Field artichoke: useful properties and contraindications

In nature, a large number of plants are found. About some you can talk and talk about, and about others and there is nothing to tell. The second is the artichoke field. We will study it together. We will find out how it looks and how it is useful.

Little about him

The named plant is a perennial. It lives in the Mediterranean. In all countries of Western Europe it is considered a vegetable. Known for about five thousand years. He was always considered a delicacy and an aphrodisiac.

The height of the plant is about one and a half meters. The leaves are dissected and lowered down, grayish-green in color above and matte below. The stem is straight, ribbed.

For food use receptacle and fleshy base of bracts. The inflorescence of the artichoke field is somewhat reminiscent of a large thistle. The plant is considered a non-blooming bud, consisting of huge fleshy scales.

artichoke field application

Vegetables in ancient times were endowed with magical properties. So, it was believed that a woman who regularly uses it will have a boy. Therefore, in order to have a treat for a whole year, the Romans learned to harvest perennials by adding vinegar, caraway seeds and honey to it. That's about such a "mysterious" plant will be discussed.

The composition of the "alien"

The artichoke is striking in the field with useful properties - it contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. Calorie content of the vegetable is very small (forty-seven kilocalories), incomparable with usefulness. That's why the plant is perfect for those who follow the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The artichoke field contains a large amount of antioxidants, which is why it occupies the seventh place among twenty products that prolong youth.

One hundred grams of vegetable makes up for the daily norm:

  • fiber - by 27%;
  • copper - by 23%;
  • vitamin K - by 12%;
  • iron - by 12%.

The plant also includes polyphenols. They kill cancer cells and resist the development of new ones.

As you can see, the described plant is very useful. It will help prevent some diseases and give the body a lot of energy. But in order for the vegetable to help, some nuances must be taken into account.

How to choose

artichoke field useful properties

In order for the properties of the field artichoke to benefit the human body, you need to know how to choose the right plant:

  1. Pay attention to color. Inflorescences should be of the correct form, bronze-green or green. If the color of the basket is brownish, it says that the vegetable has begun to deteriorate.
  2. Juiciness is an important feature. In a fresh product, the flakes are tightly connected to each other, no dryness and lethargy.
  3. Look at the scales. There should be no fluff between them. Otherwise, the artichoke field is overripe, and you should not use it.

You can determine the freshness of a plant in this way: squeeze it in the palm of your hand, bring it to your ear. Creaks - it means high-quality and fresh.

Now about the size of the basket. Is this characteristic important? In cooking, yes. A small product can be consumed without processing. It is eaten raw, added to salads. Large and medium-sized vegetables are fried, stewed, canned, and stuffed.

Another point to keep in mind is that dishes from field artichoke are consumed on the day of preparation.


We continue to learn about the field artichoke. Useful properties and contraindications say a lot about this product. It is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine:

  • Previously, it was used as a diuretic and an aphrodisiac. He was often chewed after eating to freshen his breath.
  • An excellent probiotic is plant extract. It helps the intestines to work, restores its microflora.
  • Artichoke will lower the level of cholesterol luteolin, which is in the plant. It resists plaque formation and reduces pressure.
  • Vitamin K is an excellent prophylactic against Alzheimer's.
  • Inulin increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the colon.
  • Field artichoke is used for weight loss. Fiber absorbs fluid, expands in the stomach, creates a feeling of satiety.
  • Thanks to the vegetable, toxins are removed from the body, bile is produced.
  • This plant will help with diabetes. Fiber maintains sugar levels.
artichoke dishes

Prevention of the development of different types of cancer is another property of the artichoke field. The plant slows the growth of the tumor and stops the division of cancer cells.


We talked about the beneficial properties of field artichoke. Now we turn to contraindications. Some features of its use must also be known. Do not eat the product:

  • preschoolers;
  • people with kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract;
  • suffering from liver failure;
  • patients with hypotension, due to the fact that the artichoke lowers blood pressure;
  • to lactating women, as active substances can reduce the production of breast milk.

Useful properties of the product can also be dangerous if abused.

The use of a vegetable along with medicines that have a similar effect (Warfarin, acetylsalicylic acid, Quarantine) can cause internal bleeding and other serious complications.

The harm of artichoke is due to the presence of polyphenol. It increases the secretion of bile. Therefore, do not use the product for those who have cholecystitis.

As you can see, there are few contraindications, but they are. Before using the plant, be sure to consult a doctor.


A few words about the use of field artichoke. As mentioned above, it is used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology, for weight loss.

artichoke field useful properties and contraindications

Decoction from the inflorescence of the plant improves the regeneration of liver cells, stimulates the formation of bile and its outflow. It is prepared as follows: forty grams of inflorescences are poured with boiling water, infused for sixty minutes. It is consumed three times a day before meals. With joint disease, with gout, this remedy also helps well.

A decoction is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Save tea from migraines. In addition to inflorescences, decoctions are prepared from the leaves and petioles of the plant. The artichoke will help to cope with impotence. Fresh vegetable juice is recommended to drink one fourth cup twice a day. With stomatitis and thrush, you can rinse your mouth with artichoke juice in combination with honey.

artichoke field photo

We love vegetable and culinary. It is added to salads, rice dishes. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is very useful to eat an artichoke.

In order to preserve the plant longer, its inflorescence is dipped for a short period of time in water with lemon juice or vinegar.


Field artichoke, a photo of which you can see in the article, is not only useful, but also a beautiful plant.

field artichoke

Look at his appearance. This plant can be admired. It is useful, nutritious and loved by many nations. Delicious healing broths and wonderful dishes are prepared from it. Having tried the artichoke once, you will never refuse it. The product is used in boiled and steamed form. But, according to many, this fried vegetable is delicious. So it's worth a try, and only then draw conclusions.


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