How does a cabbage leaf help for coughing?

It is unlikely that a person will be found who has never encountered a cough, the main symptom of respiratory diseases. True, it does not always mean that there is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, trachea or lungs. It can also be caused by bronchospasm, inflammation of the larynx, heart failure, and other diseases. This article will discuss how to cure a cold cough with a simple remedy for traditional healers.

cabbage leaf for cough

What is a cough?

This is a symptom of the disease, a reflex that demonstrates that there is inflammation and irritation of the respiratory mucosa, therefore, treatment in the case of a cold is not aimed at eliminating it, but at eliminating and diluting sputum, which is the source of reproduction of various pathogens. It is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible with the very first signs of a cold, in order to avoid complications in the future, including pneumonia or bronchitis.

The treatment of cough with a cabbage leaf with honey has been used successfully and for a long time. This is due to the special properties of the vegetable, which in its composition contains, in addition to minerals and vitamins, mustard oil, antioxidants, organic acids and a large number of other substances useful for the body.

Tolerance test

Cabbage leaf from cough is used to treat even children, it is safe. In this case, honey should be handled carefully, as this product can cause acute allergies. This concerns especially the treatment of babies.

In order to conduct the test, it is necessary to grease a small piece of cabbage leaf with honey, and then put it in place of the elbow bend. If after 10 minutes there will be no reaction, you can safely begin treatment.

cabbage leaf with cough honey for a child

Cabbage leaf for cough for children can be used only after the test is done.

Cabbage leaf with honey

Most often, the cabbage leaf for cough is used in the form of a compress that can cope with the infection, reduce pain and relieve the inflammatory process. Our grandmothers treated us like that in childhood in this way - different herbs inside and on the chest of a cabbage leaf with honey. This compress perfectly warms the chest, in addition, helps coughing. From time to time, just a couple of procedures are enough to bring substantial relief. In this case, the main thing is not to start the disease, even with a slight cough, you need to start doing the procedure.

Cabbage leaf compress when coughing

How to make a compress to get a benefit as a result?

You need to take leaves for a compress from juicy elastic healthy heads of cabbage, cut off the rough central parts from them and lower them in boiling water for a minute so that the leaf is heated and softened. Then roll it with a bottle or rolling pin so that it starts up juice.

In a water bath, honey must first be heated. It should become warm and easily spread on cabbage. Take a spoonful of honey on 1 sheet. Apply it evenly and quickly and apply it to the chest, to the place where we put the mustard. In this case, the region of the heart must be left open. Apply a thick layer of material, such as cotton, flannel, flax, on top, then cover with a scarf or a warm scarf that needs to be tied to the chest so that the compress holds firmly.

cabbage leaf for cough for children

If the cough is in the initial stage, one sheet per procedure is enough, if the process has already worsened, put the prepared second sheet between the shoulder blades on the back. Such compresses must be applied daily at night up to 7 times. Basically, at this point, the cough is completely subsiding, of course, if the treatment was started on time.

After removing the compress in the morning, the skin should be wiped with a damp soft towel and dress warmly. If the cough is accompanied by a headache, fever, this may be the result of an infection, then it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Cabbage leaf for cough can be used in its pure form if your baby or you are allergic to honey. Do everything as described above, but without honey. Such a compress also copes well with coughing, improves sputum discharge and warms up. Honey can be replaced with butter or castor oil or warmed up pork internal fat.


In addition to the compress, you can prepare a decoction of cabbage, for which well rinse 2 sheets, cut them into small pieces and boil in 0.5 l of water for about 10 minutes. Then drain the broth, cool and drink three times a day in half a glass. It will saturate your body with mineral salts, strengthen immunity and accelerate the passage of sputum from the bronchi.

Such a decoction is contraindicated in infectious diarrhea, flatulence, and functional disorders of the liver. If within one week the cough does not go away , you need to seek help from a specialist.

Cabbage leaf for children

A child can not always be given drugs from a pharmacy that have a huge number of side effects. Simple harmless folk remedies help cough in the early stages of the disease.

cabbage leaf cough reviews

It is worth noting that a cabbage leaf with cough honey can be given to a child only as an adjunct to treatment. It is advisable to immediately show the baby to the doctor, thus preventing the development of serious diseases.

A sheet of honey can be placed on the back or chest of a child if he is not allergic to honey, and also provided that the cough is moist, cold in nature, while the body temperature is low. Do this compress for the night, carefully wrapping the baby. By morning, the cough basically becomes softer, the bronchi from sputum cleans better. Basically, three procedures are enough to completely cough.

Cabbage leaf with cough honey for a child can be replaced with a cake if it has sensitive skin. To do this, make a mixture of honey and chopped cabbage. You need to take 2 tablespoons of honey on one sheet. Put the finished mass on a gauze napkin from several layers, cover with the same layer of gauze on top, and then put it on your back or chest, like mustard. This compress should be kept for an hour, then removed, the place of application should be wiped with a damp towel, after which the child should be put to bed, giving him cough weed.

Cabbage leaf for cough for children is also used in the form of a decoction. In addition to the compress, the baby can be given it three times a day in a tablespoon in a warm form with half a spoon of honey.

cabbage leaf cough treatment


Coughing during pregnancy itself is very harmful, because at this moment many organs and the abdominal wall are strained, which can damage the unborn baby, as well as lead to a miscarriage. In particular, a cough is dangerous if it is caused by inflammatory processes in the lower and upper respiratory tract at any stage of development. Therefore, with the simplest symptoms of SARS or a cold, an urgent consultation of a specialist is required.

At some stages of pregnancy, treatment with medications is contraindicated and it is not always possible to use even mustard plasters, therefore, various alternative methods are used as an alternative, one of them is a cabbage leaf for coughing. During pregnancy, it is also applied to the chest in the form of a compress instead of the usual mustard.

During this period of time, any treatment methods, medications agreed upon should be with the doctor.

a cabbage leaf compress when coughing


Cabbage leaf from coughing has no contraindications, it is very rare that intolerance to this product may occur. At the same time, honey can cause a severe allergic reaction, therefore, it cannot be used even externally if you are allergic to beekeeping products (honey in particular).


There are some restrictions on the use of cabbage leaf:

  1. You can not do warming compresses at high temperature.
  2. A leaf of cabbage with honey does not overlap the skin if there is damage in the form of sores or abrasions.
  3. Compresses cannot be used in the presence of enlarged lymph nodes.

cabbage leaf from cough during pregnancy

Cabbage leaf for cough: reviews

Reading reviews about this tool, you can find out that it is very effective if treatment begins in the early stages of the disease. Moreover, if the disease is already running, then it is unlikely to cure it in this way.


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