Treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies: recipes and tips

Pancreatic diseases, which occur in acute form, torment many people. The disease of this internal organ is characterized by intense pain in the abdomen, vomiting, and lack of appetite. If you are concerned about the symptoms listed above, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the doctor was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, then do not despair, because this ailment can be cured with the help of traditional medicine.

pancreatic herbs

What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas. The main causes of this ailment are listed below:

  • malnutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • infections
  • inflammation resulting from cholelithiasis and peptic ulcer;
  • smoking;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • congenital diseases;
  • idiopathic pancreatitis.

Symptoms of Pancreatitis

The location of the pancreas in the body

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, the patient feels girdle pain, especially on the sides. There may also be discomfort in the chest and back. As a rule, symptoms are especially acute after eating.

Also, for this ailment, gas formation in the intestine, unstable and greasy stools are characteristic.

This disease bothers the patient for periods, exacerbating from time to time, causing severe pain and accompanied by diarrhea.

A gastroenterologist can find the cause and source of pain, confirm the presence of the disease, sending his patient for a laboratory examination.

Many people wonder what kind of diet for pancreatic disease should be chosen. During the treatment of pancreatitis, fasting is recommended. It is also necessary to take medications prescribed by your doctor (usually these are painkillers). In addition, often doctors prescribe droppers with saline solutions.

Pancreatitis can be cured at home using simple but fairly effective methods.

Herbal treatment

Experts have repeatedly proved the high effectiveness of herbal medicine in the fight against many ailments. For treatment of the pancreas, individual herbs and herbal preparations should be taken.

Cooking special collection


Many patients are interested in what kind of herbal collection for the pancreas is suitable for getting rid of the disease. To successfully fight pancreatitis, a special collection consisting of crushed herbs should be prepared. The list of necessary ingredients is presented in the list:

  • St. John's wort
  • horsetail;
  • sagebrush;
  • elecampane;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • succession;
  • calendula flowers;
  • burdock root.

The main value of herbs from the pancreas is their ability to exert an anti-inflammatory effect on this and other internal organs of a person. These plants contain substances that stimulate the digestive tract, thereby contributing to the removal of bile, as well as a significant reduction in intoxication of the body.

The use of a special collection improves the digestion process, and also has a bactericidal effect. With prolonged use of the decoction, patients feel a significant improvement in their health status.

The prepared collection must be brewed in hot water at the rate of one tablespoon of herbs per glass of water. Then you need to let the drink brew for 15 minutes. Healing tea is ready to drink, it must be drunk 3 times a day in half a glass.

Immortelle Healing Broth

Daily use of propolis

Many people suffering from acute abdominal pain ask the question of how to restore the pancreas with folk remedies. Brewing and drinking immortelle is necessary for people with a diagnosis of pancreatitis at the initial stage of the disease. A decoction from this herb relieves inflammation, promotes the secretion of bile and gastric juice, which normalizes the digestive tract.

This herb has long been famous for its disinfectant and hemostatic properties. Brewing an immortelle is quite simple. First you need to put a tablespoon of chopped herbs in a pan, and then pour pour a little hot water (200 ml). The pan must be put on a slow fire and cook the composition before the water boils.

Before use, the drink should be cooled to room temperature, filtered and consumed 3 times a day in half a glass.

Wormwood Against Pancreatitis

Those who ask what to drink from the pancreas can recommend wormwood as a folk remedy. When brewing this herb, the recommended dosage should be followed.

To prepare a drink, pour a tablespoon of wormwood with a glass of hot water, bring the mixture to a boil, then let cool. It remains to strain the broth.

It is necessary to use the finished product strictly at 2 tablespoons a day half an hour before a meal.

It is important to remember that wormwood is a poisonous plant, so a decoction can not be consumed for a long time. Also, the solution is not recommended to drink during pregnancy and lactation. It is forbidden to take a solution of wormwood to people with diseases of the stomach.


Licorice copes well with inflammation that occurs in the internal organs of a person. It also helps the body to produce the necessary enzymes for normal life.

To prepare a decoction of licorice, you need to pour about 5 grams of the root of the plant 0.5 liters of cold water, and then bring the solution to a boil over low heat.

To enhance the effect of healing herbs, you can add dandelion root and burdock to the solution during cooking. After filtering, the resulting drink can be drunk throughout the day in small portions.

Experts recommend using healing broth for short courses (no more than 10 consecutive days), taking breaks between them. The body needs rest, since licorice can cause an increase in blood pressure, and also contribute to the appearance of edema of the extremities. Sometimes in people who drink this broth for a long time, a weakening of sexual desire is recorded.

The benefits of oats during treatment

oatmeal broth

Many people are interested in how to use oats to treat the pancreas. Kissel, cooked from sprouted oat grains, is an excellent remedy for pancreatitis. Cooking it is not difficult. First you need to thoroughly rinse the grains under running water, then slightly dry and grind in a blender.

A tablespoon of the obtained oatmeal should be poured with a glass of cold water, and then put the remedy on a slow fire, bringing it to a boil.

Jelly from oats for the treatment of the pancreas must be consumed daily, morning and evening, 1 glass, pre-filtering it with gauze. After eating, you can not eat for about an hour, only then a folk remedy will work as efficiently as possible.

Infusion of the roots of barberry

Alcohol tincture, consisting of the roots of barberry, is also actively used in folk medicine to alleviate the symptoms of pancreatitis. For cooking, you should grind the roots of the plant, having received 100 grams of the healing ingredient. Then you need to fill the roots with vodka (1.5 liters).

