How communication differs from communication - table

The importance of communication

Constant interactions between members of society are determined on two levels. On the one hand, this is social life — that is, life useful for society, on the other hand — personal life, which a person builds arbitrarily depending on his individual needs for communication. That is, on the first - social - level, we all interact with each other, regardless of whether we would like it or not.

how communication differs from communication

At this level, the maintenance of social order and order is ensured, each member of the society contributes to the functioning of this streamlined system, being both a consumer of goods and services, and a producer, and also supports the institutes of medicine, education and law and order. Therefore, communication is an integral part of human life as a social organism. Many confuse communication and communication. The differences, meanwhile, are quite substantial.

Communication is a complex process

In everyday life, we take communication for granted, and do not divide it into its component parts. We don’t think, for example, about our actions when, in the morning at breakfast, we ask someone to put a sugar bowl closer.

communication and communication differences
However, from the point of view of psychology, communication can be given a certain characteristic and the main aspects can be distinguished. There are two different areas here - objective and subjective. The objective area of ​​communication is expressed in actual relationships, such as dependence, submission, cooperativity, mutual assistance. The subjective area is expressed in the personal relations of the participants to each other. In this case, the objective and subjective areas are under constant mutual influence. Communication, as a complex process of establishing and maintaining contacts between people, is carried out through communication, interaction, and mutual perception, and you need to understand how communication differs from communication.

Communication as part of communication

Communication, as one of the aspects of communication, is a process of exchanging information. It is important to learn not only how communication differs from communication, but also the difference between communication and other components of communication. Unlike interaction, it is purely theoretical in nature, without practical actions and actions, influencing the views of the opponent and motivating him to a certain activity. And, unlike mutual perception, it does not include the subjective sensations of an individual, although it can affect mutual perception, as well as the way and color of communication can vary depending on mutual perception. We can say that communication is a way of direct influence of people on each other.

the difference between communication and communication
It is important to understand that what is meant here is the process of mutual exchange of information, which leads to the optimization of joint activities. For successful communication, all participants must have a common set of symbols and concepts, be mutually interested, and also focused on the assimilation and acceptance of information. The means of communication include oral and written speech, non-verbal interaction.

Communication and communication are not the same thing

How is communication different from communication? Communication is just one part of the multifaceted communication process. Despite the fact that it is a two-way mechanism for transmitting and receiving information, it cannot describe the complex personal relationships that arise between people. Communication does not directly express the figurativeness of thought that occurs in a person’s head relative to his interlocutor. And also it does not include other manifestations of human interaction. By optimizing joint activities, they themselves are not activities, and all actions go beyond communication. For this reason, as a rule, achieving effective communication is much simpler than succeeding in other aspects - there are many different tools for the quality exchange of information and ideas. In order to reliably communicate their intentions, transmit data, ask questions, people use a single language, specific concepts, understandable gestures and symbols.

how communication differs from communication table
Regardless of how communication differs from communication, these are all means generally accepted among a specific group of people, the size of which can be absolutely any - it doesn’t matter, they are two people, one family, a sports team, office workers, employees of one sphere, citizens of one state , native speakers of the same language, or all people in the world. This division may also not depend on time or territorial boundaries, its own system of signs and expressions may exist within, say, a specific subculture.

Communication, interaction and mutual perception as components of communication

how communication differs from communication what is the difference

To understand how communication differs from communication, what is the difference between communication and other components of communication, you need to consider another important point.

Communication, unlike full communication, can be carried out with an illusory partner, for example, with an animal.

We all know that animals can be trained. In addition, scientists have proved that many species of animals understand human speech and, moreover, react to it according to the situation.

It is possible even with an inanimate object, such as a computer, or other operational computing device.

By clearly showing how communication differs from communication, the table gives for comparison the characteristics of the various components of communication and their relativity with respect to a potential object.

Communication componentCharacteristicPotential object
CommunicationInformation exchangeMan, an illusory partner, an inanimate object
InteractionCommitment to general activityMan, an illusory partner
Mutual perceptionThe formation of subjective perception and mutual psychological influenceHuman

Effective communication is a component of full communication

The effectiveness of communication consists of several factors, the degree of significance of which cannot be determined unambiguously, due to the individual characteristics of different people. The success of the exchange of information is affected by the accessibility and comprehensibility of information, its value, and, as a rule, the uniqueness, as well as the authority of the speaker and personal likes or dislikes. The difference between communication and communication is that with full communication, not only the transmission and assimilation of certain messages takes place, but also the activity is aimed at forming the perception of one person by another, at building interpersonal bridges and at the comprehensive development of relations.


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