How to recognize a maniac: signs and tips

A maniac is a man obsessed with mania. It can be sexual in nature, the desire to dominate, mock, kill ... People with such a mental disorder should be under the supervision of specialists. However, without an adequate assessment of their behavior, maniacs often live in society until they are caught. In order not to become a victim, you need to know how to recognize a maniac. It turns out that psychologists have compiled a clear list of signs that will help bring the obsessed into clean water.

how to recognize a maniac

Who becomes a maniac?

Before you begin compiling a psychological portrait of a maniac, you need to find out who is prone to this disorder and what drives such people. As a rule, such mental disorders are always accompanied by genetic abnormalities, childhood injuries associated with domestic violence or too harsh parenting. Sometimes manic syndrome appears on the background of complexes or wounds to the head. This is true for sexually obsessed people. Their victims are usually the weaker sex or children. The situation is complicated with the advent of alcohol or drug addiction. A lot of this can be learned when meeting a person. However, one should correctly understand the rejection of moral and ethical standards, which, unfortunately, is inherent in many people today, and mental deviation. That is why, during long studies and scientific experiments, the experts made a characterization. It is intended to explain how to recognize a maniac and protect yourself from undesirable consequences.

By correspondence

The age of high technology allows people to meet at a distance through social networks and forums. On the one hand, this is a safe way to get to know a person and, after some observation, decide whether to continue communication or not. On the other hand, makes maniacs be more inventive, carefully sneaking up on the victim. How to recognize a maniac by correspondence?

Psychologists advise paying attention to how open and simple a person is in communicating, what topics he loves to raise, and which ones cause tension, and he tries to quickly jump over to others. In a conversation about hobbies, obsessed people inadvertently share information that they collect something. Of course, a normal person can also collect stamps or antiques, but when stealth, curiosity and a desire for an early meeting are added to this item, it is worth being wary.

However, psychologists believe that virtual correspondence provides little information about a person. Maniacs are masters of disguise, so itโ€™s difficult to accurately guess who is sitting on the other side of the monitor.

how to recognize a maniac by correspondence

By behavior

Issue a predatory nature can behavior. It happens that a harmless and friendly neighbor looks like an ordinary person during the day, and literally turns into a monster at night. Presenting this is sometimes quite difficult. However, there are certain signals. So, how to recognize a maniac by behavior?

  • Imagine the situation. You agreed to go to a movie with a stranger. The film shows scenes of violence, murders, fights, etc., and your companion is indifferently watching this. Do not rush to admire his endurance. In the course of research, American scientists found that maniacs calmly perceive such pictures due to certain deviations in the cerebral cortex. Of course, such composure can be fake in order to show his masculinity. But by facial expression, you can determine with pleasure or seriousness a person is looking at these horrors.
  • Such people like to carefully examine their victim without a smile or other appreciation. While you will be nervous and tell something quickly, not a single muscle will flinch on his body.
  • Maniacs do not like to attract attention. They speak little, dress modestly in dark clothes, try not to stand out from the crowd, they look moderately on their appearance. Often such people are pedantic, adhere to certain rules. This is exactly what women who see in such homely, slightly boring men as their ideal husband and father like this.

how to recognize a maniac by behavior

By speech

Even if at a meeting you found some characteristic qualities and doubted, itโ€™s worthwhile to look for other signs of a maniac. How to recognize them, prompt speech features and exciting topics for conversation.

  • Obsessed people are not emotional. Even talking about some crucial moments in their life, they do not feel regret, sadness, as if this was not happening to them. Maniacs pay increased attention to causal relationships. Their speech is devoid of imagery, jokes.
  • Satisfying basic needs is the main purpose of life for maniacs. Therefore, people with mental disabilities like to talk about what they ate and how they slept. An alarming signal can be frequent, long conversations about money.
  • Despite the widespread belief, obsessed people do not always openly talk about sex, use ambiguous phrases, hints, diminutive words. On the contrary, explicit topics may be banned, cause a clear protest. Therefore, in the question of how to recognize a maniac, one should rely on a holistic portrait of a person.

signs of a maniac how to recognize

Maniac or ...

Often women succumb to the tricks of pick-ups or manipulators. No, meeting with them does not threaten rape or something worse, but communication can be unpleasant. Such people are persistent, do not compromise, love talk about sex, do not want to spend money on courtship. They are original in dating methods and dating ideas. They can be confused with a maniac, but in essence they are not such. All manners, actions and words are realized by them and are determined by the purpose of flirting, frivolous hobby for acquiring another โ€œstarโ€ or profit. For example, manipulators are often hunters of other people's wallets.

Unlike true maniacs, these types of people look flawless, witty and love everyone's attention. Knowing full well how to recognize a maniac, to bite through such "daffodils" is not difficult.

how to recognize a maniac psychology

What to do?

  • If you meet a person on the street or on a social network, do not rush to talk candidly and post all the personal information about where you live, study, work, phone number, etc. This is the first thing that a maniac wants to know.
  • It is better to make an appointment in a crowded place. And just in case, arrange with a friend or girlfriend about the control call during a date. If a friend is not suspicious, then you can safely continue communication. If doubts have arisen, then such a call will be an occasion to stop it.
  • If the fan is too intrusive and quick-tempered, do not be rude to him. It is better to laugh it off, season it all with a portion of flattery and politely leave.
  • If you know how to recognize a sex maniac, then donโ€™t forget that they wonโ€™t just let the victim go and theyโ€™ll be sure to watch. Therefore, from a date you need not leave, but leave. It is advisable to take a taxi, first indicating a different address. And then transfer to public transport and safely go home.

how to recognize a sex maniac


Manic syndrome is a complex disorder. People suffering from it are dangerous and cunning. They are ingenious in disguising and creating imaginative traps for their victims. Having become acquainted with such a person, it is not always easy to determine who is in front of you: a shy modest man or a calculating and treacherous type.

If you still do not know how to recognize a maniac, psychology will help in this. Be observant and do not rush to open your heart to the first person you meet.


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