Learning to do highlights at home

Highlighting hair is always in fashion. And if you decide to hold it, know that in the end you will get not only a beautiful shade of hair, but also be able to visually give them volume. Highlighting is not the easiest procedure, so it is most advisable to do it at the hairdresser. But if for one reason or another you can’t visit her, try to highlight at home. There are two ways to do it, depending on the length of the hair. We will consider them.

Preparation for highlighting

Highlighting at home
For staining, we need a clarifying powder, it is also blond, and an oxidizing agent of 9-12%. The concentration of the oxidizing agent depends largely on the color of the hair. If you are going to highlight, you are going to have dark hair, then the concentration should be about 12%, for lighter - the oxidizer should be taken with a lower concentration.

To highlight the house, we also need a special hat (you can look for another house, the main thing is that it fits snugly on the head), foil, a non-metallic bowl for diluting the composition, a comb with a tail and a brush.

Now prepare the coloring composition. To do this, in a bowl, dilute one part of the blond and two parts of the oxidizing agent. If you have thick and long hair, you will need much more mixture than for thin and short. Keep this in mind. Mix thoroughly with a brush.

Tip: you can buy in the store a ready-made composition for highlighting. In this case, there will be nothing left but to act according to the instructions.

How to make highlights at home on short hair

How to make highlighting at home
If your hair is short or medium length, you can carry out highlighting with a hat. Put it on your head, and then use the hook to make a hole and pull a small tuft of hair through it, apply paint to it.

Do this evenly throughout the head. Now it remains only to withstand the dye on the hair for about 15-25 minutes, depending on whether you want the locks to be lighter.

Highlighting the house on long hair

To dye the locks of long hair through a hat will be very problematic, so in this case it is best to use foil:

  • Divide all the hair into several bundles and secure them with hairpins.
  • Starting from the back of the head, separate the thin strand with the tail of the comb , place a strip of foil under it, the length of which should be two times the length of your hair.
  • Apply the coloring compound evenly to the strand, and then cover it with the free part of the foil.
  • Do the same with the rest of the locks.

How to do highlights: tips

If you decide to carry out such a process of coloring the locks at home, know that everything needs to be done quickly and accurately. Firstly, the diluted coloring composition is immediately subject to application.

How to do highlights

Secondly, try to color all the strands as quickly as possible so that later they find the same color. Thirdly, do not forget to wear gloves and cover your neck with an old towel. It is advisable to lubricate the forehead and neck with a fat cream.

Fourth, do not keep the coloring composition on your hair for very long. It all depends on the length and thickness of the hair.

Highlighting a home is a suitable option for those who are not afraid of experiments. Well, of course, it is suitable for those who decided to save money on a hairdressing salon or just for one reason or another can not yet get there.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3277/

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