Concrete mixers - top rated, specs and model overview

At all times, people are engaged in construction. For some this is a temporary occupation, for others it is a matter of a lifetime. But even those who are far from construction work and prefer to turn over this business to specialists, have an idea what concrete is and why a concrete mixer is needed. True, they know all this only in general terms. Our article is intended for those who are going to take a direct part in the construction work on their site. For them we will tell you in detail how concrete is made, name the rating of the best concrete mixers, list their advantages and disadvantages so that when buying such an aggregate there are no errors and misunderstandings.

Options for creating concrete

Concrete is a man-made artificial building material. It is created in the process of mixing and hardening of a specially selected mixture consisting of a binder (cement), aggregates and water.

The secrets of the production of concrete mortar by hand have come down to us since the era of ancient Rome. This is the most laborious and long process, requiring a lot of effort from the builder. Today, for the manufacture of concrete by hand, as a rule, a tin trough is used, in which all components are mixed with a shovel. In this way, a working solution is produced in a small amount. However, in the context of industrial production or for large-scale home repairs, a concrete mixer is needed.

The amount of concrete that is produced using this device several times overlaps the volume of the solution made by hand. All this makes it possible to significantly accelerate the progress of construction. When purchasing a concrete making machine, everyone wonders which concrete mixer is better. Recommendations in choosing such a technique will not hurt. You can always focus on the reviews and ratings of models.

concrete mixers rating of the best
Rating of the best concrete mixers

Considering the categories of concrete mixers, they always make a list according to different requirements for equipment. For example, there is a rating of high-quality concrete mixers with drums with a total volume of 180 to 200 liters. Units of this type are one of the most popular. Inside the working drum, they have blades that help grind the lumps of the cement mixture, which makes the solution homogeneous. In addition, machines of this type consume a relatively small amount of electricity, which is also an important selection criterion. Let's review some models.

The best concrete mixers at the moment are presented by models:

  1. Lebedyan. High-quality assembly, long operation.
  2. "Denzel". Relatively low cost and optimal power.
  3. "Inforce." Low price and ease of operation.
  4. "ZITREK". Differ in very long term of operation.
  5. Russian series "Whirlwind".
  6. Patriotic Parma.
  7. "Prorab ecm 180 A". Consider some of these models in more detail.

"BM Whirlwind - 180"

The BM-180 Whirlwind Concrete Mixer is in the list of the best because of its qualities: small size, ease of use, creation of good quality concrete and more.

The engine power of this model is 800 watts, and the circular speed of the drum is 29.5 revolutions per minute.

The device is powered by a 220 W household power supply. The machine is relatively light (weight 62 kg), because of this it is easy to carry with the help of 1-2 workers.

"Prorab ECM 180 A"

One of the most famous concrete mixers and one of the most popular models is the Prorab ECM 180 A. With its help it is possible to create not only concrete, but also feed mixtures. The body volume of this concrete mixer is 180 liters, but you can limit it to 130 liters. This is a rare property for such units.

Another advantage of the model is that the drum can be rearranged on both sides, and it is also possible to fix it with special grooves.

concrete mixer rating which brand is better

Parma B-201-E

Our domestic concrete mixer "Parma B-201-E" is a high-speed unit. In a short time (about 2 minutes) you can get a concrete mixture of 115 liters. The machine is partially automated, there is a hardened case, independent movement is supposed. Cast iron power parts provide guaranteed additional operation.

Having looked at this small rating of concrete mixers, which brand you can’t immediately identify better, but you can make some hints. Let us consider in more detail some of the technical characteristics of concrete mixers.

electric concrete mixer for home reviews

Machine types

The range of units for creating concrete is so wide that it is very difficult for non-professionals to choose something suitable among the models offered by the market. Even "rummaging" on the Internet and making a list of the best concrete mixers, how to choose the most suitable among them is not easy.

Professionals determine the best model, focusing on specific attributes. Without affecting the characteristics of specific details, it should be noted that the main criterion for choosing such mechanisms is the size of the tank, where, in fact, concrete will be produced. In the container, the mixture with water is mixed with special blades. They are rotated by a powerful engine. Cement, gravel and special additives are thrown into the drum, where arachnid lobes mix all materials very carefully. I must say that the solution with this technique turns out to be of the highest quality. But these units are not suitable for processing coarse raw materials.

As a rule, a significant volume concrete mixer is used at large construction sites. For private work, it is better not to use it, since a large motor uses significant electric power, and products will be produced in vain, since a lot of concrete is not needed for a small construction project.

Gravity type

Experienced builders advise against buying the first concrete mixer that catches your eye. The rating of the best makes it possible to look around the market and not miscalculate with a purchase. Among others, there are gravity-type concrete mixers that have proven themselves in business. These are aggregates of a pear-shaped form, the essence of their work which consists in the rapid circular movement of the drum. Inside it are motionless blades. They move the solution up, then it, under the influence of its own mass, falls to the bottom, mixing with the best mix. The existence of the blades makes it possible to prevent the mortar from sliding off the surface of the drum, as a result of which the concrete will be of the highest quality.

which concrete mixer is the best recommendation in choosing
Such a concrete mixer can work with both small fractions of raw materials and large ones. This unit can be put on the creation of heavy concrete for pouring a strong foundation. It is also possible to mix light mixtures for plastering various walls or forming screeds. This device, the volume of which can reach three hundred liters, serves as a universal mechanism that is widely used both on large construction sites and for individual purposes.

