Everything as it really is: ticket.ru. Reviews

Today, there are a huge number of sites through which you can order or book airline tickets for home delivery. One of those is the ticket.ru website, reviews of which are full of praises and reproaches. Let’s talk in more detail about this site and find out whether you can believe it or not.

What does the site do

ticket ru reviews

This site is one of the most popular Internet resources that provide services through which you can book and buy airline tickets at home. You can do all the necessary operations both with the help of the World Wide Web, and by an ordinary telephone, mobile or home, just by calling the office. Booking and buying tickets remotely, that is, away from the ticket office, will not take much time and effort, everything is much simpler than you can imagine. The site provides a large selection of airlines, the services of which you can use. You can also choose a difficult route, which provides the opportunity to book four tickets for alternate flights to different parts of the world, traveling to each point of arrival in turn, depending on the route. And all this you can do in minutes, without even leaving your home. To all this, "Ticket.ru" provides various promotions and raffles that will save on a trip or get it for free, that is, win a trip.

Good or bad

The ticket.ru website is quite popular. You can find reviews about it very easily. To do this, just enter a query into the search ribbon and click on the "Search" button. But are reviews always true? The answer is unequivocal - no. Someone writes well, someone writes badly, one should also take into account competitors who specifically can disseminate false information and reviews about the tickets.ru website. It is very difficult to identify where the truth is and where the lie is, because such information is written by professionals, structuring their information both for search engines and for the average consumer. But nevertheless, it is necessary to distinguish between truth and lies, or if you do not know how to do it, then it is better not to search and read reviews at all, because they can only confuse you.

reviews about website tickets ru

http //tickets.ru/ reviews

After reviewing a large number of reviews about this site, we can confidently say that most of them are positive feedback, with texts from people who are completely satisfied with the work of the site, the speed and quality of service, as well as all the services provided. Special attention is paid not only to the prices of airline tickets and flights, but also to the cost of services - everything is calculated for a resident with an average income. In turn, this indicates a high quality of work, speed of service and reliability, but still there were reviews of people whose requirements were not fully satisfied. Among these, I got a very interesting comment from a person who reported about a delay in money when paying via the Internet for more than three weeks. Of course, this is a very interesting statement, since when clarifying the circumstances, it becomes clear that the company can not delay the money during payment. Why? Yes, everything is extremely simple. Firstly, it is unprofitable for her both in material terms and in terms of scaring away customers. Secondly, if payment is made via the Internet, then there may be problems in the network itself, and the request that you allegedly sent simply did not reach the addressee, that is, the bank simply did not receive money to pay for the purchase of airline tickets. This means that such a review was written either by a person who understands absolutely nothing in the work of payment systems using the Internet, or by someone who was paid to make the review negative. But still, in order to avoid such misunderstandings, you should more carefully check the details, all current data, as well as whether there was a network failure during payment. Usually, you should receive a notification of payment by e-mail or mobile phone in the form of SMS.

reviews about website tickets ru

Is it possible to believe in ticket.ru

The reviews that we have already mentioned can be completely different. So before you believe them, you should at least familiarize yourself with their large number. To do this, look for reviews on several resources that are independent of each other. The best option would be 3-5 sites with reviews about this company. If possible - personally chat with people who have already used the services of this company. Do not be afraid to ask and find out the information you are interested in, because the quality of your flights depends on this.

reviews about website tickets ru

What you should not pay attention to

A lot of competitors want to damage ticket.ru’s reputation. Reviews are full of negative with notes of sarcasm and even irony, but there are still things that you can safely close your eyes to, namely, abuse, as well as reviews that contain either only bad or only good. A real person will never be satisfied or completely dissatisfied with something. There will always be something that will be liked among all the bad, and that which will become a drop of tar in a barrel of honey. These are rational reviews that you should pay attention to. As for the abuse and obscene words, it is unlikely that a cultural and self-respecting person will allow such writing. It would seem that this is a trifle, but it is thanks to him that you can determine whether this review is true or not.

To summarize

http tickets ru reviews

In general, most reviews of the site tickets.ru website are positive. People are satisfied with the service, the speed of receiving tickets, the quality of staff, low prices, the ability to choose an airline for flights, various discounts and promotions, the function of a difficult route and the ability to book and buy tickets without even leaving their own home. Of course, there are isolated cases when people are dissatisfied with tickets.ru services, but they are much smaller, and the shortcomings that these people call are not so significant and most likely relate to a person’s personal attitude rather than to the quality of service, which is very it is important to distinguish. Indeed, you must admit that someone didn’t like it, you might like it, and vice versa, what satisfied someone, can leave you unhappy. So do not neglect the reviews, but still look at their reality and truthfulness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32706/

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