English, basic level is ... Levels of English proficiency

Today it is much harder to say why you are not learning English, instead of explaining the reason why you are learning English. Yet English is one of the most widespread and popular languages โ€‹โ€‹in the world. It is not only spoken, but also composed songs, written instructions for devices and enter into contracts. Anyone who has tried to look for work at the present time knows that knowledge of English gives some weight to the eyes of a potential employer. English will help out a tourist in almost any country and in any situation. And even the basic level of English opens up new opportunities for communication with residents of other countries.

English basic level this

So good to know the language

Some people think that a couple of thousand words are enough to feel free on foreign trips. Adherents of classical education object that everyday topics that are often talked about in the classroom are not enough to solve the problem with the police or call an ambulance. Teachers of popular express courses for tourists claim that three months is a real time to prepare for the trip. In response, they argue those who tried to learn the language โ€œfrom scratchโ€ in three months, but did not say a word abroad. Itโ€™s important not only to understand for yourself, but also to make sure that you are understood.

Of course, it all depends on the goals. To work abroad will require no less than an advanced level. To communicate with foreigners in their country, an average level is enough. For a trip to Disneyland, you can take basic English courses and feel quite good. The only question is how to find your level.

basic level of English

What are the levels of English proficiency

Most European countries have adopted a common system for assessing levels of CEFR (The Common European Framework of References for languages) - the Common European Framework for Language Competency. On this scale, it is customary to distinguish 6 levels of English proficiency. Two basic ones - A1 (survival rate) and A2 (prethreshold). Two intermediate levels, assuming independent language proficiency - B1 (threshold) and B2 (advanced threshold). Two advanced levels - C1 (free) and C2 (perfectly).

Each level is determined by how competent a person is in various aspects of language learning - listening, speaking, reading, grammar, vocabulary. Each level has its own vocabulary, a set of topics, the complexity of the perceived texts. For example, if a person reacts only to familiar everyday phrases and can reproduce only the simplest expressions, this is the basic level of the English language. If you are able to understand an unfamiliar text the first time and express your opinion, then this is an intermediate or advanced level.

English proficiency levels

Basic Level Features

Even if you start learning from scratch, after some time, certain skills and knowledge are acquired that are sufficient for a certain type of communication. The basic level of English is the level that is sufficient for simple communication, for example, as a tourist, provided that the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. Level A1 (Beginner) involves the ability to use and understand simple everyday phrases. Most often, knowledge is limited to everyday topics - a general description of the place of residence, family and work, clothes and simple questions about it, food and a simple meal order, weather, health, hobbies. At the level A2 (Elementary) knowledge is added about the grammatical constructions of the past and future tenses. The lexical theme is expanding - vacation plans, nature and travel, favorite films and games. New skills are emerging. Now you can participate in discussions at work, describe an accident, get medical help, make and return purchases.

Mid Level Features

After the test of the basic level of English has been successfully passed, you can safely take on the next one. B1 on the CEFR scale is the level of language proficiency that allows you to almost fluently speak English, discuss many professional and everyday topics, understand by ear almost everything said by a native speaker at a normal pace. This level is enough to pass international exams and qualify for study abroad. Most employers require their employees' language level to be at least B1 or Intermediate. The next level B2 or Upper-intermediate involves free communication on any topic with virtually no errors. This level also assumes that the person who owns it is able to read literature, watch films and series in the original.

Advanced Level Features

If the basic level of English is the ability to use only the simplest phrases and speak exclusively on familiar topics, then the advanced level is the ability to communicate in English regardless of the subject of the conversation. People with Advanced C1 and Proficiency C2 know the subtleties of the language such as idioms, polysemantic words, slang. Communication with foreigners no longer causes any difficulties. Level C1 allows you to conduct business negotiations in English, and level C2 or the level of an educated carrier makes it possible to engage in science, including linguistics, at a professional level.

books for basic English

How to determine your level

As a rule, in any school of foreign languages, preliminary testing and interviews with applicants are conducted. The specialist will tell you exactly which level is more suitable. It is worth mentioning that dividing into levels even with a developed and generally recognized system is arbitrary. A person may have an extensive vocabulary at an intermediate level, but at the same time be completely unable to use it, which means a basic level of English. Therefore, the opinion of working teachers is valuable. Nevertheless, there are many tests that you can take online to find out where to start learning.

English basic level courses

How long does it take to learn a language

Is it possible to learn a language in a year? Most foreign-speaking people agree that three months of intensive work are sufficient for the level of survival. According to the CEFR system, a minimum of 200 hours of study is the basic level of the English language. It takes much longer to reach higher levels. What is 200 hours? Very approximately, this is 6 months of classes three times a week with a teacher. We must not forget about independent work, which is usually not taken into account in calculations. If you watch movies and TV shows or read books for a basic level of English, then the learning time is reduced.

Is it possible to learn a language yourself

There are many different resources on the Web for independent language learning. You should not rely only on advertisements with promises to learn English only from films or songs. A foundation is required for study. There are entire courses, including not only traditional textbooks and audio, but also video, games, online quests and live chat. On special resources you can find a person with similar goals and support each other. There are even special tours for learning English with immersion without a teacher. All you need to do to want to learn a language is to find your motivation and organize your time. Even if this is a basic level of English, it still requires concentration and organization.

English basic level test

How to choose a teacher

If trouble is organized, there is always a large selection of different schools for learning foreign languages, where they will offer not only a ready-made program, but also help to adhere to the chosen course. With such competition, those who want to learn the language may well choose a teacher for their own purposes. And not always the age or length of service matters. In addition to the reviews, which also say a lot, you should take into account the attitude of the teacher. Does he understand the goal, can he clearly articulate it? What resources does it use and what can it offer its students? Personal contact is also important, even if it is an online school.

What does the basic level of English mean?

Child and adult levels

A unified system for assessing CEFR levels was developed for adolescents and adult learners. There are certain nuances in the education of children, so itโ€™s completely impossible to focus on this scale. So, the children's basic level of English will be very different from the teenage vocabulary and the number of conversational topics, since some areas are not accessible to children due to their general development and age. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the children's average level often corresponds to the adult basic level.

It is always important to remember that any level of language that tests show does not matter if knowledge is not applied in practice, therefore an active tourist with a basic level of language uses his skills more efficiently than an academician reading Shakespeare in the original, but not uttering a single the words. Success in learning a language depends not only on theoretical material and entry-level, but more on practice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32708/

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