Schulte Tables: Developing Attention

Help your child adapt quickly in the school environment! From an early age, teach him to easily and naturally train his visual memory, while eliminating the errors in writing or counting. Using Schulte tables, you will achieve the desired result with little time and money.

We train visual memory

Schulte tables
A small child is like plasticine, and what you will sculpt from it depends on who it becomes. One of the useful and necessary characteristics of development is memory. Knowing this, loving parents train her in babies from an early age. Some use memorization of verses, others practice tongue twisters and proverbs. However, these methods, of course, are aimed at improving the ability of memorization and the development of speech, but do not affect the visual memory. Meanwhile, forget about its existence is not worth it.

According to scientists, it is she who helps the child to master writing and reading faster and more efficiently. Visual memory has a directed effect precisely on memorizing signs, in other words, the child will make fewer mistakes when writing, easily and quickly learn to add, multiply, and subsequently it will be easier for him to perceive the basic mathematical formulas. But these are dividends for the future, and now let's talk in more detail about how the Schulte table works for children.

Preparing your child for school using the Schulte table

Going to school, the child should be prepared for the fact that many difficult and equivalent tasks fall on him at once. He must not only adapt in a diverse group of children, but also learn to read, write and count. The children's psyche is very vulnerable and overly susceptible to criticism, so the task of parents is to qualitatively prepare the child for a new stage in his life. After all, a little schoolboy is very upset when he tries so hard to spell words or numbers, and they find mistakes in them.

schulte table program

Practicing with memory training can correct the situation. By systematically performing the exercises, you can avoid a significant number of mistakes or even say goodbye to them. It all depends on yours, parents, patience, and, of course, on the desire to teach your child to remember information not only by ear, but also visually.

Consider in more detail Schulte tables. The technique of working with them is aimed at increasing the possible field of view of your child. According to experts, one of the reasons for the low reading speed is the small size of this field. But it can be increased precisely with the help of special games and exercises. In a light and easy way, parents will help the child cope with the problem. The program "Schulte Tables" involves classes with cards that can be purchased or made independently.

Making a manual yourself

Schulte table test
At home, to make a table, Schulte will need cardboard (sheet of paper) and a marker (felt-tip pen) with which you will write numbers. By drawing a base on several squares, you create a task for training. The difficulty level depends on the age and abilities of your child. Since there can be a huge number of options, games do not bother children. Having mastered the simplest scheme, you can always go to a more complex task.

The first card can consist of only 16 cells, and in the next you need to gradually increase the number (the more cells, the more difficult the task). On a cardboard, write in random order numbers from one to 25. For effective work, you must have at your disposal several such plates with different numbers. It is worth noting: since Schulte tables are a universal simulator of attention and memory, which is necessary for study, adults can also actively use them, but more on that later.

A variety of tasks - interesting workouts

By inventing various tasks and using the indicated tables, you can diversify the exercises, turning training into an eternal game. Children really like her, and besides, when they play, they don’t get so tired. And so that the interest does not fade away, parents or educators should periodically change the tables and stimulate the desire to engage in an award or competition among children.

Example of training visual memory using a Schulte table

Schulte table for children
Having a card with numbers, you must ask the child to name and show all the available numbers from 1 to 25 (or up to 16, depending on which table you have in your hands). Then it is advisable to voice the countdown. According to the recommendations, students in grades 1-2 not only show all the numbers, but also pronounce them out loud, and older children can limit themselves only to indicating.

After that you can practice by calling only even or odd numbers. You can complicate the task a bit by working on a table in pairs. For example, at the same time, the child names the numbers in ascending order, and the mother or brother lists the odd numbers. The competitive moment allows the baby to learn to concentrate on a specific task, without being distracted by interference. Regular training not only strengthens the visual memory, but also perfectly develops the field of vision, attention and even the perseverance of the child.

Schulte table test

Black-red Schulte tables
Scientists have figured out the secret to the effectiveness of tables. The results of research experiments indicate that Schulte tables have a beneficial effect on the activity of the human brain. Scientists specializing in the field of functional neuroimaging have determined that the effect is due to a noticeable rush of blood to the areas of the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex when solving a new problem. However, a repeated attempt to study the same picture significantly reduced the intensity of blood flow.

In other words, the intensity of blood supply depended on the complexity and nature of the Schulte table. By offering the brain a solution to new problems, we not only stimulate its work, but also improve its activity, increasing the amount of memory and increasing the concentration of attention. Schulte's black and red tables are especially effective for training memory and switching attention . This is a modified material. In what respect? The numbers are no longer 25, but 49. Half are red, half are black. The child calls the numbers in turn: first one color, then another. At the same time, listing red ones, he uses a direct count (from 1 to 25), and when listing black ones, he uses a reverse account (from 24 to 1). Since the task is quite complicated, it is intended for children of senior school age (and for adults).

The most effective workouts for our intelligence

The question arises: "Why are these puzzles effective?" Training stimulates the movement of the entire volume of blood flow to those areas of the cortex that are responsible for the activation of intelligence in the decision-making process. In addition, it was noted that the main part of the brain is practically not distracted, as is usually the case with arithmetic calculations, solving crosswords or cramming poems.

Schulte tables
Finding a solution to logical problems, we activate mathematical thinking and use memory, recalling a particular formula. Other departments of our brain are responsible for these abilities. Almost the same thing happens when solving crossword puzzles. Again, it is necessary to strain additional sections of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for associative thinking and memories. In other words, part of the blood flow intensity is again lost.

The total volume of blood is distributed to other zones, while reducing its amount entering the frontal lobes. The same is observed when memorizing verses. Remembering or memorizing phrases in memory, we activate memory by initiating zones responsible for recalling and storing information. As a result, a decrease in blood flow intensity occurs again.

Schulte Tables - Optimal for Improving Memory

A completely different scheme is carried out during training using the Schulte table. There is no need to remember something or perform mathematical operations (multiply, add, subtract, divide), look for suitable associations, checking information with available data. During the training, you don’t have to make any extra effort.


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