Hand push-ups make your arm muscles stronger

"Push-ups from the floor", "muscles that emphasize the chest" - on these and similar phrases in the global network you can find various programs that describe how to pump up your arms and chest. In general, push-ups are a basic multi-stage exercise, which is performed with emphasis on the floor. The main muscles involved are the triceps muscles of the hands, better known as triceps, and the muscles of the chest. Also, with push-ups, a secondary load is placed on the front bundles of the deltoid muscle groups, forearms, small carpal muscles, lower back muscles, abs and quadriceps. Push-ups from the floor, the triceps muscles in which are strained to a greater extent, have a smaller amplitude and angle of flexion-extension of the arms, which allows the triceps muscle to quickly clog, work out completely. Prepared athletes, as a rule, do push-ups with the so-called final muscle pumping after the main exercises, which can be the bench press in a lying position at a different angle on an inclined bench. In some cases, this is an extension of the arms while standing and the French bench press, also from different positions. Such a bench is a barbell lifting from behind the head, while bending and unbending the arms in the elbow joint evenly, or a similar action performed while sitting on the bench. Also, this element is made and lying. At its core, push-ups from the floor triceps muscles work out pretty well, and this is a kind of bench press on the contrary. But, unlike the bench press, push-ups still have a different effect on muscle groups. When the athlete’s head is higher than the legs, the lower chest is subject to more stress. In the case when the feet are on a support and the head is already below the legs, the upper chest is loaded more. Types of push-ups, chest muscle groups in which they work most intensively, as a rule, have a large amplitude, and movements are necessarily associated with touching the floor with the chest.

Methods of push-ups for pectoral muscles

When the question arises, how to pump up the pectoral muscles by push-ups, the answer is simple. Push-ups should be performed from the floor, which are characterized by a wide setting of the hands. It usually acts on the outside of the chest. However, athletes who have significant experience in this exercise, it was noted that push-ups are most effective when the feet and arms, spread apart, are located on a towering support. At the same time, the amplitude of movement increases, which allows the athlete or amateur to bend deeper and stretch the pectoral muscles until pain occurs. This very stretching allows you to quickly outline the boundaries of the muscles of the chest, which gives the body expressiveness and fit. But in this case, do not overdo it with the amplitude when you go down, as in this case pain may occur in the region of the center of the chest. The highest level in push-ups is the performance of this exercise on one arm. Athletes note that after about a month of such push-ups, the chest muscles take a visible shape. Push-ups from the floor of the chest muscle can be strengthened in a few months, subject to regular exercise.

How to increase the load

When you pump up the muscles of the chest with a frequency of no more than once a week, then initially you should do only one workout at home and monitor the changes. When you do not feel busting with the load, and it begins to seem to you that the muscles have adapted to the load, and the degree of their tension decreases, you need to add one more training session to your schedule, then another, and so on. Push-ups from the floor the triceps and chest muscles strengthen sufficiently, so such exercises, even at home, but with the right amplitude and body position, will be enough for you to maintain your muscle shape in good shape. For beginners, the main thing is to choose a dosage load.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32797/

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