Where to call - there is no light for several hours?

Each of us has at least once encountered the problem of unexpectedly turning off the light. Today this is a rather serious problem, since most of the working population is somehow connected with various equipment. They turned off the light - the Internet disappeared, work processes stopped, supermarkets froze, not being able to get a cash register receipt. What to do, to whom and where to call in this case? Let's try to figure it out.

Where to call? There is no light, and time passes ...

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the fact that the light in the apartment or house suddenly went out. Surely everyone will have a candle that will not only illuminate the housing, but also add some romance. Everything would be fine, but modern people are too much attached to electricity.

Without light, a number of processes stop in an instant — cooking, working at a computer, ironing, and washing. Children cannot learn lessons in the dark, and every minute spent without light becomes more intense and annoying. Of course, you can just wait until the electricity appears again. But it will still be more correct to find out - why did he suddenly disappear?

To do this, you need to get through to the services responsible for supplying electricity to the homes of residents. First of all, you need to look out the window and evaluate the situation - only you have no light, in the whole house or in the microdistrict. After that, you can dial the treasured numbers.

disconnected electricity

We understand the situation

There can be several stops for the supply of light to a house. Consider specific examples. The first is emergency. There are a lot of electric networks in the city, but all of them are subject to a single service, the phone of which in your city must be known.

The next reason for the shutdown is non-payment of electricity bills. You can find out this question even without making calls - you just need to look at the available receipts for the date of the last payment made. There is only one way out - to pay off debts.

The next possible reason is a planned outage associated with ongoing work. Here you already have to call not the emergency service, but the help desk, which is involved in the supply of electricity in your city.

Why else can the lights go out?

Above, we examined cases when the power was cut off due to the fault of certain organizations. But there are other reasons - for example, weather conditions. If the window is restless, the wind raged or snow is lying on the wires (or they just iced up) - all this can also lead to a power outage due to wire breaks.

This situation also belongs to the category of emergency, so it will be necessary to call first of all to the emergency service.

emergency power

Another point - the electrical appliances used at home exceed the maximum power of your electrical network. The case usually ends with corks flying out. If you have the appropriate skills, you can correct the situation by your own efforts (of course, observing all safety measures when working with the electric panel) or again ask yourself a question - where to call?

There is no light - go to the housing and communal services or the Criminal Code. There is always a list of necessary telephone numbers serving organizations in the city.

If the lights are turned off at night

If the lights are turned off during the day, then the reason for this will be easier to find out. It is enough to look at the phone number on the receipt for which electricity services are paid. And if this happened in the evening or at night? Who should I call if the lights are turned off in this case? And here specialists of the EDDS - the Unified Call and Dispatch Service will come to the rescue.

who to call if the lights are off

The range of its work is very large - in any unusual situation, service dispatchers can give an answer to the question asked by him. Despite the time of day, whether it is a weekday or a day off, the specialist contacts the utilities responsible for the resource on which the accident occurred.

In this case (when there is no light), the dispatcher will contact the service responsible for supplying electricity within a few minutes, and after that will explain the situation to the caller. For example: “The situation is emergency, there are several electric networks in the area, as soon as the gap is established, the light supply will resume.”

We act without panic

The main thing in any unforeseen situation is not to panic. It is necessary to really assess the situation. If, after the preliminary inspection you made, you are convinced that there is not only light from you, you can immediately assume that not only will you try to reach the dispatchers. The line can be busy for quite some time, so you should be patient and dial the coveted number over and over again.

So, we figured out where to call. There is no light for an hour, two, a day - it is better to find out the situation immediately. If you still can’t get through to any number, then dial 112.

where to call there is no light

This is the phone number of the Rescue Service - the same for all cities in Russia. The service dispatcher will contact the specialists of your city, transfer the call, and you will receive the answer you are interested in.

And you should never be angry if neighbors wake you up in the middle of the night with the question: “Where to call? There is no light, we don’t know what to do! ” Indeed, in such a situation may be any of us.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32686/

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