Device Selection Factors

Choosing the right concrete mixer from the rating of the best, you need to understand that a device for creating concrete is not an ordinary thing. It is immediately necessary to determine why the prepared mixture will be used. It is also necessary to solve such questions: what is the preferred volume of the drum, how often will the concrete mixer be involved?

In the technical characteristics of this mechanism, you need to pay attention to such indicators:

- the working volume of the concrete mixer bucket;

- power features of the engine;

- the material from which the drum is made;

- the operation of the concrete mixer;

-level of motor protection.

A professional construction specialist will single out, first of all, the volume of the machine. This is a critical indicator on which all other parts individually and the characteristics of the concrete mixer as a whole depend.

Concrete Mixer Volume

As noted above, specialists who compare which concrete mixer is better in the rating of such construction equipment will determine the main factor that should be taken into account when buying - volume.

At the same time, it is not necessary to measure a machine with a tape measure, determining the dimensions. Each product sold in the distribution network must have official documentation indicating the dimensions and other characteristics of the product. For a concrete mixer, such documentation will show the bucket capacity.

which concrete mixer to choose prices reviews

Note for the amateur: the number of bucket capacity indicated in the passport will not be the level of performance of this unit. In practice, due to a separate design specificity, the amount of concrete the machine will make about 70% of the value indicated in the document. For example, if, according to the passport, the capacity reaches about 100 liters, then in practice with this unit you can get about 65 liters of the finished solution in one run. Of course, you can put in the drum and a large mass of raw materials. But then concrete of not very high quality will turn out, and the machine itself will fail in a short time.

Domestic concrete mixer "Profmash"

You wondered which concrete mixer is better to choose for a summer residence and at home? Given the fullness of the market with construction machines, it is necessary to more carefully approach the assessment of existing devices. In addition to other selection criteria, it is advisable to consider who the manufacturer of the model you like. Now they sell units Chinese (cheap, but short-lived), Western (differing in high cost for Russia, but high-quality) and domestic (good, but rudely made). The latter include Profmash concrete mixers. Reviews of the model immediately emphasize that its main feature is that the machine has a direct, gear drive, that is, it happens without a crown around the production perimeter, as consumers are usually used to seeing.

The price of this assistant in creating the building mixture in the summer of 2017 was no more than twenty thousand rubles, so for a season the purchase usually paid off. What is valuable, such a device works from a regular consumer network of 220 V. The other characteristics are also quite good: the motor power reaches 850 watts, the amount of the working mixture is about 0.1 cubic meters per batch.

The design of the unit is quite simple. The drum rotates in a circular motion and mixes the raw material that has been poured. If necessary, the material can be poured β€œby eye”, then add water, turn on the concrete mixer. The unit will do the rest itself. After a while, the solution will be ready.

It should be noted that concrete mixers, like any equipment, love care. That is, at the end of the working day, and preferably after each call, you need to wash off the dirt and dust, lubricate the necessary details. This approach will lead to longer life.

Electric concrete mixer

Concrete mixer "Profmash" is a private example of an electric unit for non-industrial purposes. In general, this is an electric concrete mixer for the home. Reviews about it are mostly positive.

which concrete mixer is better to choose for a summer residence and at home

In order to maintain order, even on an insignificant site, a lean owner regularly needs concrete: put up pillars for the fence, knead the mixture for masonry, make a foundation for outbuildings, form slabs for the track. It is time consuming and physically difficult to replace such an amount in a tin can.

The electric concrete mixer will help to significantly improve and speed up the work. It will facilitate work, reduce working time.

In recent years, electric concrete mixers are the most popular and are divided into belt and gear. In concrete mixers of both types, the blades rotate, and the body is fastened tightly. Because of this, there are other power requirements. For household units, its minimum level is 0.35 kW.

Comparison of the best concrete mixers, rating, reviews about them always help newcomers in the construction business not to get into a mess and not to be disappointed in their purchase.

average cost

For many people, an important indicator of the acquisition of any product is its value. What is the price of a concrete mixer to choose? Customer reviews note that the cheapest models should not be taken, since they are short-lived and do not work very well. The most expensive for a novice builder is also not very suitable. It is better to focus on models of the middle price category and pick up a concrete mixer worth from 10 thousand rubles to 30 thousand.

rating of quality concrete mixers


We told you what concrete mixers exist. The rating of the best of them will help you make a choice. Not the last place is occupied by the reviews of those who already use such units. Consumers note their positive features:

- significantly facilitates the process of concrete production;

- you can make a large volume of the mixture per day;

- the term of construction work is reduced.

The disadvantages of concrete mixers are as follows:

- high electricity consumption;

- in case of breakdown, it is not always possible to get the necessary spare part.


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