Business ideas for the countryside and the countryside: an overview of the most interesting and profitable options

A disappointing trend has been noted in the past few years. People move to cities, considering the countryside unpromising. Indeed, it is not so easy to find well-paid jobs in the countryside. But there are plenty of opportunities to do business. There are many profitable business ideas for the village and the village.

farmer in the field

Rural Business Benefits

More and more entrepreneurs decide to run a small business in the countryside. Ideas for the village are characterized by such advantages:

  • Low competition - in Russia, the practice of farming is not yet sufficiently developed, so you do not run the risk of stiff competition.
  • Governmental support. For farmers, preferential tax systems are applied, subsidies and grants are allocated.
  • The growth in demand for products. Recently, there has been a tendency towards all farming, natural organic. People are willing to pay more for a quality and safe product.
  • Favorable rates. The difference in payments for electricity and other resources can reach 25% between the city and the village.
  • Favorable environmental conditions. Living and working away from industrial enterprises is much more pleasant.

Tips for Startup Entrepreneurs

When looking for business ideas and products for the countryside and the countryside, take into account helpful tips to help you succeed. Here are the highlights:

  • Start with small volumes. This will help you minimize losses in the event of failure. Already during the first six months of work, you can draw the first conclusions about the profitability of the idea. Then you can plan further investments (that is, investing the income received in the expansion of production).
  • Do not take bank loans. This is not the best option for seasonal activities in the countryside. It is better to pay attention to government programs and subsidies.
  • Engage in the production of a full cycle. This allows you to reduce costs for intermediaries and significantly increase profits. But the initial investment, of course, will be quite high.
  • Get ready for physical work. Work in the village involves significant workloads. Often, an entrepreneur has to work hard from early morning to sunset.

Growing fruits and vegetables of an unusual shape

A rather interesting business idea for the village and the village is the cultivation of vegetables and fruits of an unusual shape. The Internet is full of photos of square watermelons, prismatic melons, tomatoes in the form of hearts or stars, and so on. This was first done in Japan. Manufacturers have become real monopolists in the global market.

In the post-Soviet space (in particular, in Russia), this idea, oddly enough, did not receive a response among entrepreneurs. Although there is no doubt that curly fruits and vegetables will cause genuine interest among buyers, even if the price is too high (compared to ordinary). In addition, the specific form is more convenient from the point of view of transportation and storage.

Such a business idea for the village and the village is ideal for those who have their own land (garden). It remains only to acquire special plastic molds to give the fruits an unusual shape. By the way, before you spend money on them, try the technology on improvised items. The mold can be made from a transparent plastic bottle. Experiment on gourds, zucchini, cucumbers, apples, pears, tomatoes - they are the most malleable.

At the moment, in Russia there is practically no competition in the cultivation of curly fruits. Therefore, you can set the price at your discretion. An original product can cost up to two times more than a regular product. The main thing is to establish communication with customers (supermarkets, restaurants). For the season you can earn from 200 000 rubles (depending on production volumes).

The business idea is ideal for beginners, as it does not require special knowledge and large investments. You will have to spend only on seeds and plastic molds. It will take about 50,000 rudders. Start-up for those who do not have their own site will cost a little more. In this case, you will have to spend money on rent (about 5000 rubles per one hundred square meters.). Also about 10-20 thousand rubles. will go to the design of IP and permits.

curly watermelon

Orchid cultivation

Recently, the popularity of domestic plants, in particular orchids, has been growing. This is a great way to make money in the village. If you have not previously dealt with flowers, for a start you should "practice." Try to grow several orchids of different varieties at home. The easiest way to do this is from bulbs, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

Next, you can proceed to the opening of the nursery. Rather, it will be a greenhouse. A design with an area of ​​50 m 2 , planting material, fertilizers, inventory - all this will cost you about 300-400 thousand rubles. It is best for a beginner to work in tandem with an experienced grower. But if you don’t know one or don’t have the opportunity to pay for his work, don’t be upset. Now there are a lot of reference publications with useful information.

