How to braid a braid: step by step instructions with photos

A braid is the most popular hairstyle. It is simple in technique in its simplest form, it is universal: suitable for any event for any style of clothing, it is diverse in its designs.

How to braid a braid, many girls know. This skill is taught in childhood. And for those who do not yet own this art, we will tell further how to braid a braid simply and beautifully.


Varieties of braid hairstyles

Most are used to seeing what is called a “normal” braid. But in fact, there are several varieties of such a hairstyle, which are different in execution technique and have their own final appearance.

  1. Russian braid. This is the usual braid for all, braided from three strands. This option is considered classic, as well as the simplest in execution technique.
  2. French braid. This option is also considered "classic" and is the main one in many weaving techniques.
  3. "Fish tail". An original and not complicated view of braids. The technique is that 3 strands are used, to which one thin strand on each side is added in turn.
  4. Afro-braids. Egyptian hairstyle, which is very popular with girls and young girls in the summer. Such braids are braided in a simple technique (of 3 strands), but their number is from 100 to 300, depending on the thickness of the hair. Also, when creating a hairstyle, artificial fibers are woven into each pigtail in order to increase the length of the hair and strengthen the hairstyle. Such afro-braids last up to 3 months.
  5. Scythe-spiral. She’s a braid harness. Before weaving, each strand of hair is twisted into a spiral, and then intertwined.
  6. Greek braid. It weaves around the head, resembling a laurel wreath worn in ancient Greece.
  7. Scythe waterfall.

Russian braid

This is the easiest weaving option . How to braid a braid in a classic form:

  1. Divide the combed hair into three equal parts.
  2. Next, put the right side over the center.
  3. Put the left part on top of the central and right part located on it.
  4. After the first weave, the left part of the hair became middle, middle right, and right left.
  5. Continue weaving by repeating steps 2 and 3. Finally, fasten the hair with an elastic band.
ordinary braid

Aerial scythe

  1. Comb your hair by rolling it back.
  2. Take 3 straight strands: two at the temples and one on top.
  3. Weave them like a normal braid.
  4. For the next weaving, take new strands from the temples and continue weaving in the usual style.

The result is a braid lying on top of the bulk of loose hair.

Hairstyle Option - Fishtail

  1. Comb the hair and divide the entire "heap" with a straight parting into two equal parts.
  2. Now on the right side of the hair, select a small strand from the right edge, and throw it in the middle so that it falls on the right side of the left side of the hair.
  3. From the left half of the divided hair, also from the edge, select a small lock and throw it in the middle so that it comes in contact with a thin lock from the right side of the hair.
  4. Then repeat the processes under paragraphs "2" and "3" until the very end. Fasten your hair with a thin rubber band or hairpin. To give more volume to the hairstyle, its edges can be slightly straightened.


Spit "Spiral" is woven very simply, but the technique of execution differs from the usual.


  1. Comb your hair.
  2. On the back of the head, assemble and tighten the “tail” with an elastic band. It can be made high or low.
  3. Comb the hair again and divide the “tail” into 2 or 3 parts.
  4. Now you need to twist each part in a tight spiral. It is better to do this clockwise, so the tourniquet will turn out stronger.
  5. After that, twist the resulting spirals together to make one long spiral.
  6. At the end, fix the work done with a thin rubber band. The hairpin may not hold and dissolve all weaving.
braid harness

Scythe "vice versa"

How to braid the braid inside out will be discussed further. Such an eversion hairstyle is more voluminous than the usual version. To braid such a braid on its own will be a little more difficult, but still possible.

  1. Comb your hair well.
  2. Separate the strand from the total mass of hair. The thickness of the strand can be any. Divide it into three identical parts.
  3. Take the part located on the left, and drag it under the bottom of the middle so that the left part is located between the middle and right.
  4. Take the right lock and stretch it under the middle so that in the end it is between the middle and left.
  5. Then continue again from the left strand, however, with each subsequent binding, take small strands from each side so that the braid is securely and firmly located on the head.
  6. According to the presented scheme, continue weaving to the end.

