Hair wash "Kapus": composition, instructions for use, features of use, reviews

Sometimes, having made unsuccessful staining or wanting to give a new shade to hair, we resort to washing off the old dye. This procedure for removing color from the hairline is called decapitation. Complex and responsible manipulation usually lays an unbearable burden on the shoulders of your hairdresser, because it is not so easy to achieve good results yourself. Since hair also suffers from such a procedure, cosmetic brands paid special attention to the creation of products with the lowest possible aggressive effect on the hair. The “Caps” hair wash (the official name is Decoxon 2 Faze Kapous) is an emulsion that allows for effective and gentle removal of dye from the hairline. Further in the article, we will dwell in more detail on the advantages and disadvantages of the presented product, as well as on the secrets of successful pickup at home.

how to become a blonde


The Kapus brand is considered one of the best in terms of professional hair dyeing and coloring. High quality products, a wide range of shades, ease of use and product durability are the main secrets of the popularity of this brand.

washing capus

Decapitation is aimed at removing pigment molecules from the hair shaft. For the implementation of the procedure, special means are used, the purpose of which is to break the bonds that unite the dye molecules. The Kapous manufacturing company offers all girls an innovative solution to remove unwanted color - the two-phase Decoxon 2 Faze Kapous means allows you to easily get rid of the signs of former staining.

The “Kapus” hair wash is distinguished by a unique formula, which mercilessly and at the same time harmless to hair, deals with any shades and colors.

Why do I need a wash?

Let's remember the very moments when you yourself or in the salon of an unscrupulous hairdresser spoiled your hair color with an inappropriate shade or incorrect application. To correct a deadlock situation, the decapitate procedure is used. Using the “Kapus” hair wash, you can get rid of the remnants of unsuccessful staining or open up new experiments.

better flushing result

Hairdresser's advice! “Kapus” hair wash perfectly copes with the correction of unsuccessful staining, if after the procedure has not passed more than 24 hours. In the case of a fixed dye, the washing efficiency is significantly reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Among the positive aspects of the drug, note the following:

  • does not harm the hair, after the procedure, the curls do not lose their softness and silkiness;
  • does not lighten the natural color of curls;
  • instructions for using the “Capus” hair wash are as simple as possible, so it will not cause difficulties during home decapitation;
  • does not cause burning on the head, gently acts;
  • the procedure is short - it will take only 10 minutes for the drug to break the bonds between the particles of paint;
  • four washings can be carried out in one day;
  • one package is designed for several procedures;
  • different affordable and pleasant price.

According to customer and professional reviews, significant flushing disadvantages were identified:

  1. The drug is active only against fresh (loose) dye (that is, the procedure can be done no later than 24 hours from the moment of staining). If unsuccessful staining was done several days before the wash procedure, the product will not be able to effectively remove the paint from the hair.
  2. As indicated in the instructions, the “Kapus” hair wash lasts no more than 10 minutes, so it must be applied to the strands as soon as possible. Those who have a thick and long head of hair will have to perform a wash in several stages (3-4 portions of the drug will be needed).
  3. The Decoxon 2 Faze Kapous kit does not include an activator (oxide), it must be purchased separately.
  4. Decapitation with this product leaves behind an unpleasant odor that can persist for a long time on the hair.
  5. If after washing off the dye from the hair with “Capus” the pigment is not completely removed, there is a possibility of its return.
  6. Sometimes after washing, a break may be required before further dyeing (the hair should rest for at least 36 hours).

How much?

According to consumer reviews, the Kapus hair wash is reasonably priced. Buying one set that can be used for several decapitation procedures costs about 550 rubles (if you add the cost of an oxidizing agent, then about 650-700 rubles depending on the volume). The beauty salon offers decapitation services at prices above 1100 rubles. If you are not ready to pay for a professional procedure, you can do it yourself.

Effect of application

Kapus hair wash (photo of the drug can be found in the article) manufacturer Kapous presents as a lotion for the correction of cosmetic color. The product cannot corrode natural pigment, its action is directed only to artificial.

pickling cap

If, for example, you previously bleached to the 9th level, then after decapitation the strands will remain at the 9th level. And if you bleached to the 6th level, then painted in dark, and now do the decapitation procedure, then in the end you should not expect a tone lighter than the 6th level.

In addition to the initial level, after using the “Capus” acidic hair wash, a lightening background will appear on your locks. If you want to hide the side shades (orange, light yellow, red and others), then you can safely do hair tinting in the desired color.

The effectiveness of “Capus” in the fight against various types of dyes

After staining with household dyes, a two-phase Deoxon hair wash is ineffective. This is due to the presence of metals and salts in the paints.

If you stained the strands with professional paints, but more than 24 hours have passed, the drug can save you 50% of the last dye, but leave the previously accumulated shades intact.

After staining with paints from the manufacturer Kapous after 24 hours, it is possible to dissolve the applied pigment up to 70% (if you do the procedure on time, you can get rid of 100%).

Any dye can be easily removed after fresh dyeing, as evidenced by the reviews from the photo on the “Capus” hair wash.

An important point! The efficiency of decapitation is also affected by the number of stains previously carried out in a dark color, the type of hair and the state of hair at the time of washing off.

What's in the set?

The set consists of two 200 ml vials. Recommendations and instructions for use can be found on the product packaging (there is no separate instruction sheet).

two bottles

It is also worth taking care of acquiring oxide of the same brand - Cremoxon Soft (1.5%). In no case should you mix the products of different manufacturing companies! Experiments with tools can lead to the deplorable state of your hair!

Make a wash at home

In principle, having understood the intricacies of using the two-phase “Kapus” agent, you can safely proceed with the procedure. Experts say that with the right approach, even beginners will successfully cope with decapitation.

remove the color from the hair in stages

Stages of the procedure:

  1. To begin with, shake both bottles of the “Caps” preparation. We mix them in equal proportions in a deep container (non-metallic). The result should be a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Next, quickly distribute the prepared composition along the entire length of dry hair. Before decapitation, you do not need to wash your hair. The product should be applied to the hair for no more than 10 minutes. If you have long hair, hairdressers recommend diluting the product in batches and gradually applying to the strands.
  3. After the acid composition has been applied, wrap your head with a shower cap (bag, plastic wrap). On top of this we put on a warm hat or wrap a thick towel. The effect of the drug will only increase due to the thermal effect, which means that the result will be more impressive.
  4. After 20 minutes, thoroughly rinse the hair with warm water. If you want to reduce the pungent odor, you can rinse off hot.
  5. Next, apply one and a half oxide to the hair. We stand it for 5-6 minutes. After that, you need to analyze the color of the hair. If any dark spots were found, then the pigment was not washed completely and the procedure would have to be repeated. To do this, dry the hair and perform the indicated actions.
  6. We wash off the remnants of the product with “Capus” technical shampoo or colored hair shampoo from the same manufacturer. The first shampoo is applied before the repeated decapitation procedure, and the second is used when the washing result is completely satisfactory.
  7. Toning and hair coloring should be carried out no earlier than 36 hours after the final removal of the dye from the hair. This precaution will protect your locks from darkening.

Recommendation! Between procedures of washing it is impossible to use balms and masks.

washing works


The two-phase corrector of cosmetic color “Capus” is considered to be a loyal assistant to bold and fickle fashionistas who are constantly looking for themselves in new images. Hairdressers approve of the girls' desire to experiment with color variations, but they warn that common sense is needed in this matter - a couple of unprofessional procedures, and hair can be cut to zero. Everything must be done wisely, which means with maximum attention to the condition of the hair.


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