Gymnastics for children. Gymnastics section for children from 3 years old in Moscow

As you know, most children are very mobile. This is due to the fact that they develop in motion. Back in the last century, the scientist I. A. Arshavsky proved that physical activity greatly affects the mental development of a child. However, not always the kids manage to run and jump from the bottom of their hearts. In apartments and houses there is often too little space for outdoor games, and in every room the baby has many dangers. So where does the fidget evolve? Gymnastics for children is an excellent way out of this situation.

Child and sport - what could be better?

The sports section for children (in Moscow, in particular) has many advantages. First of all, the child will be able to direct his energy into a peaceful direction, and after classes he will not have an excess of energy. This is especially true for boys. All day they keep rushing around the house from room to room. On the one hand, you need to put in excess energy somewhere, and on the other hand, a house or apartment just stands upside down.

gymnastics for children

If the baby, on the contrary, is inactive and lethargic, the gymnastics section for children again comes to the rescue. Any child needs movement. If your baby spends all the time in front of a computer or TV screen, this is unlikely to add to his health. Inactive children are uncommunicative and withdrawn. They live in their own world and do not want to let anyone go there. Such kids just need to attend some kind of circle and communicate with peers.

Big sport

Many parents think over the career of a child almost from the first year of his life. Whether this is right or wrong is not for us to judge. It is difficult to find out why a child has talent if he sits at home for days on end. In order to unleash the full potential, you need to show him how many diverse activities are. In Moscow there are a huge number of different sections and circles: the acrobatics and gymnastics studio ACROPEOPLE, the Alpha Budo Sports Club (Rokossovsky), the International Gym Gymnastics Center (Krylatskoye), the Acrobat Sports Center (Maryino) and many others. For example, the acrobatics studio ACROPEOPLE combines many areas related to acrobatics, gymnastics and dance. Most likely, your child will definitely choose something suitable for himself.

gymnastics for children 4 years old

Of course, many mothers and fathers would like their child to become a famous gymnast or acrobat, but does the kid himself want this? Until he tries, he won’t. Even if your child does not become famous in this area, do not despair, because gymnastics for children (in Moscow or another city) will strengthen his immunity and help him become slim and fit.

What children teach in the classroom

Many who decide to give the child to the gym are interested in what the children are doing there. First of all, in the classroom, they perform stretching exercises and general physical training. When the kids have already prepared enough, they begin to learn various tricks and movements. Gymnastics for children from 3 years old includes only easy and safe exercises. It is very important that the children in the classroom are in a team. Parents are very surprised when they see how their spoiled and restless baby during classes turns into a serious and disciplined one.

gymnastics for children in Moscow

Sports activities teach children endurance and determination. It is at the age of 3 to 5 years that their character and habits are formed. If at this time the child learns discipline, endurance, self-discipline - all these qualities will remain with him in the future. Gymnastics for children in the future has an impact on school activities. Those children who attend any sports section are very attentive, they quickly absorb the material and strive for good grades.

Gymnastics equipment

As a rule, serious gymnastics in children begins at the age of 6 years. Until this time, children are engaged in stretching. Gymnastics for children 4 years old requires only the presence of uniforms and Czechs. In the future, if a child likes it and continues to study and even perform at concerts in Moscow, he will need to buy an elegant suit for performances and the necessary inventory items. In addition, if the baby is seriously engaged in gymnastics, classes alone will not be enough. Therefore, children buy a sports wall home so that they can exercise.

gymnastics for children from 3 years

How to choose a section for classes

The choice of a section in Moscow for gymnastics is a responsible matter. First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are giving your child to sport. If you do not plan for him a dizzying career of an athlete, then it is advisable to choose a simple section near the house. If you set a goal to raise a champion, then you should choose only professional sections for preparing children for olympiads. And you should very carefully look for the right one.

How to choose a good coach

In the sections there are a lot of quack teachers. During the classes they don’t watch the kids, they don’t keep discipline, and they don’t teach children anything useful. Such trainers should be wary. You must be present at the first lessons of your child to make sure that he likes it there and is safe. Gymnastics for children should be calm. The trainer must explain to the children each exercise and show how to do it correctly. In addition, the teacher must support the child, and at the right moments and educate. Many trainers allow outsiders to attend classes. For the first time, go "on reconnaissance" without a child. Watch how the trainer teaches children how to communicate with them.

gymnastics section for children

Pros and Cons of Gymnastics

One of the advantages of sports gymnastics is that it strengthens the body of the child, disciplines the baby. Children attending such sections for more than a year become very purposeful. Gymnastics has a positive effect on the figure, especially for girls - it’s hard not to notice the gymnast’s even posture.

However, professional sports are always a risk. Gymnastics for children can be dangerous. In this sport, you can rarely do without injuries. When stretching, you can strongly pull the muscle, and when performing the exercise, dislocate the arm or other part of the body. The most burden for gymnasts is on the spine. But are children insured against personal injuries? If you do not plan to give the child to big sport, then gymnastics will bring him only benefit. The gymnastics section for children from 3 years old in Moscow will certainly appeal to your child and he will develop in the right direction.


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