Kirov Park, Pyatigorsk: address, opening hours, photos, attractions, zoo, choice of entertainment and places to relax

Kirov Park in Pyatigorsk is an oasis of calm and relaxation. Local residents and tourists stroll along cozy wide alleys. Many people come here with children, because the park has a lot of entertainment for kids of all ages - attractions, a zoo, a planetarium. Yes, and adults enjoy boating on the surface of a park lake , come to listen to music and enjoy the fountains.

The park has existed for many years and has become an integral part of the resort city of Pyatigorsk.

A bit of history: how the park appeared

Kirov Park (Pyatigorsk) is located in the old part of the resort city.

In 1829, in this place, by order of General A. Ermolov, commander of the Caucasian Corps, a garden was built. His device was dealt with by another General G. Emanuel, the head of the Caucasus region. The general chose a place in the floodplain of the Podkumok river, and an orchard and a vegetable garden were laid out on the so-called Mokr meadow.

An English gardener, Jersey, was invited to attend. Jasmine and yellow share flourished in the Treasury Garden, cherries, mulberries, cornel, grapes gave fruit, roses of different varieties were fragrant.

Soon, trees and flowers took root so well that they began to take them to Stavropol for public gardens, as well as sell them to private individuals. It was possible to buy processes and send by mail home to Russia. The government garden immediately became a favorite place for picnics for officers and high society.

At the end of the XIX century. the garden was improved: a cafe, a bowling alley, a dance pavilion and a restaurant were arranged, alleys were laid and 3 fountains were made. A greenhouse heated by steam was built in the far section, and a water supply system was connected to it. Almost the entire Caucasus was supplied with flowers from the greenhouse of the State Garden.

Park named after Kirov in Pyatigorsk

Park in the 20th century

During the years of the revolution, the garden received a new, revolutionary name - Karl Liebknecht Spa Park, but the locals did not accept it, continuing to call it either the park or the Treasury garden.

During World War II, the garden was abandoned and desolate. In 1946, the city authorities got their hands on the restoration of the park.

At first, in 1952, the green zone was given a new name, and the garden became known as the “Kirov Park”. In Pyatigorsk, a competition was held for the best design for the design of the main entrance, the architect P. Yeskov won, he did a lot in the city. At the same time, the park area was redeveloped. The natural reservoir was expanded into a picturesque lake with beaches on the shores. In the center of the lake there is an island on which hares live.

In the summer, they swam on the lake, held competitions, a jumping tower was even arranged, in winter they skated on the frozen surface.

Soon, an open Green Theater appeared in the Kirov Park (Pyatigorsk), which hosted 2,200 spectators, a summer cinema, a laughter room, gazebos, cafes and pavilions in which children participating in circles of the Pyatigorsk Palace of Pioneers were engaged in creativity.

Park decoration - flower beds

Shady alleys of PKiO im. Kirov was decorated with sculptures. The stadium built in the upper part was reconstructed, a planetarium was laid in the same place and children's attractions were placed.

Relief features

In Pyatigorsk, the Kirov Park, a photo of which can be seen in our article, is successfully located on 2 levels due to the mountainous terrain.

The main entrance, decorated with a colonnade, is located at the top of the PKiO im. Kirov. Here are located the summer cinema “Tuning fork”, a cafe, a Ferris wheel and some attractions, as well as a park administration. This is a walking area, on the shady alleys there are benches for relaxation.

From the top to the bottom there is a stone staircase for pedestrians and an asphalt path for cars, but entry is only by passes. Car parking is near the main entrance and near the lake.

In the lower zone there is a lake, around which there are children's attractions, tennis courts and a stadium, karting and a climbing wall are equipped.

Park them. Kirov today

Today Kirov Park in Pyatigorsk occupies 23 hectares. Favorite vacation spot of citizens is constantly being improved:

  • in 2016, color music fountains were installed;
  • energy-saving lights are placed along the tracks;
  • A concert venue is being built near the stadium.
Colored music fountains in the park

In 1998, the International Association of Parks of the Russian Federation and the Near Abroad called the Kirov Park the best in Pyatigorsk, in the future the park won prizes more than once in competitions.

In 2004, the park territory was recognized as a monument of landscape architecture and history, included in the list of cultural heritage of Stavropol.

Park flora

Greens decorate any park, but it’s worth a peek into the Kirov park in Pyatigorsk to admire the variety of trees, shrubs and flowers growing in the Caucasus. What plants, especially beautiful during the flowering period, you will not find here! Juniper and thuja, Forsythia, Japanese spirea and Wangutta, pine and spruce, mountain ash, maple, birch and willow, chestnut and oaks .... Plants feel especially good in the upper part of the park, where magnificent flowerbeds and Moorish lawns are broken.