The resulting braid inside out will be voluminous. To enhance this effect, you can gently pull each edge of the weave.

braid on the contrary


The “basket" braid, popular in the middle of the last century, is modest and neat. Her more "modernized" options, as well as traditional weaving, are becoming in demand now. This hairstyle can be worn both daily and as a weekend option. How to braid a beautiful braid "basket"?

basket scythe
  1. Prepare the necessary accessories - a comb and a thin elastic band.
  2. Comb each strand well.
  3. Gather the hair in a “tail” on the top of the head, but so that there is loose hair exactly around the circumference of this “tail”.
  4. Start weaving the braid clockwise, starting with the strands falling from the forehead. Weave "loose" curls and gathered in a "tail", moving in a circle.
  5. Calculate the thickness of the strands so that the free ones located at the bottom end simultaneously with the curls from the “tail”.
  6. The small tip remaining at the end of weaving can be fixed with a beautiful hairpin or hidden under a braid to make the “basket” complete.

Using the guide on how to braid a braid-basket, you can independently repeat the process at home.

Spit "French Falls"

How to braid a French braid, have already mastered. Based on this technique, you can "build" a lot of amazing hairstyles. One of these is the French Waterfall Spit. This romantic hairstyle is suitable for absolutely any occasion. You can learn to do it yourself.

french waterfall

How to braid a beautiful braid "French Falls"?

  1. Comb your hair well without missing a single strand.
  2. At the left temple, separate the strand of hair and divide it into three more.
  3. Proceed to weaving a simple braid: the first binding should follow from the locks on the face, bind it to the center, repeat the same manipulations from the bottom.
  4. The upper lock will be below, there it must be left without touching. In return, she will need to take a new one from the common head of hair and continue braiding: connect the strands at the top, as in a French braid, put in the middle. The same must be repeated with the bottom lock.
  5. The upper strand will again be below, where it must be left.
  6. Continue weaving further to the end. The rest of the hair can be braided in the form of an ordinary braid or fixed with a rubber band, hairpin or hairpin.

Such a hairstyle is universal - it is suitable for lovers to wear loose hair, and for lovers of neatly assembled hair.

How to braid yourself?

Despite the fact that it is not difficult to make such a hairstyle, it will still be somewhat problematic for herself to build it, but only at the beginning. Several trainings, and the braid weaving technique itself will successfully master.

Start your workout with a simple Russian braid:

  1. Sit between two mirrors so that you can see not only the face, but also the back of the head.
  2. Comb your hair, and then comb it back from your forehead. Divide into three equal parts. Control the thickness of each strand by looking in the mirror.
  3. Place your fingers between the strands, so it will be easier to shift one on the other.
  4. Wrap left and right around the center strand. Keep your hands behind the first 6 weaves, and as soon as the braid goes down to its level, work can be thrown onto your shoulder forward and you can easily continue to braid.
  5. Continue the process until there is a thin tip with a length of 5-7 cm. Fix the hair with a thin rubber band or hairpin.

Having trained simple weaving, in the future you can independently make more complex options for braids.

Rules for weaving braids

To weave the hair in the literal sense, smoothly, and the final result pleased with neatness, you should not neglect a few tips:

  1. Hair should be not only clean, but also well combed. Tangled strands will make it difficult to braid, will create sloppy hairstyles.
  2. Another condition for the accuracy of the braid is the sameness of the strands.
  3. You need to separate the curls into the same thickness, always pulling them down so that all the bumps are smoothed out.
  4. It is necessary to control the braid tension, otherwise it will turn out to be too tight in one place and too weak in another.
  5. To quickly make a hairstyle, without being distracted by collecting the necessary accessories, it is worthwhile to prepare all combs, hairpins and elastic bands in advance.
view of the braid

Recommendations for mothers of little girls

"How to beautifully braid a braid for a girl?" - Many mothers are puzzled by this question, as soon as their daughters grow hair suitable for hairstyles. There are many options for weaving, but the hair of children is more sensitive to external influences, since they are too thin:

  1. Braids for little girls are the most suitable option, because they weave quickly, without tiring a child, and hold for a long time, and look beautiful.
  2. It is most convenient to weave braids to a child on straight hair, but not on graduated hair, etc.
  3. For baby braids, it is better to use ribbons, colored laces, bows. This will not only decorate the hairstyle, but also visually add density to the hair.
  4. For children's curls, you should use a comb with a sharp end. It is convenient for them to make even partings and separate the same locks.

Since baby hair is thin, it is prone to tangling quickly. Therefore, some mothers have adapted to braid their daughters with braids for the night. This protects the hair from tangling and facilitates morning combing. Therefore, it is worth learning how to braid a girl’s braid.


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