The best exhibition halls in Moscow: description, reviews, vacancies

The exhibition halls of Moscow are a unique association of art galleries and creative venues, which gives a complete picture of the cultural life of the Russian capital. The main goals of their work, the organizers consider the acquaintance of Muscovites and visitors to the course of the modern art process, the formation of scientific and artistic partnerships, the popularization of art among young people.

Association of exhibition halls of the capital

Exhibition halls in Moscow include 19 art sites. They are located in ten districts of Moscow, practically covering the entire capital. Thanks to this association, residents of the outskirts of Moscow have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the academic art of the museum level without leaving their microdistrict. They can make up their own ideas about the latest trends in the art world.

Multimedia projects are being carried out at the exhibition halls of the capital, workshops and festivals are being held, art history lectures and creative workshops are being organized. This is a new modern form of fashion leisure in the Russian capital.

Exhibition Hall of the Government of the Capital

exhibition halls of Moscow

One of the most popular today remains the exhibition hall of the Moscow government. It is located in the vicinity of the metro stations Barrikadnaya, Krasnopresnenskaya and Smolenskaya. On personal vehicles, it is most convenient to get to this cultural center along the Garden Ring, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Novy Arbat, ul. Konyushkovskaya and Krasnopresnenskaya embankment.

The exhibition hall of the Moscow government is located in a complex of buildings built on the banks of the Moscow River in the 60s of the last century. Architects Mndoyants, Svirsky and Posokhin worked on them. Almost all countries that were members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in the middle of the 20th century took part in the construction of the complex. These are Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Mongolia and Czechoslovakia.

The central building, which is also the main administrative building, has a height of 31 floors. It is made in the form of two gracefully curved wings. Nearby are the Mir Hotel and a conference room for one thousand people.

Events in the exhibition hall of the Moscow government

exhibition hall of the government of Moscow

On the basis of this exhibition hall regularly hosts interesting events that attract thousands of visitors.

For example, this is an exhibition-fair "Country of Hobbies". Its goal is to promote goods and services on the modern market, with the help of which you can spend your leisure time interestingly and usefully, as well as realize your talents in various fields of art. Everyone who visits the "Country of hobbies" can acquire new skills and knowledge, become infected with unique hobbies. For example, here you can not only buy any thing you like, for example, a soft toy, but also attend a master class where you will be taught how to make this toy with your own hands.

Such an exhibition is held twice a year. Each time it is visited by about 10,000 people.

Another fascinating event, which boasts exhibition halls in Moscow, is the exhibition-fair "1000 and 1 thing." Manufacturers and suppliers of various consumer goods, as well as food, take part in it. The main purpose of the event is the presentation and promotion of local products to end consumers.

Central Exhibition Hall

Central Exhibition Hall Moscow

Perhaps the most famous platform of the capital is the Central Exhibition Hall. Moscow has long considered it one of its business cards, which annually attracts crowds of tourists.

The building, also known as the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", appeared in the capital in the first half of the 19th century by order of Alexander I. It was built by engineer Augustine Betancourt. It was originally intended for military exercises.

In 2017, 200 years have passed since the construction of the Manege. It was elevated to the 5th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army in the war against Napoleon. The multimedia project Manege. 200 Years was dedicated to this event. This is a unique show that introduces the viewer to all the interesting events that took place within these walls. A spectacular performance is accompanied by a chamber instrumental ensemble and a choir.

The educational forum "Navigator of admission" also attracted hundreds of guests to the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege". Moscow is the largest Russian supplier of personnel in various professional sectors. Therefore, it is extremely important to immediately choose your path. And you can do this by talking with representatives of leading universities in the country, which are traditionally represented at the educational forum. His main target audience is high school students who have not yet decided who they want to become in this life.

The Central Exhibition Hall is also famous for its exceptionally cultural events. Moscow has always been distinguished by a wide variety of exhibitions and galleries, and Manege is no exception.

