Healing herbs. Medicinal properties of St. John's wort and contraindications

Our ancestors know that St. John's wort is very useful, and it is actively used in folk and traditional medicine. This plant has other names: St. John's wort, perforated, pierced. Many people know the healing properties of St. John's wort, and contraindications, and also believe that it is able to cure ninety-nine diseases.

Description of the species and where it occurs

St. John's wort is a very pretty plant with bright yellow flowers collected in fluffy inflorescences that smell pleasantly. Along with useful substances, it also contains weak toxins.

medicinal properties of St. John's wort and contraindications
For this reason, it is necessary to know the medicinal properties of St. John's wort, and contraindications. These harmful substances can cause little harm to people, and even poison animals. Cattle, horses and sheep are particularly susceptible to their effects. For this reason, the plant was called St. John's wort. It grows almost anywhere from June to August. They collect flowers together with a stem 25-30 cm long. Dry it in a dark place, spreading the healing grass in a thin layer. The maximum shelf life is three years.

Hypericum plant. Healing properties

This amazing gift of nature contains a wide range of healing attributes. In medicine, it is used for the manufacture of antibiotics - imanine and novoimanine, which are powerful rivals of pathogenic bacteria that appear in purulent wounds, high degree burns, and mastitis.

St. John's wort plant medicinal properties
From it, drugs are made to treat nervous diseases, ulcers, rheumatism and gout. Hypericum preparations are used as a diuretic and anthelmintic. They also help people suffering from acute purulent inflammation of fatty tissue (phlegmon) and respiratory diseases (sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis).

This plant helps with hemoptysis, cough, colic, and also strengthens the gums, eliminates liver diseases. St. John's wort is struggling with diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys, liver and chronic gastritis. Designed for intravenous administration, St. John's wort extract increases blood pressure, improves heart function and constricts blood vessels.

St. John's wort Therapeutic properties for women

The plant in question facilitates PMS (premenstrual syndrome), helps with menopause and inflammation of the reproductive system. Hypericum flowers can be used for erosion in women.


People interested in medicinal herbs should know the medicinal properties of St. John's wort and contraindications, because even a small amount of toxic substances can cause serious harm. The considered species of plants can not be used for people suffering from hypertension, because St. John's wort increases pressure. It is not advisable to use it for pregnant women.

St. John's wort healing properties for women

The rest should remember the following:

  • It is forbidden to use this plant for treatment for a long time, otherwise not only bitterness in the mouth or discomfort in the liver may appear, but also urticaria.
  • St. John's wort increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. This means that it is contraindicated for those who are going to sunbathe.
  • You can not often take a strong infusion of St. John's wort, otherwise gastritis may occur.
  • If men consume St. John's wort for more than three weeks, they may have temporary sexual impotence, but as soon as they stop using it, everything will be restored.

Here are the healing properties of hypericum and contraindications.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32783/

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