Thyme oil: medicinal properties and contraindications

Healing herbs gave us nature itself. A plant such as thyme contains a lot of vitamins and antibacterial substances and is considered to be a noble plant. Thyme can be used both externally and for food. From it make infusions and essential oils, used in aromatherapy, cosmetology and even in the kitchen as a seasoning.

The healing properties of thyme

Known from the most ancient times, a shrub from the labiaceae family - thyme is suitable for almost everyone for treatment. It is growing very fast. The range of therapeutic effects of this herb is huge. After all, the composition of thyme is replete with useful anti-inflammatory substances, which means that properly collected grass will be a great addition to the winter first-aid kit. Since inhalation with thyme oil, for example, relieves symptoms with flu, colds, or bronchitis.

Thyme growing in the fields, which is customarily called thyme in the Slavic traditions, copes best with bronchitis. Another name for the thyme is the Bogorodskaya herb. And thyme is a Latin name.

The plant is great for eating. Thyme and thyme are one and the same. This is a low grass, curling with small leaves. It grows throughout Europe, prefers ravines and meadows. It blooms with small pinkish flowers from early July to late August. During this period, you need to collect thyme and harvest tinctures and essential oils.

Thyme and thyme

How to prepare thyme oil infusion? This remedy also brings many benefits. Dry herbs are poured into a glass container and poured with ordinary olive oil. This mixture is then infused for 3 weeks. The thick consistency needs to be mixed at times.

What is thyme oil used for? We describe the therapeutic properties and contraindications in detail. Its use is mainly cosmetic, but it also heals sores on the skin and relieves inflammation in cuts and myositis.

Application in traditional medicine

What do experienced herbalists advise about using thyme oil? What is the best way to apply it - inside or out? Thyme oil is used in folk medicine for such health problems:

Thyme. Medicinal properties t contraindications

  • with liver diseases;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • sleep disorders
  • rheumatism;
  • with anemia;
  • thyroid problems;
  • with inflammation of the appendages in a woman;
  • prostatitis in men;
  • infections
  • thyme oil is useful for blood vessels, especially the smallest capillaries;
  • diabetes and so on.

It should be noted that simply tea with dry thyme is a very good way to cheer up in cold autumn weather and improve sleep. This is a wonderful tool, donated by nature and for women. Thyme is one of those herbs that you can and even preferably drink with a breast-feeding woman. But during pregnancy, thyme is contraindicated, as it increases tone.

Thyme oil in folk medicine is used to increase pressure in hypotensive patients, helps to quickly get on your feet after a serious infection, and also when you need to remove the swelling after a sports injury.

How can I replace thyme oil if it’s not at hand? Suitable for relieving inflammation of lavender oil, peppermint, basil, tea tree. Sandalwood and fir oils are used to relieve muscle spasms and relaxation.

Can it be taken orally?

The taste of thyme is bitter, a little burning with notes of camphor. Not everyone tastes good, but the benefits are enormous. More often inside, thyme is used in the form of tea or infusion, but not everyone knows that the essential oils of this plant in small quantities can also be added to food. The anti-inflammatory properties of the shrub help to quickly cope with a cold if you drink thyme tea 3 times a day. But the nervous system, sleep is also restored. In women who have problems with the monthly cycle, the hormonal system returns to normal.

When else eat thyme oil? Ingestion is also possible when a person has severe anemia. Oil is also taken orally with food for severe respiratory infections. For therapeutic purposes, in this case, drip 1 drop into a cup of hot milk and drink at night.

Severe headaches caused by vasospasms or a skull injury are also relieved by daily drinking of a thyme decoction. Instead of a decoction, you can still drip a drop of oil on bread and drink it with warm water.

Thyme for diabetes

How to use thyme with a diagnosis of diabetes? We discuss the healing thyme, medicinal properties and contraindications for diabetes.

Thyme broth with this diagnosis is taken in 100 ml, preferably three times a day at regular intervals. If the eye vessels suffer from diabetes, grind thyme and add it to honey. Such honey with herbs should be eaten in a spoon in the morning and evening.

Thyme and thyme

Since thyme oil improves metabolism throughout the body, with diabetes it is advisable to drink decoctions more often, and take baths with grass, and relax with aromatherapy. To prevent diabetes, you can also take a small amount of herbs, but without fanaticism.

The chemical composition of the plant

As a medicinal plant, thyme (and thyme) is very much appreciated. The composition includes thymol, which is used in medicine and beekeeping. The plant is valuable because it does not have any side effects, but it brings huge benefits, especially as an anti-inflammatory drug for internal use.

Thyme oil. application inside

And the substance carvacrol in pharmacology is used as a natural antimicrobial element. What does thyme contain in itself? We list:

  • thymol;
  • be patient;
  • carvacrol;
  • vitamins A, E, C, etc;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • oleanolic organic acid, folic and pantothenic;
  • gum;
  • ash;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • mineral salts;
  • important trace elements such as selenium, magnesium, phosphorus.

To safely use the oils from this plant, you need to study the chemical composition well, otherwise you can do harm. A large number of different chemotypes suggests different methods of application. Some shrubs are more toxic, and they can not be used inside in any form; other species are harmless.

The toxicity of the plant also depends on the place of growth, the time of collection and on whether it was harvested correctly in the summer.

Thyme as an antibiotic

It has been known for a long time that thyme relieves inflammation. This useful property is used to treat wounds and cuts. Thyme oil is used to relieve pain; during a sore throat they use such a folk recipe.

A couple of drops of thyme oil (linalool chemotype) are dripped onto activated charcoal and placed under the tongue. For a stronger disinfecting effect, you can add 2 drops of oil (but not essential).