So, there exhibited the work of the national artist of Russia Vasily Nesterenko. It was called "Our Glory - Russian Power." Art critics note that Nesterenko is one of the recognized leaders of contemporary Russian art. Temple fame and historical canvases, which often depict battle scenes, brought him fame.

Furniture Showroom

Exhibition halls in Moscow are not always focused on art and education. Sometimes their task is to promote certain goods and services. Such sites are also very popular among citizens and guests of the capital.

This goal, in particular, is fulfilled by the furniture exhibition hall in Moscow. Here visitors can get acquainted with a huge variety of different furniture - cabinets, armchairs, sofas, furniture for a bedroom, living room, hallway and kitchen. In the capital, this exhibition hall is located on Smolnaya street in house number 24a. The easiest way to get to it is by metro to Rechnoy Vokzal station.

The plumbing showroom in Moscow enjoys the same popularity.

Exhibition Hall Reviews

furniture exhibition hall in Moscow

The association of exhibition halls in Moscow is so popular that it regularly collects a lot of reviews about its work. Perhaps most of the reviews are devoted to the Manege.

Visitors celebrate the catchy architecture. The building was built in pseudo-Russian style. Moreover, it is very large in area. If in pre-revolutionary Russia soldiers were trained here, and during the period of Soviet power, officials' cars were parked, today the interior looks interactive and modern. All conditions have been created for concerts, fairs and exhibitions.

In the reviews of guests of the capital, much attention is paid to the work carried out by museums and exhibition halls in Moscow on the organization of unique exhibitions that you will not find anywhere else in the capital. For example, this is a multimedia show dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Manege. Visitors like it in a very unusual format. Two industrial robots occupy a place in the center of the composition, and a choir and a chamber orchestra are located on the sides. The laser show vividly tells about the stages of development of the Moscow Manege. The hour that lasts the performance flies by.

In their reviews, visitors are often enthusiastic about the show "Mercedes-Benz. Fashion Week", which was organized by the museum and exhibition halls in Moscow. Here you could see the modern fashion trends for the most sophisticated audience.

Watercolor Academy

Association of exhibition halls in Moscow

Another popular exhibition hall is the Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts, which bears the name of the national artist of Russia Sergey Andriyaka. As the name of the institution shows, the academy specializes in watercolor drawings. It is located in Gorokhovskiy Lane, in a house built at the end of the 19th century by Maxim Geppener. Initially, it housed an orphanage for the poor.

Today, the Academy is famous not only as one of the most prestigious art schools, but also as a popular creative exhibition site.

The art gallery has a permanent exhibition, which includes about 300 works by the artist Sergei Andriyaka. They occupy the entire first floor of the museum. Also, concerts, exhibitions, and biennials are regularly held here. All of them are devoted to painting, watercolors. The works of famous Russian artists from the Russian countryside are periodically exhibited, as well as works that fall into private collections.

Sergey Andriyaki, whose name is the Academy and the gallery, works as a rector. In his work, he began with oil paints, tried to paint in gouache, mosaic, painted on enamel and porcelain. At a certain stage in his journey, he decided to concentrate solely on watercolor painting. He devoted himself entirely to this direction of art.

Most often, Andriyaka works in two genres - a still life and a landscape. Many of his works are devoted to the architecture of Russian and foreign cities.

One of his most famous works is a six-meter watercolor panorama, commissioned by the Moscow City Hall. The work was done in 1995. It depicts the capital in the XIX century. The image of the city was meticulously recreated from photographs taken by the local historian Nikolai Naydenov.

Gallery "Belyaevo"

vacancies in museums and exhibition halls in Moscow

The Belyaevo Gallery Exhibition Hall is very popular among Muscovites and guests of the capital. This is a cultural and educational center that performs many functions. It is located in the southwestern administrative district of Moscow.

