Different ways to insert diameter icon in Windows applications

Not all characters are located on the keyboard. The diameter icon is also missing on it. But this does not mean that it cannot be inserted into most modern applications. There is such an opportunity. Moreover, this operation can be done in completely different ways. The most universal among them is the use of ASCII codes. The second method is tied to the Microsoft office suite and works only in it. The last method is related to the clipboard. To implement it, you need the original diameter icon, which will then be added to the new application by copying and pasting. Each method will be considered in detail in the framework of this article.

Diameter icon.

When does such a need arise?

There are many cases in which it becomes necessary to insert the β€œΓ˜β€ sign in an electronic document. For example, you may need it when drawing drawings, filling out price lists, creating advertising bouquets or explanatory notes for pipe products or valves. This list can be continued on, but it’s also clear that, although not so often, but
embed diameter icon in an electronic document sometimes necessary.

Using codes

The most universal way is based on the use of ASCII codes. It is implemented by the capabilities of the Windows operating system itself, therefore it is not tied to any one, strictly defined application. First you need to remember the special code - β€œ0216”, which in the table of ASCII codes corresponds to β€œΓ˜β€. And the input order in this case is as follows:

  • Change the input language until β€œEn” (β€œEnglish”) appears. If this is not done, then β€œβ€ will be entered instead of β€œΓ˜β€.
  • Next, turn on the digital advanced keyboard. Its inclusion is indicated by the Num Lock LED. If it burns, then nothing needs to be done.
  • Then we go to the working area of ​​our application, if it is minimized. To do this, just click on it on the taskbar. Then we point the manipulator pointer to its working area and make one click with the left button. At the same time, the cursor should blink in it.
  • At the next stage, hold down the "Alt" key (no matter which side you can on either the left or the right). Then, without releasing it, sequentially on the right numeric keypad, type β€œ0-2-1-6”. We completely remove our hands from the input device, and after that the diameter icon should appear.

Diameter icon in word.

The main advantage of this method is versatility. It works in most modern programs. There is no need to search for the source symbol. The downside of such a solution is that you need to remember the code. If only one icon is required, then there is no problem. Worse if there are several. In this case, it is better to print a table of codes of the most frequently used symbols on a sheet of paper and periodically apply it.

Word and other office applications

An alternative input method β€œΓ˜β€ is tied to a specific group of software products. This is an office suite from Microsoft, which includes Word, Exel, and other applications. Let’s introduce the diameter icon in Word as an example. In other cases, the input procedure is similar. In the process, go to the toolbar called "Insert". It is located at the top of the screen between the "Home" and "Page Layout" tabs. We move the mouse pointer over this inscription and make a single left-click. Then on the right side of the screen we find the β€œSymbols” sub-panel. On it we select the item "Symbol" and in the opened list we select "Other symbols". All these manipulations are performed with the right mouse button.

The insert window opens. In it we find the β€œΓ˜" we need by scrolling through the characters. This can be done using a special wheel or by repeatedly pressing the left button of the manipulator on the strip on the right. When they found β€œΓ˜β€, select it with a single press of the left button of the manipulator and press the β€œInsert” button (located in the lower right part of the window). Then close the window. After that, the diameter icon should appear in Word (in its workspace). The downside of this method is that it only works in one application group. Therefore, everywhere it will not work.

Diameter icon on the keyboard.


Another way to paste β€œΓ˜β€ is based on the use of the clipboard and a combination of operations β€œCopy” and β€œPaste”. First you need to find this symbol somewhere. For example, you can insert the diameter icon in the Word in accordance with the previously described methodology. Then select it and copy it (you can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl" + "C"). Then we go to another application and use the paste operation ("Ctrl" + "V"). The downside of this solution is that you need the original character. And he is not always available.

Diameter icon in Word.


The diameter icon on the keyboard is missing. But it can be entered without problems by one of the three proposed methods. The simplest and most versatile of them is based on the use of so-called ASCII codes. It is not tied to one application and works in almost all programs of the operating system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32828/

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