Flowers can be sold in branches, in pots, in beautiful gift wrapping. Maximum demand is observed on March 8, February 14, New Year. If you plan to sell orchids in bulk through stores, you should not count on more than 250-300 rubles per unit. But if you organize your own online store, you can earn up to 1200 rubles per branch or about 1500 rubles. for a flower in a pot. According to statistics, the project pays off in the first year of work.

orchid cultivation

Production and sale of goat milk

For owners of a large land plot in a village (in a village), the business idea of ​​producing and selling goat milk is ideal. This product is very much appreciated (it is useful for kids and adults), and there is no fierce competition in its production.

The amount of initial investments depends on the planned scale of activity. So, a farm with a livestock of 120 goats will require about 2 million rubles. If you plan to start with a mini-farm, you can keep within 1 million rubles. The opening plan is as follows:

  • building a farm (or renting a finished one);
  • the acquisition of young livestock in an amount depending on the area of ​​the farm and the amount of material resources;
  • search for support staff;
  • registration of a business entity;
  • the organization of a processing workshop (or the search for options where milk can be transferred for processing);
  • search for distribution channels.

For agricultural production, you will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire department. Also, for each batch of milk you need to get a veterinary certificate of product safety. The profitability of this business idea for the village (village) is 20-50%, the project pays for itself in about a year.

Onion distillation

A popular business idea for the countryside is the distillation of green onions. This product is in great demand among the population (especially in winter and early spring). The scheme for starting a business is as follows:

  • building a greenhouse;
  • acquisition of planting material;
  • planting and growing onions;
  • marketing of finished products.

Planting material is small bulbs up to 40 mm. If they are larger, the volume of finished products will be much less. Buy a "seeder" at wholesale bases. And it’s even more profitable to buy onion seeds. Also, take care in advance of finding wholesale buyers, because green onions cannot be stored for long. Try to establish contacts with supermarkets.

You should not expect large profits from the onion distillation. It is rather an additional income. The profitability of this type of activity does not exceed 30%. This is associated with significant costs for maintaining the appropriate light and heat conditions in the greenhouse. The estimated payback period is six months.

onion distillation

The cultivation of Beijing cabbage

What kind of business can be opened in the village? For example, you can engage in the cultivation of Beijing cabbage. Given that not many domestic farms are involved in the production of this type of product, you can not be afraid of fierce competition.

It is worth noting that this business requires a rather impressive initial investment. To collect up to 300 tons of cabbage per year, you need a land area of ​​at least 5 hectares, a tractor, a transplanting machine, and a vegetable store. All this will take at least 3 million rubles. This amount also includes the purchase of planting material and fertilizers.

Beijing cabbage is a very unpretentious culture. It can withstand even frosts (albeit short-term). Several crops can be harvested per season. As for fertilizers, it is better to give preference to organic, which can be inexpensively purchased from farmers (bird droppings, humus).

You can sell the harvest through vegetable bases or resellers. The maximum profit is observed with direct deliveries to supermarkets hypermarkets. This type of business brings up to 300 thousand rubles. arrived per month.

Hardware store opening

Earning in the village from scratch is possible not only by working on the ground. For example, you can engage in the sale of household goods to residents of the village. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of many villages are forced to purchase household goods in the nearest district center. Opening a hardware store will partially solve this problem.

To open a store you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 30-40 m 2 . Moreover, the wider the planned range of goods, the larger the room should be. Depending on the format of the store (with the seller or self-service), you will need closed or open counters.

Here is the necessary minimum of goods that must be present in the hardware store:

  • cooking utensils;
  • home and garden tools - buckets, shovels, rakes, gloves, bags, garbage bags and so on;
  • tools (in sets and individually);
  • light bulbs and batteries;
  • household chemicals;
  • personal hygiene items and so on.

