Windows 10. Update Center: Where is the Service?

The tenth version of Windows, according to its creators, is revolutionary in every way. Maybe it is, but the changes in the interface and the location of some components are certainly very noticeable. So, many users in the usual location can not find the "Update Center" in Windows 10. Where this service is located, how to work with it and troubleshoot problems that arise, briefly and consider. All errors and methods for their correction, of course, cannot be described, but the most basic ones will be affected.

Windows 10: “Update Center” where is it located?

Many users, accustomed to the interface of old systems, did not appreciate the innovations in the location of some system controls. Indeed, now, after all, not one “Control Panel” has appeared, but two. As the main option, the options section is selected, which is called up through the Start menu. And it is generally impossible to get to the standard “Control Panel” (it is also in its classic form) without special knowledge. But there before the update service was located.

But you can call up the standard panel using the control command in the Run menu, which was used both in all early versions of the system, and in Windows 10. The Update Center (where this component is located, will be said a little later) is missing among the sections, and there are many users baffled.

windows 10 update center where is

In fact, this service has been moved to a new panel. To get to it, you need to call the "Options" section, and then find the update and security menu. The first section (line at the top left) is the desired “Update Center”. There are a lot of settings here. For example, you can change the frequency of updates, configure update methods, change privacy settings, etc.

Windows 10 does not update through Update Center. What to do?

But, as in other systems, this service is not immune to errors and malfunctions. If Windows 10 is not updated through the "Update Center", this may be due to communication settings or incorrect operation of the service itself. But, and this is the saddest thing, some important updates can also cause failures, which are installed automatically in the system (when the update mode is turned on without notifying the user). They then have to be deleted.

windows 10 does not update through update center

To get started, you can try to manually search for updates. If the components of the service itself are in order, the packages will be found, after which they only need to be installed. But this is the simplest case.

Troubleshooting Tips

The situation is worse when the components responsible for finding and installing updates turn out to be damaged. And incorrect installation of some important packages leads to crashes.

windows 10 update does not work

If the "Update Center" of Windows 10 does not work, in such a situation it is most reasonable to go on to view recently installed service packs, sort them by date and delete them one by one, checking the service. Once the failed package is found, you should perform a manual search, and then install all the packages, excluding from the list one that is problematic.

If the failures occur due to the improper operation of the Update Center components, there can be many reasons (incorrect proxy settings, lack of required files for operation, impact on the update process of third-party services and programs, not counting viruses, and much more).

In the simplest case, troubleshooting the “Update Center” of Windows 10 boils down to restarting the service and renaming the SoftwareDistribution directory located in the root directory of the system. This is done through the command line (cmd in the "Run" console or the corresponding line in the right-click menu on the start button), but only with administrator rights. Two commands are used for this: net stop WuAuServ and net WuAuServ start with renaming the specified folder to SoftwareDistribution.old. After the restart, the system itself will create a new directory.

windows 10 update troubleshooting

In other cases, you need to look for a solution based on the situation (the description of the failure can be found by the error code). But for the laziest, Microsoft offers its own automated utilities - Microsoft Fix It! and Microsoft Easy Fix. In some cases, the DLL Suite program is useful, which allows you to install missing or damaged libraries on the system. In general, you first need to assess the nature of the failure, and only then make a decision on the most effective way to fix the problem.

Instead of a total

Here is a brief summary of what Windows Update Center is all about. Where this component is located is already clear. As for possible errors or malfunctions, it’s rather difficult to describe all situations and cases, since you don’t foresee everything, and a description of each specific problem and methods for its elimination will take a lot of time. Only the most frequent failures are considered. If something doesn’t work, use automatic utilities. At least one, but will give some tangible result.


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