Scarf knitted or sister knitted scarf?

Foreigners studying the Russian language often complain about its complexity: cases, declension, conjugation, stress in words - all this is difficult and incomprehensible. We speak this language from birth, and if we at least cope with oral speech, then everything is not so well with written language. The spelling of the suffixes “n” and “nn” in some parts of speech is one of the topics that makes you strain your memory in order to recall the rules that were once learned at school.

knitted or knitted

We determine the part of speech

Knitted or knitted scarf? To answer this question, it is necessary to determine what part of speech we are dealing with: a verb adjective or a participle. Such an adjective differs from participle in that, firstly, it is formed from imperfective verbs without a prefix and, secondly, it does not carry a dependent word. For example, a torn dress. What to do? To tear. Smoked ham - to smoke, sauerkraut - to ferment, dyed hair - to dye, ironed shirt - to iron - before us are adjectives formed from verbs. The spelling "n" and "nn" in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives obeys the same rule. Recall him.

When is one "n" written?

As mentioned above, the following facts affect the spelling of one "n":

1. Formation of a word from an imperfective verb.

Fried mushrooms - what to do? Fry. Confused answer - what to do? Confuse. Paved roads - what to do? Pave the bridge.

2. The absence of the prefix (the word may have the prefix "not-", but it does not affect the spelling of "n" and "nn".

A painted fence is an unpainted fence, a bleached hut is an unbleached hut, boiled milk is unboiled milk.

3. There is no dependent word.

4. Before us is a brief passive communion: the problem is solved, the tree is decorated, hands are lowered.

Now we know exactly how to write “knitted” or “knitted”. It is true “knitted”, since the word is formed from an imperfective verb without a prefix (what to do? - knit) and the dependent word is missing.

how to spell the word knitted

Need to remember?

The number of letters “n” in words does not always depend on a general rule, in some cases such spelling has been fixed historically. Then the spelling of these words must be remembered.

So, you need to remember that one "n" is written:

1. In turn, a seated father and a named brother, and in an adjective dowry (bride). But outside these combinations, the spelling of words depends on the prefix: the one to my left, named after my great-grandfather, is a dowager .

2. In combinations of ironed-ironed trousers, darned-darned shirt , patched-rolled socks, despite the fact that in the second part of the word there is a prefix "re -".

3. In cases where the sacrament becomes an adjective: a written beauty (beautiful, as in the picture), a finished person (not capable of anything), a forgiveness Sunday (the last before the post).

4. As part of complex adjectives, for example: homespun canvas, low-frozen road, slightly salted herring. But if the prefix appears in front of the second part of the word, then there will be “nn”: freshly frozen fish.

On a windy day at Maslenitsa in a cozy living room, the planted father introduced the named brother to a smart girl, a hard worker, a painted beauty with a large dowry. This sentence will help to keep in mind the words that always have one "n" in their spelling.

When does "nn" spell?

"Nn" is written when:

1. The word is formed from a perfect verb:

bought a gift - (what to do?) to buy, a given word - (what to do?) to give, an abandoned stone - (what to do?) to throw.

2. A prefix is ​​available:

painted fence, bleached hut, boiled milk, confusing answer.

3. There is a dependent word:

fried mushrooms (in what?) in oil, street cobbled (with what?) with cobblestone, an example solved by (who?) the student.

4. The word is formed using the suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -irov-:

pickled, concrete, illustrated, spoiled.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude: a scarf knitted or crocheted by a sister's scarf, or a knitted scarf.

suffixes n and nn

But we must pay attention to the words forged and chewed , in which -ov- is not a suffix.

spelling of suffixes n and nn

Putting knowledge into practice

It is required to answer the question: how is the word "knitted" spelled - with "n" or with "nn"?

We begin to build a reasoning algorithm:

1) the word "knitted" is obtained from an imperfective verb,

2) the prefix is ​​missing,

3) there is no dependent word.

The conclusion is obvious: the word knitted is written with one "n".

In order for the word to have -nn-, we add to it the prefix first: knitted, tied, tied , and then the dependent word: knitted (by whom?) By a sister, knitted (when?) Long ago, knitted (from what?) From wool, knitted ( what?) crochet.

For examples, it will look like this:

  • a knitted shawl, or a handicraft knitted shawl, or an untied shawl,
  • loaded wagon, heavily loaded wagon, unloaded wagon,
  • baked potatoes, baked potatoes in ash, baked potatoes.

Instead of a conclusion

The Russian language is complex, but its study is a very exciting and informative process. Can any of us say with full confidence that he is fluent in our native language? Is it possible? After all, language proficiency includes not only the ability to write without errors and put punctuation marks correctly, but you must know and correctly use all language norms and styles, have a clear idea of ​​the means of expressive speech. You can improve your knowledge of the language endlessly, at any age, constantly meeting something new and unexpected, discovering its features and secrets. The result will delight you: your speech will be literate, correct and harmonious.


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