Evening hairstyles on the "square": current options and instructions for creating them

Not every girl prefers to leave long hair. Many do not want to collect strands in some composition every day, spend a lot of time on care. With a short haircut, everything is much simpler: they are easier to wash and dry, therefore, choosing a suitable hairstyle, many choose a “haircut” haircut. This is the most popular form; its length usually barely touches the shoulder line. By its styling, this haircut is simple, especially for work or school, but if it comes to celebrations, then the girls seriously think about what evening hairstyles on the "square" can be done at home?

evening hairstyles

Short hairstyles option

"Kare" has long been a short haircut, but also on such strands you can make original, feminine and beautiful styling. Evening hairstyles on the "square" can be divided into several main groups:

  • High collected.
  • Bunches collected below.
  • Loose (curled).
  • Asymmetric.
  • Complex (using overhead strands).

Each presented option is selected individually for the oval of the face, outfit and event. It is worth considering separately some interesting and popular evening hairstyles on the "square".

evening hairstyles

Curls - stylish styling on hair of any length

The universal and most popular option are curls, curled curls. Such options look especially feminine on the “haircuts” haircuts, but in order not to be banal, it is worth trying Hollywood waves that will give any evening outfit special aesthetics and elegance.

How to make Hollywood curls on a haircut?

  1. Comb hair thoroughly.
  2. Curl locks using curlers or curling iron in the same direction and on the same length.
  3. After curling, you need to take a comb with rare teeth and comb your hair.
  4. Using a long comb to get smooth, even waves on the hair.
  5. If desired, the ends of the hair can be twisted and neatly laid (attach the hair to the base of the head).
  6. If you want, you can add a bright shiny accessory to the evening hairstyles on the "square". Photos of many examples prove that large accessories look much prettier.
  7. Fix the result with hairspray.

long hairstyles

Such evening hairstyles on the "square" are especially popular among celebrities, for example, singers or actresses on the red carpet.

Bunches combined with curls - feminine and neat

Evening hairstyles are always distinguished by their sophistication, sophistication. At an important event, I want to wear all the best, and in addition to this make a stylish styling. When choosing a long evening dress, special attention should be paid to bun-shaped hairstyles. On the "square" the bunches are best done on the back of the head at the very bottom, and complement all this with beautiful flowing curls.

How to make evening hairstyles for a bob haircut?

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly and curl it in curls or light curls.
  2. Divide the strands into two parts along the horizontal parting.
  3. Fasten the upper part of the hair and remove it with a hairpin.
  4. The lower strand should be twisted into a bundle, collecting hair in a ponytail and twisting it into a braid, or fasten hair in a ponytail and use a pile to make a large volume on the locks, then gently clip them to give the shape of a ball.
  5. The resulting beam is fixed with a fixing varnish.
  6. The upper strands need to be pulled towards the bundle and twisted in a “snail” shape in one direction, under the base of the bundle.
  7. Using a large accessory, such as an artificial flower, attach it to the side of the beam.
  8. Fix hairdo with hair spray.

Evening hairstyles on an elongated "square"

A haircut of this shape is characterized in that the front strands, unlike the hair on the back of the head, are much longer. For such hair, combing and various kinds of application are especially suitable for this hair, and therefore this element should be given special attention when choosing evening hairstyles on a “square”. Photos of many examples demonstrate that combing makes any styling brighter and more beautiful.

So, for example, to create a beautiful and elegant style for an evening event, you need to do a pile on the top. Due to the long strands, all the “chaos” will be covered, and you get a stylish, smooth and voluminous styling.

evening hairstyles on a square photo

Fleece styling

You can do it like this:

  1. Having carefully combed your hair and straightened it to an ideal state, you need to divide them into several parts. Remove all the upper strands for a while. Also fix the side hair so that it does not interfere.
  2. Then, on the resulting strands in the middle, a pile is done. A separate part of the hair is taken and combed in the direction from the ends to the base. This can be done with a thin comb with frequent teeth. Fleece is done only on the hair that is on the crown. Those strands that will be lower do not need to be voluminous.
  3. After fixing the pile with varnish, you need to take the side strands and comb them to a smooth state. Using a copious amount of gel, mousse and varnish, make smooth whiskey. Since the strands are long, then you need to fix their tips under a pile, using invisibility.
  4. The upper strands must also be carefully combed and laid on top of the pile and the hair attached under them. The main thing is that visually everything is smooth, voluminous and neat.

Choosing from a huge variety of hairstyles suitable for a “haircut” haircut, it is worth considering all possible options, because on short hair it is much easier to change something and conduct experiments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32856/

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