How to increase the number of push-ups? Practical recommendations

Push-ups are not only an effective strength exercise, but also act as an excellent workout in preparation for training. They do not need to use sports equipment and do not require a significant investment of time. However, it is rather difficult for unprepared people to get impressive results. Therefore, before starting training, it is worthwhile to figure out how to increase the number of push-ups per week.

how to increase the number of push ups

How to adopt the correct body position?

Before you figure out how to increase the number of push-ups, you need to learn how to take the right stance. So, during each approach in the traditional position, the palms should rest on the floor at a distance a little further than shoulder width apart. In this case, it is necessary that the legs and back are extended in a straight line. Only in this case, during the training, the chest, shoulders, arms will be involved, and the muscles will develop harmoniously.

Types of pushups

According to the nature of the arms in focus, distinguish between ordinary, wide and narrow push-ups. In the first case, the palms are placed across the width of the shoulders. A wide setting involves finding the limbs in a position in which the shoulder and forearm are at right angles to each other. With a narrow "grip" the palms are at chest level.

The usual setting of the hands allows you to make the main emphasis on the study of the triceps, shoulder girdle, and chest muscles. When placing the limbs in a wide position, triceps and chest are involved. In the case of narrow arms, the main burden falls on the shoulders.

how to increase the number of pushups per week

Maximum load

To understand how to increase the number of push-ups, you need to perform as many repetitions during the approach as physical capabilities allow. First you need to understand your maximum. Having taken the correct stance, you should do push-ups until the muscles begin to fail. Additionally, you can record the time it took to complete the limit of repetitions.

Rest between sets

After completing each approach, you need to give the muscles to relax. It is recommended to rest as much as the time it took for the first approach. For the bulk of unprepared people, this period is about 20-30 seconds.

Breaks between workouts

How to increase the number of push-ups? For the muscles to grow and, accordingly, the results to improve, the body needs a long rest. Most likely, one day after the first workout, the arms, chest and shoulders will begin to hurt. This reaction is quite normal. In this case, the best solution, which subsequently will provide maximum results, will be classes in a day.

how to quickly increase the number of push-ups

Progress in Results

How to quickly increase the number of push-ups? To do this, it is enough during each approach to try to do several repetitions more, to go over your own limit. Most likely, you will not be able to constantly increase the number of push-ups at the next adoption of the rack. Therefore, to obtain progress in the results, it is worth working at the previously established maximum level for several weeks. Only after that you can try to exceed the specified limit.

Exercising various muscle groups

To figure out how to increase the number of push-ups, you should think about a harmonious study of the muscles of the upper body. Contributes to this alternate execution of repetitions in separate racks. For example, in the first approach, you can resort to the usual push-ups, in the second and third - on the fists or fingers in a wide or narrow stance.

Formation of your own training methodology

How to increase the number of pushups from the floor? How realistic is it to increase the number of repetitions during the week? It is worth focusing on your own maximum. For example, the ultimate capacity of the body is 20 push-ups. If the desired result is 100, daily you need to do a certain amount of repetitions in total. When and how the specified result will be achieved is completely irrelevant. The main thing is that the total number of repetitions leads to the desired indicator.

The training technique can be built on this example as follows:

  • 2 sets during the day of 50 repetitions;
  • 25 push-ups, distributed over 4 sets;
  • 10 repetitions every hour in the morning and evening.

The presented idea, which can be used to build training, is extremely simple. The main thing is to do the work regularly, harmoniously distribute the loads for the whole day. Training according to the chosen scheme is recommended for 10 days. At the end of the specified period, you need to evaluate the results obtained, allow the body to rest for several days.

how to increase the number of pushups from the floor


As you can see, improving your own results in push-ups from the floor is not so difficult. This requires only the construction of a convenient training program and regular exercise. To quickly achieve what you want, it is worth considering combining push-ups with other loads, for example, with pull-ups on the horizontal bar, working out the abdominal press.


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