How to learn irregular verbs in English quickly and easily?

How to learn irregular verbs in English quickly and easily? All people who want to master a foreign language are forced to ask this question sooner or later. As you know, the language used by residents of foggy Albion and many other countries contains over 500 irregular verbs. Fortunately, about 150-200 is enough in everyday life. How to remember them, spending a minimum of time?

How to learn irregular verbs in English quickly: grouping

It's no secret that structuring information makes it easier to perceive and remember. How to learn irregular verbs in English quickly? In solving this problem, tables in which words are distributed in groups will help. The principle of division may vary.

how to learn irregular verbs in english quickly

Some tables contain groups in which verbs of communication, movement, stages, presence, quantity and so on are separately given. Others involve separating verbs that have the same form from verbs with different forms. Through trial and error, each student will be able to independently select the appropriate tables for study.

How to learn irregular verbs in English quickly and easily? It’s great if a person doesn’t find the necessary tables on the Internet or textbooks, but compiles them by himself, dividing the words into groups that are convenient for him. This will help to activate not only visual, but also motor memory.

Make a plan

Do you know how to learn irregular verbs in English quickly? The result of the student’s efforts directly depends on the frequency of classes, their regularity. It is advisable to take on the study of new words every day (or at least every other day), mastering about 8-10 verbs per day.

how to quickly learn irregular verbs in English

For quick memorization, it is best to use not only visual, but also motor type of memory. The learned verbs should be immediately written down in English, and their translation must be given nearby. Having made a mistake, you need to write the word again several times. Until all 10 verbs are spelled correctly, do not undertake the development of the next group.

Repetition - the mother of learning

How to quickly learn irregular verbs in English so that they stay in memory for a long time? To do this, it is enough to regularly repeat learned words. Experienced educators recommend doing this every time before learning a new group of verbs, otherwise they will be quickly forgotten.

how to quickly learn irregular English verbs

Another effective tool for fixing new words in your memory is a daily mini-dictation. It is necessary to write down the meanings of verbs from different groups without referring to the source table. To carry out the “dictation”, the help of other people is not required, just close the column with verbs, and leave only their translation visible.

Another useful exercise is the use of learned words in sentences that are compiled independently. This will help to fix in memory not only verbs, but also the rules for their use, connection with tenses.

We use posters

There is another way to quickly learn irregular English verbs. To achieve this goal, training posters created using album sheets and felt-tip pens will help. Some people print such bright textbooks from the Internet, but it’s much more useful to prepare them yourself.

how to quickly learn irregular verbs in English

Do not write too many verbs on one poster, it is better to use more paper. To write words, multi-colored felt-tip pens are used, this helps them not to "merge" with each other. Ready-made posters are hung on the wall, which has a desk. You can choose any other place where a person studying a foreign language spends a lot of time. Reread a column with words is desirable as often as possible.

Creative solution

On the Internet you can find many poems that are written specifically for people trying to fix irregular verbs in their memory. Such verses are easy to remember, cause positive emotions. For example: "I'm in the dining room buy – bought – bought an excellent sandwich." It’s great if a person can compose such sentences on their own.

how to quickly learn irregular verbs in English in 5 minutes

Poems are one of the most effective tools that you can use to “combat” English irregular verbs. Many people who have tested the method in action have been able to memorize up to 50 words daily. The main thing - while remembering the chain, pay attention not only to the pronunciation of verbs, but also how to write them correctly.

Association method

Associative memory is an effective “weapon” that should also not be overlooked. How to quickly learn irregular verbs in English using this method? For example, a person needs to remember once and for all the verb "ring" (ring) and its existing forms. You can write a ring – rang – rung chain onto a piece of paper, and then attach it next to where the phone is. The same can be done with other verbs, the memorization of which is necessary for the student.

Of course, there are those verbs that are extremely difficult to remember. In this case, the student will also come to the aid of associative memory. Say, the verb knit ("knit") can be associated with threads, and the word steal ("steal") with the domestic "stiffen". You should not limit your imagination, as the more colorful the images turn out to be, the easier it will be for them to be deposited in memory.

Story writing

How to quickly learn irregular verbs in English with translation? There is a method similar to the one in which poems appear. The student can compose his own story, which will use the maximum number of words stored in memory. It is advisable to use different forms of verbs when writing a story, rather than focusing on one of them.

how to quickly learn irregular verbs in English with translation

To write such a story, it is not at all necessary to have a solid vocabulary, just navigate in the grammar. Sentences can be as simple as possible, the main thing is to include remembered verbs in them.

It is wonderful if a person will not only write down his stories, but also tell them to friends and relatives. It is also useful to conduct dialogs in a foreign language, using various forms of irregular verbs. If no one speaks English surrounded by the student, he can, having studied thematic and linguistic forums, easily find a native speaker.

Common mistakes

How to quickly learn irregular verbs in English (in 5 minutes)? Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve such a result, even with a trained memory. It is wiser to set real goals for yourself - this approach is more effective, since it helps to avoid disappointment. About 8-10 words per day is the best option for long-term memorization, according to the opinion of experienced teachers. Of course, this statement is true if the student is engaged daily and does not forget about the need for a daily return to the material passed.

There is another mistake often made by people learning English irregular verbs. Pupils record in memory the form of words, forgetting to take an interest in their translation. Realizing this, they are forced to actually start training anew. It is also wrong to learn only the spelling or pronunciation of a verb, it is better to remember everything at once.

Finally, you should not get carried away with the traditional “cramming”, abandoning creative methods, such as playing in associations, composing poems and stories, using posters and reminder sheets.


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