Traditional medicine: herbs from alcoholism

Even in the oldest monuments of writing there are references to alcohol. But alcoholism as a disease was scientifically described in the late XIX - early XX centuries .. The fight against this disease began even before our era in Ancient Egypt, China and India. Since the same ancient times, herbs from alcoholism have been widely used, used during its treatment.

herbs from alcoholism
Completely abandoning alcohol and proceeding with the fight against alcohol addiction, to increase the effect, the patient can take any infusion of herbs. The following herbs from alcoholism are most often used : thyme, St. John's wort, calendula, wormwood and others.

30 g of thyme grass is poured into 0.4 liters of water, then boiled for a quarter of an hour, cooled, filtered and added with boiling water so that the amount of liquid is equal to the original. Treatment is required daily for 2 weeks.

St. John's wort is crushed to get 4 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried grass. Pour boiling water (at least 500 ml) and incubate in a water bath for about half an hour. Chilled and filtered broth take 2 tbsp. spoons twice a day, for example, in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner.

encoded from alcoholism
Such herbs from alcoholism, such as bitter wormwood, centaury small and thyme creeping, help to overcome cravings for alcohol and eliminate withdrawal symptoms. Herbs are taken in the following consistency: 1: 2: 4. For infusion, 1 tbsp is required. spoon of this collection, which is poured with one glass (200 g) boiling water. The next step, the mixture is kept in a water bath (it will be enough 15-20 minutes.). After standing for 30 minutes, filter and add water (to recreate the original volume of liquid). Take three times a day.

For infusion, they take aronia (fruits), ordinary mountain ash (fruits), marsh ledum (shoots) - 1 part each; medicinal dandelion (roots), meadowsweet (roots) - 2 parts each; prickly Eleoterococcus (roots), Rhodiola rosea (roots and rhizomes) - 3 parts each. These herbs from alcoholism normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system and eliminate the neurotic reactions associated with the prohibition of alcohol. To prepare this infusion, take 1 tbsp. spoon (preferably with the top) of the collection and pour boiling water (1 cup), and then boil for 30 minutes. Then the medicine is defended for one hour in a sealed container, then filtered and only then added with water to replenish the original volume. The resulting infusion is taken daily twice a day after meals (½ cup).

Take a large pot (3 liters), which is half filled with oats in the husk, poured to the top with cold water and boiled for 40 minutes, then the broth is drained and about 100 g of freshly picked calendula flowers are added to it . The pan with the cooked broth is tightly wrapped so that heat does not come out, and insist 12 hours. Take daily 1 glass of infusion immediately before meals.

from alcohol
Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of field mint (the leaves are ground beforehand) and placed in a pan. The next step is to fill the contents with 1 glass of boiling water. Then it is heated in a water bath (20-25 minutes is enough), after which it is cooled and filtered. On this broth is ready. Infusion is taken in ½ cup twice a day, strictly 60-70 minutes after eating. After each intake of infusion after 10 minutes. rinse your mouth with a solution (1 tbsp.spoon of vodka in ½ cup of water). After 2 weeks, an aversion to alcohol appears.

The root of the lovage is poured with a glass of vodka, 2 bay leaves are added. Insist 14 days, at the end of which they drink. The broth causes an aversion to alcohol.

Alcoholism is a disease that affects the central nervous system and vital organs of a person. Those who decide to code for alcoholism should be ready to embark on a sober life, starting to build their destiny from scratch.


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