The remedy must be infused for two weeks. After that, you can use it with 2 teaspoons of food.

The roots of barberry deservedly received the title of a therapeutic agent, often used in folk medicine, due to its bactericidal, antispasmodic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties. A few days after the use of tincture, the patient undergoes an inflammatory process, bile is actively secreted.

The healing properties of burdock

Burdock is a well-known folk remedy for a number of diseases. Preparing an infusion from this plant is very simple: cut fresh leaves with a knife as small as possible. Pour the resulting slices with water at the rate of: one tablespoon of greens for one glass of boiling water. Then the drink must be allowed to infuse for 4 hours. After this, it is necessary to bring the product to a boil. The product is ready, it should be drunk 2 times a day in half a glass.

Such a plant as burdock promotes the secretion of bile, has an analgesic and diuretic effect. When using a decoction for several days, the pancreas begins to produce enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It is thanks to these properties that you can forget about pancreatitis forever, following the advice of a doctor and consuming a decoction of burdock leaves.

The prepared product is absolutely non-toxic, therefore, it has no contraindications for use.

Flax seed infusion treatment

Many people often wonder how the pancreas is treated with flax seeds. Flax infusion will help get rid of severe pain in the abdomen due to exacerbation of pancreatitis. To prepare the product, you need to purchase 100 grams of seeds, put them in a glass plate, and then pour a glass of boiling water. Covering the top with a lid, the infusion should be placed in a dark place for one month.

When the time has come to get the remedy, it is necessary to strain the liquid. To use flax seeds for pancreatic treatment, it is necessary to follow the instructions: 2 teaspoons shortly before meals, several times a day. Since the plant has no contraindications, the course of treatment can continue for several weeks.

Disease prevention

Doctors perform an operation

In folk medicine, there are several recipes for preventing the onset of a disease such as pancreatitis. The most popular remedies for folk healers are listed below:

  1. Treatment of the pancreas with propolis is one of the most popular ways to get rid of the disease. The substance obtained through the hard work of bees is a valuable therapeutic agent. To prepare the medicine used by traditional healers, you need to dilute 20 drops of the purchased tincture in a glass of hot milk. Drink the mixture obtained to the patient before bedtime in small sips.
  2. The solution of the mummy is also able to alleviate the suffering of a patient with human pancreatitis, so it is considered an effective folk remedy for treating the pancreas. To prepare the medicine, the mummy in the amount of two grams should be diluted with three liters of water. The patient will have to drink the finished drink for 10 days daily.
  3. To make a healing drink from dill, you need the seeds of this unpretentious plant. They must be poured with boiling water, and then insist and carefully strain. Dill drink should be consumed in 0.25 cups several times a day.
  4. For the treatment of pancreas with folk remedies, you can use an egg shake. To cook it, you need to arm yourself with a mixer. Next, you need to break the egg and separate the yolk and protein. Then you should take a mixer and mix the protein with juice squeezed from a medium-sized lemon. The healing product is ready to use. It should be drunk only in the morning, on an empty stomach, daily.
  5. A mixture made from garlic, parsley and lemon will help ease pain, stop the disease, and improve the functioning of the pancreas. It is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of the pancreas. To prepare the product, squeeze the juice from a kilogram of yellow fruit, add the peeled cloves obtained from one head of garlic to the liquid. From parsley, we need only a thoroughly washed root (300 grams). All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, and then put in a cool dark place for two weeks. Ready-made remedy for treating the pancreas with folk remedies is used one small spoon 3 times a day before eating any food.
  6. Potato juice also helps relieve inflammation of the affected organs of the digestive system. In order to cook it, you need to peel a few fruits, and then rub them on a fine grater. Next, wrap the resulting mass in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice thoroughly into a mug. The product should be drunk for two weeks at 50 ml per day. After this, it is recommended to drink the liquid with a glass of kefir with a fat content of 1-2 percent.


Pancreas afflicted

People with a diagnosis of pancreatitis ask doctors a question: "How to cleanse the pancreas with folk remedies?" During the treatment of pancreatitis, strict adherence to the diet plays a key role. During an exacerbation, it is better to completely refuse food, since starvation stops the inflammatory process in the body. Also, hunger helps to reduce pain in the abdomen, eliminates the risk of complications of the disease, allows the affected internal organ to recover. The patient needs to use only clean still water. For the whole day you need to drink about 1.5 liters of fluid.

The day after fasting, you need to carefully approach the choice of food. It is necessary to completely exclude broths, fatty and fried foods, raw fruits and vegetables from your diet. It is also contraindicated to eat flour products, any sweets and canned goods. Baked foods are also not recommended, only apples are the exception.

It is allowed to eat during a diet for pancreatic disease:

  • diet soup;
  • cereals from ground cereals;
  • diet meat (skinless chicken breasts, turkey meat) and low-fat fish;
  • eggs
  • skim dairy products;
  • boiled vegetables and fruits. It is best to mash them for easier digestion.

Before eating, all food must be cooled to room temperature.

Treatment with herbal preparations for the pancreas should be combined with the use of the following drinks:

  • jelly from berries;
  • compote;
  • tea;
  • a rosehip broth.

According to reviews, treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies, as well as following a strict diet, will quickly restore the organ's working capacity and bring it to normal working condition. During treatment, the affected organ actively receives all the necessary substances useful for it in order to fulfill its function in full.


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