Tuk is ... Meaning of the word, etymology, examples of use

What is a bale? Speaking this word, we imagine a big bundle or cul of something, more often, probably rags, cloth, than something solid. The bale is rather shapeless and spreading, rather than having a certain shape. What else do we know about him? It is rather soft than hard. Well, also? What do we know about bales? It's time to get to know this concept better.

Meaning of the word “bale” in the dictionary

In order to learn the encyclopedic meaning, you can refer to one of the modern explanatory dictionaries. For example, let's look for the noun “bale” in the most complete among the existing explanatory dictionaries in terms of the vocabulary - “The Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by Efremova. It contains about 160,000 dictionary entries and over 253,000 semantic units.

According to the dictionary entry, the word "bale" has four meanings and can act as different parts of speech.

We will get acquainted with the first and main meaning, where "bale" acts as a noun. So, according to Ephraim’s dictionary, a bale is “a large, packaged bundle of goods, a bunch of things.” As you can see, our idea of ​​something big and shapeless was justified.

What other meanings of this word have?

Another bale is, again, according to Ephraim’s dictionary, onomatopoeia, predicate and interjection.


several Wed unleash

The sound of the blow of an ax or some other knock ( usually with repetition).


the predicate. unleash

The designation of a blow about something, accompanied by a knock, as an action.


Int. unleash

Used to indicate when transmitting a knock or blow of an ax ( usually with repetition).

Now we have become acquainted with all the meanings of the word "bale". It's time to find out where it came from.

Bales (packaging) with clothes on the shipment

Etymology of the word

In Russian, the word "bale" has been known since the first third of the 18th century, as a dictionary entry tells us in the etymological dictionary of the talented scientist and etymologist N. M. Shansky. This is a borrowing from the Dutch language, in which the word tujg existed, meaning kipa, a bunch of any product. The meaning was almost unchanged transferred to the Russian language and acquired by him. It is also interesting that in this form it has survived to the present day.

Bale (bale) of cotton on a white background


The word “bale” as a noun with the meaning “bale, bundle of something, big bag” does not have many synonyms, but they still exist, which means you can diversify your speech by correctly using them in the place where you could the word "bale" would be repeated. What are these synonyms?

The first dictionaries mark the word “bag” as a synonym for the word “bale”.

Next is the "bale". This can be called, rather, a small bale, than to consider this word as a full synonym, and nevertheless it is sometimes appropriate to play on shades.

The following synonyms for the word “bale” will be such words and the realities behind them as “bundle”, “cul”, “bundle”, “pack”. You can also use the word "bale" as a synonym, through which it is defined in the dictionary of Ephraim.

The last in a series of synonyms for the word "bale" is a rather peculiar and limited in scope and relevance of the use of "post-package".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32807/

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