The gallery appeared during perestroika, at the sunset of Soviet power - in 1988. Initially, it was a state exhibition hall. It became the center of the Soviet underground, extremely popular at that time. It was in its walls for the first time that the works of Ernst Unknown, Eduard Steinberg, Oscar Rabin, Evgeny Kropyvnytsky and many others were exhibited to the general public. Soviet underground art developed here.

Nowadays, the exposition site of the Moscow exhibition hall Belyaevo occupies about 400 square meters. Exhibitions are simultaneously held in four halls. Moreover, there are no permanent exhibitions; about 20 art exhibitions of various subjects and orientations are organized per year.

There is also a well-known training center in applied arts. A baguette workshop, rare even for the capital.


vacancies in Moscow museums exhibition halls

In 1998, another popular exhibition hall was founded in the capital. This is the Heritage Hall Museum . It is located on the outskirts of the capital, in East Biryulyovo.

The permanent exhibition has about 400 works of art. This is mainly the work of famous Soviet artists - Ilya Lukomsky and Boris Rozhdestvensky.

Museum funds are regularly replenished thanks to the creations of young contemporary authors. The main thing that the Heritage Hall Museum is betting on is exhibition activity. At least every month a new exposition is presented to the audience. It can be, in principle, anything: a graphic exhibition, a collection of sculptural works or works of decorative and applied art.

Heritage employees devote much attention to the development of children's creativity. Almost all year round, the base of the hall hosts exhibitions of young talents.


Jobs in museums and exhibition halls in Moscow always attract a large number of comers. This work is considered interesting and prestigious. Let us dwell only on the most popular offers that have appeared in the capital's cultural institutions in recent times.

For example, vacancies are open in the exhibition halls of Moscow. The Vadim Zadorozhniy Museum of Technology requires an assistant curator of museum funds. This is one of the largest private museums in Europe. In Russia, this is the largest collection of ancient museum equipment in private hands. Here are unique antique cars of the last century. This is military equipment, air transport, motorcycles, weapons, retro cars. Most importantly, they are all repaired, in working condition, simply put, on the go.

The work of the assistant curator of the museum fund is not easy. Indeed, today, in addition to the exposition, the museum complex includes an old library, restoration workshops. The museum collection has about a thousand unique exhibits.

In order to become an assistant keeper of this exhibition hall, it is necessary to have a number of professional and personal qualities. To be a responsible, decent and history-loving person who, moreover, does not shy away from dirt and dust. To be prepared for the fact that sometimes you have to work with bulky and heavy objects. Therefore, it is preferable that the keeper is a man.

In turn, the administration of the museum guarantees an exciting pastime. After all, the work will be in close contact with rare objects of cultural heritage. At the same time, the presence of a specialized education is a desirable, but optional condition.

The scope of responsibilities will include the analysis and compilation of inventories of items that have fallen into the collection, the receipt of new arrivals. We have to work full time - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Payment is offered hourly.

You can find less qualified jobs in Moscow. Museums, exhibition halls often look for cashiers. For example, the search for such an employee is currently puzzled by the Garage Museum of Modern Art.

A mandatory requirement for the applicant is fluency in spoken English. Moreover, higher education, at least incomplete, is necessary. The employee must be responsible, attentive and stress-resistant.

Responsibilities include handling the cash register, directly selling entrance tickets, as well as compiling all the necessary reports for submission to the accounting and tax authorities.

Exhibition halls in Moscow, vacancies in which appear regularly enough, as a rule, offer a very highly paid job. For example, the museum of military history requires the first deputy executive director.

The applicant must have managerial experience at a museum or other cultural institution. At the same time, he must work in a managerial position for at least three years. Personal qualities - energy and a high level of self-organization.

The responsibilities of the employee will include maintaining the budget, as well as the overall management of the museum. The first deputy executive director must oversee exhibition projects, as well as leisure and educational projects that are included in the museum’s calendar of events.

Also, over time, it will be necessary to create a new cultural space in the capital, to interconnect with the media. Directly manage personnel, seek extrabudgetary sources of income.


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