In total, about 4 thousand plantings grow in the park, some of them are of historical value. The age of individual maples is 200 years, and about 300 oaks; they were planted at the time of laying the Treasury Garden.

Park landscape is constantly updated. For example, recently near the lake appeared alleys of plane trees, lindens and ash trees.


Pure clear water of the park lake invariably attracts walkers. Swans floating on a water surface, ducks are completely tame and accept refreshments. Those who wish can rent a boat and ride across the lake to the island.

Skating on Pyatigorsk Lake

On the banks there are recreational areas where you can sunbathe.

There is fish in the lake, but it is forbidden to catch it.

Children's attractions in the Kirov park

Of course, the main thing that attracts the Kirov Park (Pyatigorsk) is the attractions.

At the moment, 26 types of attractions have been installed, which are designed for different ages. Half is for kids, the rest is family and extreme. Most of them work only in the summer.

The prices for skating are affordable - 100-200 p., A single child ticket costs 50 p. In addition, some categories of visitors are provided with benefits, and children groups from schools, camps and resorts receive a 30% discount.

50% save on tickets for large families.

What attractions are located in the Pyatigorsk park? Of course, the most popular is the Ferris wheel, from the height of which an excellent overview opens. Traditional entertainments are carousels, boats, a train, a circuit and trampolines. More modern options are “Fun Turntables”, “Calypso”, “Gorka”, “Red Baron”, “Jumpers”, “Safari”.

Children's rides in the park

Children really like Shark Island, a wonderful place for a hot day, where you can shoot cannons with water, spray yourself and those around you and run under the streams of a fountain.

In the three-story fortress “Miracle City”, kids can run all day, where transitions, slides, stairs, climbers and secret passages are made for them. The fortress is built of safe rubberized material, which guarantees the absence of abrasions and bruises.

Mini ATVs attract young riders, all children, without exception, like a rope park.

The park constantly holds children's events dedicated to various events, holidays, and indeed.

Visiting animals - Berendeevo Zoo

Not far from the lake there is a small contact zoo. In Pyatigorsk, in the Kirov park, this is the only place where citizens can not only admire the animals and birds, but also chat with them, pet or feed them.

Although the Berendeevo Zoo occupies a small area, there was a place for such exotic animals as alpacas, monkeys, kangaroos, raccoons, and noses. Ferrets, chinchillas, foxes live. Spacious wooden enclosures are inhabited by donkeys and yaks, deer, cows and goats, rabbits and ponies. There are many birds in the Pyatigorsk Zoo: swans and ducks swim in the lake, cozy pens are made for eagles, pigeons, herons, cranes, peacocks.

Plates are installed on the enclosures on which the names and information about the animal are indicated, so a walk to the zoo becomes not only entertaining, but also an educational trip for the child.

Kangaroo at the Berendeevo Zoo

Special food is sold at the entrance, they can treat animals in the home corner.

On the territory of "Berendeevo" visitors spend a lot of time. After meeting all the animals, the kids rush to the free swing or to the gazebo, where they are waiting for pencils and paper for drawing. Adults at this time rest on benches installed around a pond with a fountain.

The zoo is open every day from 10 am, a ticket costs 200 p.

Planetarium in the park

Kirov Park in Pyatigorsk is the only place in the North Caucasus Federal District where there is a planetarium.

The planetarium building was built in 1958, it was visited by more than one generation of Pyatigorsk, who wants to join in astronomical discoveries and secrets. But in the 90s they made a cafe out of it.

Enthusiasts restored the place of observing the stars in 2012, since then the planetarium has again pleased children and adults with interesting lectures and watching popular science films. The hall with 25 seats was converted, it installed the latest digital equipment - multi-dome projectors that create a three-dimensional image.

The planetarium is open every day except Monday. Sessions begin at 12 o’clock, pass every hour and end at 19 o’clock. Ticket price 200 r.

Planetarium in the Kirov park

How to get to the park

At the Kirov Park (Pyatigorsk) the address is: st. Dunaevsky, 5. The main entrance is decorated in the 50s of XX century. a magnificent colonnade decorated with symbols of the Soviet years.

But you can also get into the park from Pervomaiskaya and Parkovaya streets.

Not far from the PKiO them. Kirov is located Pyatigorsk bus station and railway station.

Mode of operation

The park is open to visitors every day without days off from 10 to 20 hours. The entrance is free.


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