What vitamins for hair growth exist

In order for the hair to be beautiful and healthy, they need to receive nutrients, in particular vitamins. Since the hair itself is not a living organ, nutrients must come either with food, or externally directly into the scalp and hair follicles - this is what the most effective remedies are designed for. The same preparations that are applied to the hair itself only give a visual effect that has a short effect. The best result can only be achieved by combining both.

Vitamins for hair growth are of most interest - many people want to have long, thick, luxurious hair, but, unfortunately, not all of them are awarded by nature, and their growth decreases with age. Often, in order to accelerate hair growth , incredible experiments are carried out on the head using very dubious means, but in fact, the problem needs to be started from the inside.

There are special complexes containing vitamins for hair growth, and vitamin complexes for women that affect the appearance as a whole are suitable - they also contain components for hair. In addition, the same substances have a beneficial effect on the hair, and on the skin, and on the nails, since these are related organs. Unfortunately, rare vitamin complexes take into account the compatibility of the components, and even more so whether they are water- or fat-soluble, and most vitamins that have a positive effect on the appearance are fat-soluble and are not absorbed in tablets, so their effectiveness is sometimes quite small. At least, along with similar preparations, it makes sense to eat something fatty, at least a spoonful of sour cream. One of the most successful vitamin complexes is the Beauty Alphabet, where all substances are divided into three doses in accordance with their compatibility, Perfectil, Merz tablets, of the more expensive Innes.

What vitamins for hair growth are most effective? First of all, these are the so-called beauty vitamins A and E, without which a rare cosmetic product does. We can say that these are one of the very few substances whose cosmetic effectiveness is truly recognized by medicine and scientifically proven. They are quite effective both for internal and external use, but are fat soluble, and this must be taken into account. It is also important to know about them that they can affect women's health, and therefore it is necessary to take them after consulting a doctor with certain courses.

B vitamins are no less important vitamins for hair growth and the condition of the skin as a whole. These vitamins are mainly intended for internal use, however, some of them are effective for external use. When using them, there are also a number of nuances - for example, one of the most important vitamins of this group, B6, is most fully absorbed in combination with magnesium. For constant active growth of hair and health in general, the necessary amount of B vitamins must be supplied to the body daily, since they cannot be taken β€œin reserve”.

Vitamin C, known to everyone since childhood, is also a very important vitamin for hair growth. It stimulates metabolic processes, but at the same time stops oxidative processes, promotes the absorption of iron, with a lack of which both skin and hair instantly lose their healthy appearance. It is best to consume vitamin C with food, at the same time using products for external use containing it.

Naturally, when we stimulate hair growth, we get not only a local effect: of course, the condition of the skin and nails improves, the hair begins to grow faster and takes on a healthy appearance, but this happens not only on the head - because to make hair grow only through the diet in a certain place, impossible. There is only one way out - in all other places it is not difficult to use anti-hair growth products, since it’s not difficult to find special gels and lotions lately.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32754/

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