Yuri Lodygin. Goalkeeper biography

Yuri Vladimirovich Lodygin - Russian footballer playing as a goalkeeper. Currently stands for Zenit (Petersburg) and the Russian team. Also has Greek citizenship.

Yuri Lodygin: biography

Yuri was born in the Russian city of Vladimir. The date when Lodygin was born is May 26, 1990. Goalkeeper's mother is of Greek origin. When Yura was ten years old, the family moved to a Greek village. It was there that the future goalkeeper of the team began to get involved in football. Interest in this sport appeared after watching the World Cup. From childhood, Lodygin liked the goalkeeper position. At twelve, he began to seriously engage. This age is already large enough to enter the section for the first time. On the recommendation of acquaintances, Yuri Lodygin went to the nearest village, where one of the lower division clubs played.

In 2004, the young goalkeeper returned to Russia. The move was forced due to the difficult situation in Greece. However, a year later, the family returned. Soon, Yuri was invited to the national team, and then he got into the “Xanthi”. Lodygin was often surprised that he played in a team with older players. Nevertheless, the leadership believed in the success of the fourteen-year-old player and constantly made it possible to enter the field.

Yuri Lodygin

Carier start

The first professional contract Yuri Lodygin concluded at the age of nineteen. However, the player did not manage to take the goalkeeper’s main place immediately. For some time, he was on loan for the second division team. The club management often delayed salary payments, and sometimes even completely unpaid.

During the 2011/12 season, Yuri continued to play in the second division. Once participated in the training camp of “Spartak” from Nalchik, but failed to sign the contract. “Terek” was also interested in the goalkeeper, but for some reason the transition also failed. At the same time, the player was invited to the youth team of Greece, but he never appeared on the field.

Lodygin made his debut for “Xanthi” at the end of the 2012 season. After spending the last match of the championship on the field, Yuri secured a place at the base. Soon the goalkeeper was invited to the Greek national team, but due to his age, he was not destined to enter the field.

Go to Zenit

Excellent performing, Yuri Lodygin got an invitation to the national team for the second time. At that time, he was already actively interested in St. Petersburg “Zenith”. Greece was supposed to play with Lithuania, but Lodygin received a call for a medical examination in St. Petersburg and, after a little thought, set off. He understood that he would have to miss the game of the national team, but believed that if he could prove himself at Zenit, he would definitely receive an invitation to the country’s team. And also Russia, since it has two citizenships.

The choice in favor of the “Zenith” was quite obvious. “Xanthi”, in which Yuri Lodygin spoke, kept constantly in the middle of the table. The club from St. Petersburg has always fought for prizes, and also constantly performed in the international arena. Simply put, the player revealed completely different opportunities.

Soon, the required amount was paid for Lodygin, and he officially became a Zenit player.

Yuri Lodygin biography

Yuri Lodygin harmoniously joined the club and soon won a place at the base. The goalkeeper performed his duties perfectly and earned the respect of many fans. At the end of the season he was recognized as the best player in the “Zenith”. The player experienced a slight decline only at the beginning of 2015. Then Mikhail Kerzhakov took his place. Soon, Yuri managed to regain his position.

National team

Yuri Lodygin is a goalkeeper who has two citizenships. It was difficult for the player to choose which country to play for. After leaving the Russian club, many fans considered him a traitor. Thinking for a long time, Lodygin nevertheless preferred the Russian team. The goalkeeper played his first match against North Korea in November 2014.

Yuri Lodygin goalkeeper

Yuri can be attributed to high-level goalkeepers not only in the Russian team, but also in world football. The football player has repeatedly demonstrated returns in his field, which caused admiration of fans. At the same time, Yuri is only 25 years old, and for the goalkeeper position this is a small age. So, we can say that the entire career of a football player is ahead.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32790/

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