Job description of an accountant for inventory accounting: basic requirements and responsibilities

The profession of accountant is in demand in any officially registered company. Many tasks contribute to this, without which it is difficult to imagine entrepreneurial activity. According to federal law number 402, accounting, its maintenance is the responsibility of any economic organization, from the moment of its opening to the official termination of activity. An entrepreneur is granted the right to assign this function to any official of his organization, as well as to conclude an agreement on the provision of services by a third-party company. Along with the need for accounting is undeniable and its importance for the company itself. Reporting allows you to make better management decisions based on an understanding of the real situation in the company. This article will acquaint you with the job description of an accountant for inventory accounting, and will also form ideas about the features of activities within this profession.

What are the purposes of accounting?

According to the law of our country, accounting is not a right, but an obligation that every economic entity must comply with from the moment of state registration until its official termination. Thus, failure to perform this activity or violation of the procedure for its implementation is a sufficient basis for the state to impose sanctions on the company.

One of the purposes for which accounting is carried out is to provide government agencies with information about transactions related to the property of the company. The meaning of this activity is the correct calculation of taxes. Every organization should be interested in this.

An equally important goal for which accounting is carried out is to make the right economic decisions. The information collected gives an idea of ​​the state of the company, allows you to change its policy in a timely manner in order to achieve the highest economic results, and at least allows the organization to avoid losses as a result of not-so-profitable decisions.

Accounting objectives

What is accounting?

Accounting is a collection of information organized by a company on operations that are related to its property. Data obtained through this tool is recorded either on paper or on software media.

Each company is obliged to control the primary documentation. This process is the recording of information about changes in the capital of the company that have arisen as a result of the performance of certain business operations. Primary documents include those that indicate the conduct of economic actions that entailed changes in the state of the organization. The data in the primary documentation is recorded in accounting registers.

What is accounting?

What is inventory accounting?

Before moving on to the job description of an accountant for inventory accounting, it is necessary to understand what this type of activity is. Companies have to deal with tangible property, which is constantly moving as a result of activities. These are the materials needed for production, and finished products. Accounting for goods and materials in accounting is a timely reflection of operations performed on tangible property.

Any operations related to company property are documented. In order to increase the convenience and speed of the implementation of these activities, inventory programs are used. For specialists in this field of activity, their knowledge is mandatory. Training "1C: Accounting" allows you to keep professional records in many areas of the business of the company.

What is inventory accounting

What operations include inventory accounting

The job description of an accountant on inventory accounting includes those requirements that are necessary for the quality implementation of work in the relevant field. However, what operations does this activity include?

Inventories can be represented by stocks (which are used in the manufacturing process), incomplete and ready for sale products, as well as assets that are needed for management. Material and material inventory is carried out on the basis of primary documentation.

Inventory accounting includes the following operations:

  • Placement of inventory in the organization’s warehouse.
  • Recording information in the primary documentation (quantity, quality of goods and materials, compliance with the supply agreement).
  • Reflection of information on the movement of material assets between departments within the organization, on the delivery of waste products and defective products.
  • Monitoring the availability of goods and materials, reconciliation of information. accounting and warehouse.
  • Reflection of information on write-off of values ​​related to this category.
What operations does inventory accounting include?


The job description of the accountant for the inventory of goods and materials describes the duties, rights and responsibilities. So, what are the responsibilities of an employee in this professional field? The accountant must:

  1. To be guided by the legislation which regulates this sphere.
  2. Carry out work with primary documents, prepare them for the process of counting processing.
  3. To fix operations on accounting of materials on accounts. accounting.
  4. Mark the cost of materials.
  5. Make tax deductions.
  6. Provide access to accounting information to those who are its users.
  7. Carry out the creation of: non-standard forms of documents for recording actions relating to property; a systematic chart of accounts boo. accounting; documents for internal reporting; the order and features of accounting and processing of information within its work area.
  8. To carry out the preparation of information on the basis of which the report is prepared, monitor the status of the documentation (safety), and prepare it for placement in the archive.
  9. Design the database, make changes to reference and regulatory documents that are used when working with data within this area of ​​work.

Also, employees of this sphere of professional activity are recommended to undergo training “1C: Accounting”. This improves the quality of reporting.

What is obliged to do an accountant for inventory accounting

What rights does the accountant have for this job site?

In carrying out its activities, the accountant for the accounting of materials has a number of rights. He takes part in the discussion of decisions concerning his field of activity. If necessary, may involve other employees in the implementation of the work, after agreement with the head. In the performance of his duties, he has the right to use the information received from other employees and departments. Along with this, the accountant can contact his management with the aim of requesting assistance in ensuring the conditions for the quality performance of his duties.

What is the responsibility of an accountant for goods and materials?

Like any other hired worker, the accountant is responsible for the quality of the work performed by him, for the violations committed, for causing material damage to the company, as well as for non-compliance with the norms of the organization.

What is the responsibility of an accountant for goods and materials?


Regardless of the specific direction of accounting, the accountant is a very important employee in any officially registered company. This employee helps to cope with the tax aspect of entrepreneurship. But its benefits to the organization are not limited to this. The information that the accountant works with is the basis for making business decisions in any company.


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