tender marinade

Seasoning is very exotic when we pickle onion for salad in pomegranate juice. It will not be needed so much - half a glass for four very large heads. For a successful experiment, we observe two conditions: firstly, we take natural, unsweetened juice, and secondly, we keep the vegetable in it for three hours.

Lemon Juice Plus Olive Oil

If you think that the exotic will not be too combined with the main background of your dish, pickle the vegetable in a neutral, but very tender mixture. For her, take a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and olive oil, a teaspoon of sugar and soy sauce and pickle onion for salad in this composition for at least half an hour. After such a marinade, the vegetable will be in harmony with almost anything.

pickled chicken salad

Instant way

Some housewives, in order to rid the onions of bitterness and smell, soak it in boiling water or at least scald them. However, in this case, the onion is cooked rather than pickled. If you are in a hurry, do this: pour boiling water over the rings, then soak them for three minutes in lemon juice. In principle, it is enough to even sprinkle the onion with lemon - it will be marinated anyway.

Mustard marinade

Very suitable when we pickle onions for a salad of sweet varieties. Spicy mustard (3 tablespoons) is mixed with salt, marjoram, pepper and the same amount of vegetable oil. If the salad is seasoned with mayonnaise, then you can add it to the marinade. Chopped onion seasoned with a mixture and hides in the cold for a couple of hours. The taste will become even more refined if you add a little dry wine to the marinade.

heart salad with pickled onions

Freckles Salad

Having figured out the right ways to pickle onions, try the result on the dishes. And appreciate the difference! With a well-prepared vegetable and additional ingredients, you will not need much. For example, you can cook such a salad: chicken, pickled onions, tangerines. For him, the breast is boiled for about half an hour (until soft), cools and finely cut. Tangerines are exempted from the skin and white layers under it, are disassembled into slices, which are cut in half. All this is mixed with pickled onions according to any of the recipes and seasoned with light mayonnaise.

marinated onion salad with liver

Hearty Salad

If you are not indifferent to offal, this and the next recipe is for you. To begin with, we offer a gentle and light salad. A heart with pickled onions is complemented by bell pepper in it. He takes a couple of pieces to a third of the boiled beef heart; for greater harmony, peppers, cut into strips, for 5-10 minutes (depending on the marinade selected) are soaked in a bowl with onion rings. The heart is cut into small straws and mixed with strained vegetables. The salad is sprinkled with chopped parsley, garlic and dill, seasoned with salt and black pepper and seasoned with mayonnaise, combined with the same amount of mustard.

Liver salad

Any by-product is taken, but most chefs recommend staying on chicken or beef. A half kilogram of the liver is boiled in salted water until a clear juice without blood begins to stand out, and rubbed on a coarse grater. Half the onion marinate, and you can collect the salad: the pickled onions with the liver are combined in one bowl, pepper and pour over vegetable oil. With all the simplicity of preparation and a small number of components, a very tasty dish is obtained.

marinated onion squid salad

Luxurious Salad

Squid salads are prepared in very different configurations. If the onion is deliciously pickled, you can completely limit yourself to sea animals, onion rings and eggs. However, why not cook a delicious multi-component salad with calamari, pickled onions, mushrooms and crab sticks? Believe me, you will not regret your efforts and expenses. A kilogram of frozen squid is dipped in cold salt water and after boiling it boils for three minutes. Not a second longer if you do not want to get a rubber boot instead of tender meat. Next, the carcasses are washed under cold water, cleaned if sold unfinished, and cut into strips. Pickled champignons are strained; if they are whole - they are cut with plates. Five steep eggs rub heavily. Half a kilo of crab sticks are chopped into cubes, a bunch of dill is chopped, pickled onions are squeezed. All components are folded into a salad bowl, peppered, poured with mayonnaise and mixed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32685/

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