Types of pronouns in English. Exercises

Pronouns are one of the first topics that anyone who takes up learning English learns. In sentences, they perform various functions. In this article, we will consider the features of using certain types, as well as perform exercises on pronouns in the English language to consolidate the material.

General information

The pronouns in a sentence are used to replace some nouns and adjectives. For example, in order not to repeat someone’s name constantly, you can use a pronoun. Or to indicate that someone belongs to an item. There are various types of pronouns. We will consider some of them, and then it will be possible to perform exercises on pronouns in English for self-examination.

Personal pronouns

This species is also called noun pronouns. Personal pronouns can take the form of a nominative case, and can also differ in their number.

The only thingMultiple
ShesheTheythey are

They can also stand in the object case.

The only thingMultiple
Meme meUsus / m
Himhim himYouyou, you
Ithim, her, him, her

Personal pronouns of the nominative case in sentences occur in the role of the predicate. The semantic verb in Present Simple following the personal pronouns he, she, it will have the ending –s. The pronoun it in English means inanimate objects. It will be translated into Russian as β€œhe, she, it” depending on the gender of the noun indicated by this pronoun.

Examples: He works every day. She likes reading books.

It is possible to understand what pronoun should be in the sentence from the context, as well as due to the grammatical forms of other words (for example, the same end of the verb). The following are exercises for personal pronouns in English. Insert a suitable pronoun instead of omissions:

1. Ann is so tired. ... works every day.

Ann is so tired. She works every day.

Answer: She.

Ann is so tired

2. John is my best friend. ... always helps me.

John is my best friend. He always helps me.

Answer: He.

3. Bring me this apple. And put ... on the table.

Bring this apple. And put it on the table.

Answer: It.

4. Sam and Ann are really talented people. ... sing and play the guitar very well!

Sam and Ann are very talented. They sing and play the guitar very well!

Answer: They.

Possessive pronouns

The second type of pronoun that anyone who wants to learn English is possessive. They indicate that something belongs to someone. Possessive pronouns are also divided into two types. Adjectives require a noun. Nouns are used independently. Before doing exercises with these pronouns, we will understand how both of these types look and are used. Adjectives are presented below.

The only thingMultiple
Mymy my mine myOurours, our / -a / s
HishisYouryours, yours
Itshis her

After all these pronouns in the sentence, a noun necessarily follows.

Example: There is my book on the table. My book is on the table.

My book is on the table

I have read his letter. I read his letter.

Nouns are presented below.

The only thingMultiple
Minemine mine mine mineOursours, our / s
HishisYoursyours, yours, yours, yours
Itshis her

These pronouns are always used without the next noun.

Example: I lost my book. Please give me yours. Translation: I lost my book. Please give me yours.

This pencil is mine. Translation: This pencil is mine.

To test yourself, do the English pronouns exercises and fill in the blanks:

1. I can give you ... pencil.

I can give you my pencil.

Answer: My

2. This book is ....

This book is mine.

Answer: Mine

3. You sent a letter. But he read ... letter.

You sent a letter. But he read your letter.

Answer: Your

4. She is amazing singer. I have heard ... songs.

She is a great singer. I heard her songs.

Answer: Her

5. This song is ....

This song is hers.

Answer: Hers

It is with these pronouns that acquaintance with the English language begins. They are most often found in both written and oral speech, so they need to be learned, able to distinguish and correctly used.

pronoun exercises

And confidently make sentences with them will help exercises in pronouns in the English language.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32818/

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