For such a business format, the form of individual entrepreneurship or LLC is best suited.

hardware store

Crystal growing

What profitable business can be opened in the village? It can be crystal growing. The relevance of this activity is that every woman wants to have spectacular jewelry in her arsenal, but not everyone can afford natural stones. A worthy replacement is artificial gems, which in appearance and quality are not inferior to the original.

To implement this business idea for a village at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of crystal production. To do this, you need to have some knowledge in the field of physics and chemistry. The simplest method is based on the use of saturated brine or condensed vapors. Salt, sugar, aluminum alum, copper sulphate and other substances can be used as raw materials. You may well get a set of reagents for growing crystals on the Internet. You will also need a special device - the Verneuil apparatus.

The cost of one crystal is up to 60 rubles, and you can sell the finished product for 100-150 rubles. It can be sold to needlewomen, jewelry shops, specialty stores. If the range and volume of products is wide, it makes sense to open an online store. As practice shows, the cultivation and sale of artificial crystals bring about 20 thousand rubles. per month.

crystal making

Mobile apiary

There are a huge number of interesting business ideas for the village. A cost-effective and quick payback idea is a mobile apiary. Compared with stationary apiaries, such designs allow you to collect up to two times more honey. This is due to the saving of the flight time of the bee from the apiary to the flowers.

As a rule, mobile pavilions are created on the basis of military trailers. But, in principle, there is nothing complicated in placing hives in a regular trailer. Hives can be installed in two tiers. The entrepreneur freely moves this design to places where the most favorable conditions are observed.

When buying or independently installing a bee pavilion trailer, pay attention to the possibility of winter operation. As a rule, it is necessary to additionally insulate the walls with plywood, roofing material and mounting foam. The pavilion costs the entrepreneur about 200 thousand rubles. (plus / minus, depending on configuration and other factors). It is also worth taking care of buying a truck tractor and, of course, the bees themselves. The minimum amount of initial investment is 1 million rubles or more. As a rule, investments pay off in two or three seasons.

To implement this idea, it is necessary to register an IP or LLC, as well as register with the administration for agricultural regulation and get a passport for an apiary. Beekeeping products are not subject to licensing. But it is necessary to conduct laboratory analysis and obtain the conclusion of the SES.

Mushroom cultivation

A rather promising way to make money in the village is to grow champignons. Mushroom business in the domestic space is not sufficiently developed, and therefore the competition in this sector is not particularly fierce, therefore, beginning entrepreneurs have every chance of success. In addition, it is not difficult to master the technology of growing champignons, because there is a lot of available information and video courses.

To implement this option of a business idea for a village / village, you will need a room with an area of ​​about 550 m 2 . Of these, 400 m 2 will be allocated for compost production, 50 m 2 for pasteurization of compost. Two more zones of 50 m 2 will be allotted for growing mycelium and growing champignons directly. The room must be equipped with plumbing, ventilation and heating system.

When growing mushrooms on multi-tiered racks with an area of ​​500 m2, you can collect up to 10 tons of mushrooms per cycle (2.5 months). The amount of net profit under this condition is from $ 4,000.

mushroom cultivation

Other business ideas and trends for the village

The vast majority of entrepreneurs mistakenly consider the countryside unpromising. In fact, for a talented entrepreneur, it can become a real gold mine. Here are some more options for business ideas from scratch for a village and a village in Russia:

  • freezing fruits and vegetables;
  • opening of its own forge;
  • production of country and garden furniture from wood;
  • production of juices, compotes and preserves;
  • potato packing;
  • cheese production;
  • production of barbecue grills;
  • shrimp cultivation;
  • organization of paid fishing;
  • growing blackberries;
  • production of eurofences;
  • growing Japanese trees (bonsai);
  • manufacturing modular greenhouses;
  • growing tulips;
  • the production of fried seeds;
  • production of dumplings;
  • growing nuts;
  • production of garden paths from a log house;
  • breeding parrots;
  • making brooms for a bath;
  • brick production;
  • production and sale of kvass.


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