Squeezed juice from thyme is used instead of antibiotics when a person has a heart condition. Gargling with juice treats stomatitis and tonsil inflammation.

Thyme oil. Inside use

Plant oils have a positive effect on immunity. Especially in the autumn-winter period, you can maintain your health by taking tea or a thyme decoction.

Oil compresses can be applied to the skin for eczema or psoriasis. Severe burns or cuts can also be treated with oil, only for the skin they use a special kind of herbs that grow only in the mountains. This thyme is called the linalool chemotype. The term "chemotype" means the specific chemical composition of this essential oil. After all, the composition of oils is significantly different when they are made from different herbs. And there are more than 300 species of thyme.

Essential oil in cosmetology

Thyme is used not only as an antibiotic or as a prophylactic. The antidepressant and cosmetic use of the plant is also known. For example, many proprietary hair-washing products and body lotions contain some essential thyme oils.

Thyme oil for aromatherapy

Some people with joint problems are shown massages with the essential oils of this plant. Only 3 drops of this oil are used per 5 ml of the main massage cream.

Thyme oil is rubbed into the hair roots to strengthen them and restore after chemical styling. The oil is rubbed with gentle massage movements, first into the roots, then along the entire length. Rinse off after exactly 30 minutes. Burdock-based hair oil is infused.

Thyme oil is added to cosmetic creams, it is enough 2 times a week to drip 1 or 2 drops of essential oil in your daily moisturizing face cream. And also can be added to body creams. But since the oil is too concentrated, you should not do this often. This medicinal plant makes the skin supple and soft. The metabolism in the tissues improves significantly and the epithelium becomes fresher, acne, adipose tissue pass. Thyme oil reviews therefore has excellent.

Thyme oil. Reviews

If the skin is loose and there are traces of acne, it is useful to make compresses from a decoction of thyme. It is enough to take 1 tablespoon of dry grass and pour a glass of water. When it is set up, gauze swabs are moistened and applied to the affected skin.

The use of thyme (thyme) in folk recipes

Here are a few recipes for the treatment of certain diseases. We found that flu, sore throats, as well as laryngitis, tonsillitis, and viral infections such as gastroenteritis are treated with oil. In addition, you can use oil for cervical myositis - it is an inflammation of the muscles after hypothermia. To do this, rub the oil into the neck and wrap it with a scarf.

To prepare an ordinary infusion, it is enough to pour a few thyme leaves with boiled water and let it brew for only 1 hour. Then you can drink this infusion up to 3 times a day. The tool relieves inflammation with cystitis, has a general strengthening effect on the entire central nervous system.

Men suffering from prostatitis can drink an infusion made according to a different recipe: 3 tsp. thyme, one tsp. mint and oregano. Pour everything with a liter of hot water somewhere and insist all night - about 12 hours. Then drink it every morning.

Thyme leaf teas are infused quickly and are very beneficial for the whole body. In particular, putrefactive processes in the stomach are stopped when the person has acidity and helps to restore normal acidity in the stomach. For the stomach with such acidity, such a decoction will also help: 10 gr. herbs and 200 gr. boiling water. Soak the broth for at least 30 minutes. And take 1 spoon per day 3 or better 4 times.

For the treatment of arthritis and radiculitis, they also take 10 grams. raw materials for the same amount of liquid. But you can withstand 15-20 minutes. For periodontal disease use the same decoction, but only for rinsing.


Each therapeutic agent obviously has its own contraindications. Contraindications to the use of thyme oil are less than indications, but it is necessary to list them.

  • In acute cholecystitis.
  • Chronic and acute hepatitis.
  • Children up to two years.
  • With emphysema such.
  • Hypertensive patients are also prohibited, since the plant, as they said, increases even more pressure.
  • With duodenal ulcer.
  • With angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation and heart failure.

Excessive use of herbs will lead to problems with the thyroid gland, which is responsible for hormones. Therefore, it is imperative for each prescription to watch dosages and strictly adhere to them.

The use of oil for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Thyme has a beneficial effect on male sexual function. For this, a man needs to take a course of a special drink from thyme. It’s good for women to take baths with thyme essential oils. Such a bath will strengthen the nervous system and at the same time will be the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system in women.

And also thyme or thyme is insisted and taken to relieve inflammation in cystitis and pyelonephritis. Another useful recipe for female gynecological problems. Treatment of thrush in women can be carried out using the composition of essential oils from tea tree, coconut oil, thyme and celandine.


Using the essential oil of this plant for aromatherapy is no less an excellent means of healing and improving the general condition.

Thyme essential oil

Essential oil by inhalation of vapors acts on a person as follows:

  • Sleep improves, night cramps go away.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome goes away.
  • Blood circulation in the capillaries improves.
  • Long depression pass.
  • Stress headaches go away.

In addition to the above, there is another positive property - after aromatherapy, appetite improves, memory improves, attention increases mental performance.

To get the healing effect of inhaling the vapor, you need to drop 5 drops of thyme oil and 3 drops of eucalyptus into the aroma lamp. But this is the dosage for a large room. If the bedroom is small, it is enough to drip 4 drops, otherwise hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or pulmonary emphysema may develop.

The smell of thyme is very warm and spicy, very pleasant; eucalyptus has a tarry tart. They perfectly complement the therapeutic effect of each other and create a cozy aromatic bouquet in the house.

Thyme oil for aromatherapy can be used quite often. However, abuse aromatherapy should also not be. Thyme still refers to plants that increase blood pressure and gastric juice.


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