How to cook potato pancakes?

Draniki is one of the favorite dishes of Belarusians. They are cooked in any kitchen, and rightly so, because the potatoes that Belarusians gently call the “bulb” are the pride of the country, and during times of crisis it also helps us out a lot.

I must say that the process of cooking potato pancakes will not take you much time. Indeed, for this dish you will need a minimum of quite affordable products that are in every home, and another half hour to fry them.

How to cook potato pancakes?

For the preparation of potato pancakes, you will need the following products: 7-8 pcs. large potatoes, two heads of onions, 2 eggs, a couple of spoons of wheat flour, soda, salt, vegetable oil, spices, sour cream for dressing.

According to tradition, potato pancakes are prepared from the so-called tarkovannoy mass. The tarkovannaya mass is a potato wiped through a grater (or blender), which is mixed with potato juice formed during the preparation process .

How to make potato pancakes so that they are not loose? First you need to lay out the whole potato mass on a piece of gauze to remove excess juice.

Then we take chopped onions, put it in a bowl with grated potatoes, in addition to adding taste, it also protects the potatoes from darkening.

Add two tablespoons of wheat flour to the dough (some put starch instead of flour). Then we drive a couple of eggs (1 pc. Per 1 kg of potato), put salt and a little soda.

How to make potato pancakes so that they are tasty and fragrant? The taste of pancakes is well emphasized by the following spices: black pepper, marjoram and celery root. Put spices, mix again and you can start frying. Do this in a preheated pan, fry pancakes in vegetable oil.

How to make potato pancakes so that they are beautiful? Fry them over low heat until golden brown.

Draniki is served on the table with sour cream, butter, mashed cranberries, and a daub.

How to cook potato pancakes with minced meat.

In order to cook potato pancakes with minced meat, you will need the following products: 7-8 pcs. large potatoes, 300 g minced pork or beef with pork, two onions, a couple of eggs, two tablespoons of wheat flour, salt, soda, vegetable oil, spices, sour cream.

How to make dough for such pancakes. In exactly the same way as for the previous ones.

Peel and grate potatoes. Squeeze excess juice through cheesecloth. Then add chopped onion in a meat grinder, as well as eggs, flour, salt and spices (ground pepper, marjoram, celery root, for example), mix everything well. Then grind the pork in a meat grinder, cook minced pork, add salt, ground black pepper and mix everything well.

Further. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and start spreading potato dough on it. When the cake is set, for each pancake we put a small thin cutlet of minced meat. On top of it we put another spoonful of potato mass on the meat. Fry on the one hand until golden brown, then on the other, then reduce the heat and simmer under the lid until cooked.

Serve draniki preferably hot, with sour cream sauce.

How to cook potato pancakes with meat.

Ingredients: 7-8 large potato tubers, 200 grams of pork meat, two onions, two eggs, salt, a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour, vegetable oil, 3 cloves of garlic, spices, sour cream and baking soda.

Peel the garlic, onions and potatoes finely chopped and grind through a meat grinder. Chop meat and grind through a meat grinder. Add the ground meat to the pre-cooked potato mass. We put eggs, flour, salt and spices there. All mix well. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and spread the dough into the heated oil with a spoon, frying on both sides over low heat until an orange crust. Draniki should be served either with sour cream, or with cracklings and fried eggs.


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